Ultra rich unsatisfied: study


The term "eye of a needle" is used as a metaphor for a very narrow opening. It occurs several times throughout the Talmud. The New Testament quotes Jesus as saying that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God".
so why is it that those that claim to be the religious ones insist the best people in America are the ultra wealthy?
Music makes me happy.

Being with good people makes me happy.

You can't buy that.

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.

It is so simple it amazes me it is so elusive to so many.

I do feel sorry for those who are obsessed with wealth acquisition far in excess of needs. Hey, if it comes to you easy, fine. Enjoy it. But to deny yourself happiness in pursuit of more, when you already have plenty? Totally foolish. As if you can buy more days on the planet to enjoy it.

No wonder so many conservatives are so hacked off about taxing.

They think they are losing the battle for happiness if some of their wealth is taxed away - even if they have way more than they ever need!

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Desh = lying hypocrite

Unintentional irony:

Its a quick and interesting read they make money to compete with the jones it leaves them with unsatisfied lives when you place things over people you empty the human soul its too easy for the wealthy to get caught in that it leaves them empty and feeling like life is shallow wealth makes it harder to be happy when you reach a certain level of wealth what fools oh and its a 4 bedroom 3bath over 2000 sq foot in a good neighborhood

I still own both houses.
So you say, hypocrite. Is one-percenter Taylor paying his fair share? Why does he keep working? Why doesn't he give $59 million to the poor?


you suggest he should stop making music?

wow you really are one horribly lost soul who only seeks to create pain in others

how deeply pathetic you are.

hell I even feel sorry for the human creature who was forced to write your russo bot hole program
I do feel sorry for those who are obsessed with wealth acquisition. No wonder so many conservatives are so hacked off about taxing. They think they are losing the battle for happiness if some of their wealth is taxed away - even if they have way more than they ever need! Fools.

Post the proof that you pay the US Treasury more than you have to.

I'll understand if you can't, of course.

Liberals seem to think it's only rich conservatives who are greedy, tight-fisted and miserable, yet they don't seem to have any evidence to back up their smug assumptions.

"The research Norton has conducted illustrating this phenomenon is dispiriting. In a paper published earlier this year, he and his collaborators asked more than 2,000 people who have net worths of at least $1 million (including many whose wealth far exceeded that threshold) how happy they were on a scale of 1 to 10, and then how much more money they would need to get to 10. “All the way up the income-wealth spectrum,” Norton told me, “basically everyone says [they’d need] two or three times as much" to be perfectly happy."
Its a quick and interesting read

they make money to compete with the jones

it leaves them with unsatisfied lives

when you place things over people you empty the human soul

its too easy for the wealthy to get caught in that

it leaves them empty and feeling like life is shallow

wealth makes it harder to be happy when you reach a certain level of wealth

what fools

when will people realize its not words to make poor people feel better about being poor

Money can buy THINGS

money cant buy happiness

Unlike the study Desh claims to have seen that supposedly proved that "Republicans are way more racist than Black people", this study actually exists:

..."counties with a higher proportion of people voting Republican report higher charitable contributions, and tax burden partially mediates this relationship. However, the effect of political ideology on charitable contributions is nonlinear. As the proportion voting Republican in non-Republican-dominated counties increases, the predicted levels of charitable giving actually decreases. In contrast, as the proportion voting Republican increases in Republican-dominated counties, charitable contributions increase."

you don't have morals so why do you pretend to be an expert on morality

Can't answer my questions, can you, Desh?

Why does a man with a reported net worth of $60 million keep charging for his performances?

Doesn't he know that...

yeap once your life is secure enough to allow you to breath easy money can make you mistake what can make you truly happy yes things can be nice and make you day to day life easier but they just wont fill your soul this is why the 1 percent are often not the best Kind of people they keep chasing that imaginary number that will prove they are worthy. money will never make you worthy It can make you secure but not worthy only sociopaths don't understand that
so they become the ones still chasing the buck no matter how well they have done

Are you saying that James Taylor is a mega-rich sociopath, Desh?
Desh sees nothing wrong with DEMOCRATS chasing big bucks


Since Bill and Hillary Clinton left the White House in 2001, they have turned political fame into a personal fortune, raking in more than $240 million, according to analysis of 15 years of their tax returns.

