UN says wages should be decided by governments

But it can't be stopped because leftists are pumping out self-absorbed entitled "graduates" from their indoctrination centers who think that's a great system.

it can be stopped.

the notion it "can't be stopped" is idiotic propaganda.

and you're a moron for repeating it.
it can be stopped.

the notion it "can't be stopped" is idiotic propaganda.

and you're a moron for repeating it.


You have no idea because you're a fucking intellectual cockroach

Irz worth repeating you're a fucking intellectual cockroach. Go the fuck away

You have no idea because you're a fucking intellectual cockroach

Irz worth repeating you're a fucking intellectual cockroach. Go the fuck away


trump was reclaiming lost jobs.

you globalist fascist traitors couldn't stand it.

you're sellout fuckstick traitors.

Unelected globalists are waging a war on farmers and property rights, under the guise of “saving the planet”. If we don’t resist their agenda, we and our children will be left with no choice but to eat insects and Bill Gates’ lab-grown "meat".

But what is their agenda exactly?

Under the banner of the UN Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, the people in power are looking to radically change our lives. Of course, this is all sold to us under the guise of equality and noble sounding words.

However, if we take a closer look at these goals you’ll realise that they can never do this without forced redistribution of goods, food and rights.

That’s because the people behind this want to establish a one world government, a 'New World Order', in which they decide what we eat, when we eat, where we travel, when we travel, who we meet, and what we are allowed to spend our money on. Basically, control over every single aspect of our lives.

They don't want us to eat foods that make us strong. They want us to eat synthetic meat created by Bill Gates. They want us to eat bugs, they want us to drink soy milk, so that we become weak and obedient, and we do as they say.


Control the food, control the people.