Ukrainian neo-Nazis attack Moscow concert hall (OPEN)


ButterMilk Man
Ukraine is a terrorist state, China Bloc is very clear on this point....however this plan was likely hatched in Washington. What we are doing will result in the rest of the world being even more committed to demanding that America pay dearly for our various crimes...this is justice they argue.

Crocus City, a large mall and music venue just northwest of the Russian capital, came under attack by unknown assailants late on Friday.

Several individuals armed with assault rifles attacked visitors, shooting them on sight at point-blank range. The attackers also targeted a concert hall at the mall, setting it on fire and triggering a major blaze in the whole building.

The Russian authorities are investigating the incident as a terrorist attack. No party immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, while the gunmen did not make any statements or attempt to take hostages, apparently just seeking to kill as many as possible.
The Russians have been very clear that they consider their enemy to be the West, not the Ukrainians....that the Ukrainians function as useful idiots.
From RT:

21:46 GMT
The Health Ministry of Moscow Region has shared a list of 146 people who were injured during the attack.

21:33 GMT
Some 37 people injured in the attack have been hospitalized, the Health Ministry of Moscow Region has said.

21:08 GMT
A member of the band Piknik, which was scheduled to perform on Friday evening, has been missing after the attack, the band’s director has told RIA Novosti.
Ukraine is a terrorist state, China Bloc is very clear on this point....however this plan was likely hatched in Washington. What we are doing will result in the rest of the world being even more committed to demanding that America pay dearly for our various crimes...this is justice they argue.

Where was your baseless argument hatched? Ukraine with its bombed cities is the victim of a terrorist state.
The children of Washington are trying to provoke the Russians into going after civilians in Ukraine, in order to make resolving the conflict they provoked in Ukraine harder....also into taking Western Ukraine....which they have no intention of doing and would be a decades long nightmare.
ISIS claimed responsibility but the Russians dont believe it....lots of reports that ISIS is basically a CIA operation but the West almost certainly used Ukrainians for this mission.
On March 7, the US Embassy in the Russian Federation called on its citizens not to go shopping in shopping centers and concert halls.
My claim the the majority opinion around the world.

You also call your wife a slut and TOP your mistress, dumbass.

Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, from March 10th:
US Embassy Warns of Major Extremist Attack in Moscow as Security Forces Neutralize ISIS Cell Plotting Synagogue Attack
Following the U.S. several countries including Britain, Canada, South Korea, and Latvia echoed the warning.
The U.S. embassy in Russia issued a warning regarding potential major extremist attack in Moscow, shortly after Russian security services claimed to have thwarted a planned attack on a synagogue. The embassy urged American citizens to leave Russia immediately and advised them to avoid large gatherings, including concerts, over the next 48 hours.
ISIS claims responsibility for attack in busy Moscow-area concert venue that left at least 40 dead
ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack at a popular concert venue complex near Moscow Friday that left at least 40 dead and more than 100 wounded after assailants stormed the venue with guns and incendiary devices.

The terror group took responsibility for the attack in a short statement published by ISIS-affiliated news agency Amaq on Telegram on Friday. The group did not provide evidence to support the claim.

Video footage from the site of the attack, the Crocus City Hall concert venue, shows the vast complex, which is home to both the music hall and a shopping center, on fire with smoke billowing into the air. State-run RIA Novosti reported the armed individuals “opened fire with automatic weapons” and “threw a grenade or an incendiary bomb, which started a fire.” They then “allegedly fled in a white Renault car,” the news agency said.

State media Russia 24 reported the roof on the venue has partially collapsed.
ISIS claimed responsibility but the Russians dont believe it....lots of reports that ISIS is basically a CIA operation but the West almost certainly used Ukrainians for this mission.

Your hate for the US is clear. When will you and your Russian spy family move back home to Mother Russia?

CIA Vet: Why is the US rushing to deny Ukrainian involvement in Moscow terrorist attack?

The Biden administration has no basis for confidently declaring that Ukraine had nothing to do with the Moscow terrorist attack, former CIA and State Department analyst Larry Johnson told Sputnik.

“We still don’t know how many shooters there were. We don’t know what the weapons were. We don’t know what the firearms were. We don’t know what the explosives were. We don’t know how many were actually killed, how many wounded, but yet the US State Department knows that it was not Ukraine. And [this statement] comes on a day that one of the CIA propaganda outlets came out and said that the Biden White House and the intelligence community were very concerned about what they call ‘brazen’, unwarranted attacks by Ukraine,” he said.

Johnson added that he suspected that US the had information about the attack beforehand did not share it with Russia.


This makes sense....this attack is moronic....if the Ukrainians did it then it does not help Ukraine, it helps Putin....even the children of Washington are not so dumb that they cant understand this.
ISIS is taking credit for the attack. Delete this thread and start an accurate one.

ISIS it is claimed is a CIA operation, if so maybe this claim is false and intended to take the heat off of the Ukrainians. It is not uncommon for false claims of responsibility for terrorism to take place.
ISIS is taking credit for the attack. Delete this thread and start an accurate one.

ISIS is always taking credit for successful terrorist attacks carried out by others. They would certainly take this opportune time to take credit for this one, whether they carried it out or not.

But, everything does seem to be pointing in their direction.
Whether this was Ukraine or ISIS the Russians will hold the Brits and Americans responsible....the only difference is that if it was ISIS then Mossad was also in the mix.