Bill made most of the money, earning $189 million by writing books, giving speeches, consulting private companies and advising billionaire Ron Burkle.

Days after his presidency ended, he earned $125,000 for a speech at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. in New York, according to a financial disclosure form Hillary filed as a senator in 2002.

It was the first of hundreds of paid speeches that collectively made him an estimated $106 million over 15 years.

In 2004 he published his bestselling memoir My Life, one of the former president’s four titles. Clinton earned an estimated $38 million as an author from 2001 to 2015.

In addition to the high-profile books and speaking gigs, he quietly earned several million dollars offering consulting to private companies. He made $15 million advising billionaire Ron Burkle’s investment firm Yucaipa and another $24 million consulting for-profit education companies Laureate Education and GMS Education.

Although Hillary’s earnings lagged during her years in the Senate (2001-09) and President Obama’s cabinet (2009-13), she quickly made up for lost time after leaving public office.

She earned $9 million in speaking fees in both 2013 and 2014.

In 2007, as Hillary was gearing up for a presidential race, she earned only $123,000 as an author and nothing as a speaker. But in 2015, she made $1 million from speaking and $3 million from writing. Her book Hard Choices was released in June 2014, perfect timing for the election season. Its publisher, Simon & Schuster, paid her $12 million from 2013 to 2015.

In 2007, the year Hillary fought Barack Obama for the DEMOCRAT nomination, Bill was traveling to places like Norway, Korea and Germany, earning $9 million from speaking engagements. In 2015, he was far more grounded, earning roughly half as much as a speaker.

Bill Clinton wound down two of his most valuable consulting gigs as his wife fought for the presidency a second time. His earnings from Laureate Education dropped from $4.3 million in 2014 to $1.1 million in 2015 as he stepped down from his role as honorary chancellor of the for-profit university. His earnings from GEMS Education fell from $2.1 million in 2014 to $562,500 in 2015.

With both Clintons on the campaign trail, the power couple earned $11 million in 2015, their lowest total since 2009. Even still, their combined earnings were higher the total compensation packages of some of America’s highest-profile business executives, including Apple CEO Tim Cook.

I love my life.

Life is so good for me!

Maybe it is easier because I gave up on the idea of a God a long time ago. Being free form religious pressure really does ease up on a lot of stress. One of the most important things in being happy is avoiding stress, I think. That's one of the reasons I don't put up with or enable online abuse. It just turns into unneeded stress. And stress detracts from happiness.

To enjoy your life, you need to enjoy your days.

Are you going to have a good day today?

I am, if I have anything to do with it.

And I usually do!

Life is good. I love my life.

You can love yours too.

Try reducing stress and try to move toward having your days full of what you like to do, whatever makes you happy!

Enjoy the passage of time.

Like James Taylor sang.
I love my life.

Life is so good for me!

Maybe it is easier because I gave up on the idea of a God a long time ago. Being free form religious pressure really does ease up on a lot of stress. One of the most important things in being happy is avoiding stress, I think. That's one of the reasons I don't put up with or enable online abuse. It just turns into unneeded stress. And stress detracts from happiness.

To enjoy your life, you need to enjoy your days.

Are you going to have a good day today?

I am, if I have anything to do with it.

And I usually do!

Life is good. I love my life.

You can love yours too.

Try reducing stress and try to move toward having your days full of what you like to do, whatever makes you happy!

Enjoy the passage of time.

Like James Taylor sang.
Absolutely agree!
Poor Desh thinks the Beatles weren't rich.

Paul McCartney's net worth is estimated at $1.2 billion.

