UN says wages should be decided by governments

The Soviet system, which I remind you failed killing a lot of people, is the template.

This time central planning will work we are assured.

You’re wrong, for beginners, it is recommendation, the UN has no authority nor desire to enforce it in any country. Secondly, wages now are pretty much paid according to the value of one’s labor, and lastly, the Gov’t today has some control over wages

Explains why you have little to offer but the “revolution” bullshit, you can’t exchange real content
You’re wrong, for beginners, it is recommendation, the UN has no authority nor desire to enforce it in any country. Secondly, wages now are pretty much paid according to the value of one’s labor, and lastly, the Gov’t today has some control over wages

Explains why you have little to offer but the “revolution” bullshit, you can’t exchange real content

would the world economic forum be opposed to salary caps for the slaves?
Generally the Chinese came in a bought plants, took them apart, took them to China...brought along a few people to supervise putting them back together and operating them, and used labor that cost maybe 5% what Americans who had done the jobs before they became unemployed were paid.

This was all going to work out our leaders assured us, and we mostly trusted them.

What a calamitous mistake that was.

Called Comparative Advantage, basic economics
Bullshit. Where a nation sells goods is irrelevant to the means of production. Socialism requires heavy government involvement in the production process to include, at the high end, ownership of the means of production. Statist capitalism has the state directing production, granting monopolies, while the means of production are in private hands. Capitalism has the government staying out of the market and means of production and production is done by private individuals.

Europe had a lot of socialism from about 1950 to about 1970 -80 when economic collapse and the disaster that had brought on production became evident and the governments of Europe divested themselves of industries while rolling back government control of what would be produced.

That would be true if textbook economics applied uniformly to real life, it doesn’t, all economies in the world are mixed, even ours, part socialist, part capitalist, none are pure socialist nor all capitalist
That would be true if textbook economics applied uniformly to real life, it doesn’t, all economies in the world are mixed, even ours, part socialist, part capitalist, none are pure socialist nor all capitalist

That's just a dodge. As economies move toward central planning and government control, they tend to increasingly be inefficient, expensive, and incompetently run.
Fascism. The government, through the use of Cartels consisting of government bureaucrats and a few industrial leaders of an industry, control what you can make, how much of it you can make, how much you must pay folks to make it and how much you can charge for it and some socialists consider this to be a less "evil" form of "capitalism"...

Fascism makes people feel like they will be protected, but it sells the soul of freedom to get there and the promised safety never appears.
That's just a dodge. As economies move toward central planning and government control, they tend to increasingly be inefficient, expensive, and incompetently run.

but their profits accrue to smaller and smaller groups of people. waste is not the point. control is the point.
but their profits accrue to smaller and smaller groups of people. waste is not the point. control is the point.

At the top that's true. For everyone who's not part of the uber rich or political elite, they get fucked. What usually happens in heavily socialized economies where the government controls most or all of it, is that a black market, barter economy arises to supply the needs of average people. Theft of goods from the government increases dramatically, people find workarounds to get stuff, and then underground trade starts to take place.
That would be true if textbook economics applied uniformly to real life, it doesn’t, all economies in the world are mixed, even ours, part socialist, part capitalist, none are pure socialist nor all capitalist

All true much to our own destruction.
but globalism is truly a race to the bottom. and an insult and a destruction to free people everywhere.

But it can't be stopped because leftists are pumping out self-absorbed entitled "graduates" from their indoctrination centers who think that's a great system.