Ultra rich unsatisfied: study

when will people realize its not words to make poor people feel better about being poor

Money can buy THINGS

money cant buy happiness
Are you going to donate your slum properties to the homeless?

I don't have any

you gonna donate your tiny brain to science so they can figure out why poor people like you can be convinced to vote against their own interests all their lives?
Its a quick and interesting read

they make money to compete with the jones

it leaves them with unsatisfied lives

when you place things over people you empty the human soul

its too easy for the wealthy to get caught in that

it leaves them empty and feeling like life is shallow

wealth makes it harder to be happy when you reach a certain level of wealth

what fools
10-23-2013, 08:25 AM
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Ive stood toe to toe with TWO drug dealers in my life.

They both got the fuck out and I still own both houses.

both were huge 6'3"ish 300 pounders.

one white and one was black.

Big guys think they can just get away anything sometimes.

I spit in the face of the black guy and sprayed the white guy with my hose.

Blew the fucking neighbors away with my actions.
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the post of mine you quoted is 5 years old

how did you now I didn't sell my vegas house in those years ?

oh and its a 4 bedroom 3bath over 2000 sq foot in a good neighborhood

so either way you are wrong
Once you reach a certain level of wealth, the rest is just keeping score.

yeap once your life is secure enough to allow you to breath easy money can make you mistake what can make you truly happy

yes things can be nice and make you day to day life easier but they just wont fill your soul

this is why the 1 percent are often not the best Kind of people

they keep chasing that imaginary number that will prove they are worthy.

money will never make you worthy

It can make you secure but not worthy

only sociopaths don't understand that

so they become the ones still chasing the buck no matter how well they have done

Donate your properties to the homeless, unless you are a hypocrite.

You are.

these types of posts show you are an unsatisfied human

your only joy is imagining the pain you believe you cause

No money and only imaginary pain of others as your wealth.

you are truly a pathetic excuse for a human being

I hope for your sake you are actually a russo bot hole

that would much less pathetic
yeap once your life is secure enough to allow you to breath easy money can make you mistake what can make you truly happy yes things can be nice and make you day to day life easier but they just wont fill your soul this is why the 1 percent are often not the best Kind of people they keep chasing that imaginary number that will prove they are worthy. money will never make you worthy It can make you secure but not worthy only sociopaths don't understand that
so they become the ones still chasing the buck no matter how well they have done

Donate your houses to the homeless, hypocrite.
A great read.

Thanks for posting this, evince.

It only confirms to me why it is so wise to think of happiness not in terms of how much wealth one possesses, but in other more intangible terms.

"The research Norton has conducted illustrating this phenomenon is dispiriting. In a paper published earlier this year, he and his collaborators asked more than 2,000 people who have net worths of at least $1 million (including many whose wealth far exceeded that threshold) how happy they were on a scale of 1 to 10, and then how much more money they would need to get to 10. “All the way up the income-wealth spectrum,” Norton told me, “basically everyone says [they’d need] two or three times as much" to be perfectly happy."

It is SO foolish to tie your aspirations for happiness to wealth acquisition. Once you have enough wealth to have the basics covered, plus a little to play with? You are as happy as money can make you. Any further improvement in your happiness has to come from within, not from your bank account.

If bank accounts = happiness ,,, they would call them happiness accounts!

James Taylor got it right:

The Secret Of Life

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.

People who are obsessed with wealth acquisition? They don't understand the simple secret of life.

You only get so many days to be alive.

What are you going to do with them?

Seems to me, once you've got wealth acquisition covered? There is no point in toiling any more unless what you are doing truly makes you happy. And if that happiness causes other people to be miserable? It is a VERY SHALLOW happiness. Not true happiness.

Wasting your days seeking more wealth than you really need? Totally foolish. I feel a bit sorry for super-wealthy people who do this. Life is too precious to be wasted amassing a needless number on a bank account balance.

And some people say they want to do it for their children. What? they are not capable of doing that on their own? You want to deprive them of the feeling of accomplishment of making it in this world? Makes no sense.

Ya gotta live your own life. Nobody else is going to do it for you, and you shouldn't try to do it for somebody else, either.
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It is SO foolish to tie your aspirations for happiness to wealth acquisition. Once you have enough wealth to have the basics covered, plus a little to play with? You are as happy as money can make you. Any further improvement in your happiness has to come from within, not from your bank account. If bank accounts = happiness ,,, they would call them happiness accounts! James Taylor got it right

James Taylor reportedly has a net worth of 60 million dollars.

A great read.

Thanks for posting this, evince.

It only confirms to me why it is so wise to think of happiness not in terms of how much wealth one possesses, but in other more intangible terms.

It is SO foolish to tie your aspirations for happiness to wealth acquisition. Once you have enough wealth to have the basics covered, plus a little to play with? You are as happy as money can make you. Any further improvement in your happiness has to come from within, not from your bank account.

If bank accounts = happiness ,,, they would call them happiness accounts!

James Taylor got it right:

The Secret Of Life

so true

as I always suggest to people who are upset with life is to go to some place where they can sit calmly and just try to enjoy being there.

sit and watch the birds fly by and the squirl climb the tree or sit and watch the water ripple and the trees sway.

as you do that remind your self that THIS is what real life is

It is NOT your woes ( they are passing and evolving)

the gift of reaching into your inner being and reminding your self that just being in the world is a gift

of all the molecules floating in space you found a collection of molecules to inhabit that allow you to walk the world

try to feel lucky to have ever taken a breath