UN says wages should be decided by governments


ButterMilk Man
As the New World Order is set in place wages will be set by the global bureaucrats, primarily run out of the UN.

UN calls for pay cap for workers in 'destructive industries'

Workers tend to be rewarded for the economic value they create rather than what they contribute to society. This is particularly true of care work, which historically was performed by women within households, without pay. This worldview is one factor keeping wages for essential workers down.

"Instead of designing schemes to help people in poverty, economists will become traders; instead of producing food for the community, farmers will produce cash crops for which there is a demand on the high-value markets of rich countries," the report says.

"My call is to governments to remedy this," De Schutter told DW, "and to ensure that teachers, nurses, health care providers are much better paid, and put a cap on the wages paid in the most toxic industries, such as fossil energy trading or advertising."

The Soviet system, which I remind you failed killing a lot of people, is the template.

This time central planning will work we are assured.
"I stood in line for 4.5 hours to get some cheese and I felt lucky to get it, a lot of the time I stand in lines for hours and get nothing, because the supply runs out"

Do you remember those Soviet days?
"I stood in line for 4.5 hours to get some cheese and I felt lucky to get it, a lot of the time I stand in lines for hours and get nothing, because the supply runs out"

Do you remember those Soviet days?

More like this in the Soviet Union:

I constantly steal small quantities of material from my government job. I then barter that for stuff I need from other people stealing stuff from their government jobs. On the side I also work some black-market enterprises that make me extra income...

The best is, that when the Soviet Union fell, I was set to go legit and became a millionaire oligarch overnight...

That's the reality of the Soviet Union.
The overlords have decided that the planet is carrying too many people....the piles of bodies will be a feature not a bug.
More like this in the Soviet Union:

I constantly steal small quantities of material from my government job. I then barter that for stuff I need from other people stealing stuff from their government jobs. On the side I also work some black-market enterprises that make me extra income...

The best is, that when the Soviet Union fell, I was set to go legit and became a millionaire oligarch overnight...

That's the reality of the Soviet Union.

We have learned nothing.
Because socialism and its more virulent cousin, communism, have worked so well in the past...

Neither exists. Socialism is misused by the ruling class to scare those who do not know the difference. The fact is capitalism exists in nearly all nations to varying degrees. We scoff at countries that spread the wealth more equitably and call them socialistic. Rightys want to suck up to the wealthy. They even vote for wealthy people to run the government and make the decisions. What a great way to be on the outside looking in. China is capitalistic. Scandinavian countries are into advanced manufacturing. America buys lots of their products.
Neither exists. Socialism is misused by the ruling class to scare those who do not know the difference. The fact is capitalism exists in nearly all nations to varying degrees. We scoff at countries that spread the wealth more equitably and call them socialistic. Rightys want to suck up to the wealthy. They even vote for wealthy people to run the government and make the decisions. What a great way to be on the outside looking in. China is capitalistic. Scandinavian countries are into advanced manufacturing. America buys lots of their products.

In the 1950's to 70's Western Europe was far more Socialist than today. Many major industries were government owned during that period. They were run into the ground by a combination of strong unions and government management. A perfect example of this was British Leyland--the equivalent of GM in the US. The British and French aerospace industries were in virtual collapse. In Sweden, Saab was government owned back then producing iffy cars. Because Saab was overall an economic loss, the company was allowed to go independent / private in the late 80's and GM bought a controlling share.

China practices statist capitalism. This is very much a fascist idea on socialism. The government controls what is produced, and by whom, but the means of production are left in private hands. Monopolies are allowed, and in many cases, encouraged.

The Europeans realized that socialism doesn't work and dropped much of it. Sure, they retained some systems but they got rid of the bulk of it.
“Liberty is the soul's right to breathe and, when it cannot take a long breath, laws are girdled too tight.”
Rev. Henry Ward Beecher
In the 1950's to 70's Western Europe was far more Socialist than today. Many major industries were government owned during that period. They were run into the ground by a combination of strong unions and government management. A perfect example of this was British Leyland--the equivalent of GM in the US. The British and French aerospace industries were in virtual collapse. In Sweden, Saab was government owned back then producing iffy cars. Because Saab was overall an economic loss, the company was allowed to go independent / private in the late 80's and GM bought a controlling share.

China practices statist capitalism. This is very much a fascist idea on socialism. The government controls what is produced, and by whom, but the means of production are left in private hands. Monopolies are allowed, and in many cases, encouraged.

The Europeans realized that socialism doesn't work and dropped much of it. Sure, they retained some systems but they got rid of the bulk of it.

China sells and manufactures goods that are sold across the planet. That is capitalism. The industries that are making them money were moved there by owners and managers from America. That is what capitalists do. Patriotism is for the uneducated masses.
Europe was never socialistic. After and during the depression, there was a lot of talk about it.
China sells and manufactures goods that are sold across the planet. That is capitalism. The industries that are making them money were moved there by owners and managers from America. That is what capitalists do. Patriotism is for the uneducated masses.
Europe was never socialistic. After and during the depression, there was a lot of talk about it.

Generally the Chinese came in a bought plants, took them apart, took them to China...brought along a few people to supervise putting them back together and operating them, and used labor that cost maybe 5% what Americans who had done the jobs before they became unemployed were paid.

This was all going to work out our leaders assured us, and we mostly trusted them.

What a calamitous mistake that was.
China sells and manufactures goods that are sold across the planet. That is capitalism. The industries that are making them money were moved there by owners and managers from America. That is what capitalists do. Patriotism is for the uneducated masses.
Europe was never socialistic. After and during the depression, there was a lot of talk about it.

Bullshit. Where a nation sells goods is irrelevant to the means of production. Socialism requires heavy government involvement in the production process to include, at the high end, ownership of the means of production. Statist capitalism has the state directing production, granting monopolies, while the means of production are in private hands. Capitalism has the government staying out of the market and means of production and production is done by private individuals.

Europe had a lot of socialism from about 1950 to about 1970 -80 when economic collapse and the disaster that had brought on production became evident and the governments of Europe divested themselves of industries while rolling back government control of what would be produced.
pay caps!

the corporations will love this.

this is fascism.

We will be watched 24/7, and every aspect of our lives will be under the control of the global bureaucrats...if we are allowed to choose anything it will be because the overlords have allowed it.
We will be watched 24/7, and every aspect of our lives will be under the control of the global bureaucrats...if we are allowed to choose anything it will be because the overlords have allowed it.

this whole new world order thing is failing hard tho.

because it;s so gay.