"Uncle Tom" Obama


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I think I mentioned yesterday how the liberals call black people who they don't agree with, or who leaves the Democrat plantation...Uncle Toms..well lookie here..this is from that Progressive site the Daily Kos.
by Kaos237
Tue Apr 29, 2008 at 12:29:50 PM PDT
I have been a huge supporter of Barack. He is the guy I've been behind for quite awhile now. Check my older diaries if you wonder about that. And while I've been steeling myself for a Barack loss in November, because I think the Repug machine is too good for him to beat, I had resigned myself to still working hard for him and for the Progressive cause!

But today something changed for me...

Today, the scales fell from my eyes and I saw Barack Obama for what he truly is: a weak man and a standard politician. I really never thought I would say this...

But I am disgusted with him!

Unfortunately, Barack has decided that he doesn't need black votes to win. I'm sure he was told by his white advisors that "black folk" will support him anyway. So why not come out and disrespect the whole community. Barack didn't transcend black-white politics; rather he chose to become white!

read it all here..
Did a black preacher doom the one person who might get into a position to make the changes they want to see? One poorly engineered "distancing" ploy....
Obama's in a no-win situation. I saw Rove last night, and it wasn't even enough for conservatives. Sure, a week ago, all he had to do was completely repudiate & sever ties with Wright, but - as Rove said - NOW he has to come out & say his time in the church was "a mistake."

After that, it will be required that he explain the mistake, probably, and then he'll probably have to do a national tour like one of those medieval monks, flagellating himself until he's bloody & worn down, all while there are food riots, war & our economy is tanking.

You know why? Because he's a black man. Sorry, but there is no other way around it. No one in political history has been held to this kind of account for someone they are merely associated with.
Obama's in a no-win situation. I saw Rove last night, and it wasn't even enough for conservatives. Sure, a week ago, all he had to do was completely repudiate & sever ties with Wright, but - as Rove said - NOW he has to come out & say his time in the church was "a mistake."

After that, it will be required that he explain the mistake, probably, and then he'll probably have to do a national tour like one of those medieval monks, flagellating himself until he's bloody & worn down, all while there are food riots, war & our economy is tanking.

You know why? Because he's a black man. Sorry, but there is no other way around it. No one in political history has been held to this kind of account for someone they are merely associated with.
LOL. Please. People like David Duke were doomed from the beginning for people they no longer associated with, deservedly so.

Many people have lost their job because of who they associate with.

"At no time in history" LOL.

Thanks, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
I dont remember hearing anyone calling anyone uncle tom?

I think kos has been pretty Clinton supporting all along hasnt he?
LOL. Please. People like David Duke were doomed from the beginning for people they no longer associated with, deservedly so.

Many people have lost their job because of who they associate with.

"At no time in history" LOL.

Thanks, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

You're comparing David Duke - and his past ACTIVITIES, things he was actually involved in - to Obama attending a church?

You have truly lost it on this issue, dude.
You're comparing David Duke - and his past ACTIVITIES, things he was actually involved in - to Obama attending a church?

You have truly lost it on this issue, dude.
Seriously. Let's use Mitt then.

I said many people have lost their job because of who they associate with. It was just one glaring example of somebody who no longer associated with the people who did, and I said "deservedly so".

Don't be such a pustule.

The reality is, you learn who a person is by those they choose to associate with. That many didn't know Obama before his run doesn't change that is how we learn of people.

You learn of how they believe by where they choose to worship, you learn of how they think by those they choose to call "mentors".

Pretending that the shared past of a person with others is totally off-limits is preposterous.

"never in history" Pah!
The Rev cant take retirement and that is all this is.

He allowed himself to be manipulated into thinking of himself over what is right.

Obama has seen this and has made it clear he has seen this.

Preachers are just human and this guy has proven he is human and self absorbed and cant take not having an audience anymore.
Seriously. Let's use Mitt then.

I said many people have lost their job because of who they associate with. It was just one glaring example of somebody who no longer associated with the people who did, and I said "deservedly so".

Don't be such a pustule.

The reality is, you learn who a person is by those they choose to associate with. That many didn't know Obama before his run doesn't change that is how we learn of people.

You learn of how they believe by where they choose to worship, you learn of how they think by those they choose to call "mentors".

Pretending that the shared past of a person with others is totally off-limits is preposterous.

"never in history" Pah!

I said "to this kind of account." Again - are you really comparing the media firestorm about Wright -remotely - to anything that was leveled at Mitt Romney?

That's absurd; "rubbish" as some would say. And you know it.

There has been nothing like this in terms of guilt by association.
I said "to this kind of account." Again - are you really comparing the media firestorm about Wright -remotely - to anything that was leveled at Mitt Romney?

That's absurd; "rubbish" as some would say. And you know it.

There has been nothing like this in terms of guilt by association.
Please, there was even the "pivotal speech" moment, comparative to both no when Kennedy spoke of Catholicism.

There are amazing parallels.

The main difference, Obama lasted a bit longer than the poor guy who was a Mormon.
Please, there was even the "pivotal speech" moment, comparative to both no when Kennedy spoke of Catholicism.

There are amazing parallels.

The main difference, Obama lasted a bit longer than the poor guy who was a Mormon.

You're not living in reality. I agree that the speech was a parallel moment, but it is parallel in the same way that the Boston Red Sox compare to my local school's T-ball league champion.

It's absurd to try to compare the 2 in terms of scrutiny, media coverage, intensity of reaction, effect on campaign or any other metric you want to use; absolutely ridiculous.

Seriously. Let's use Mitt then.

I said many people have lost their job because of who they associate with. It was just one glaring example of somebody who no longer associated with the people who did, and I said "deservedly so".

Don't be such a pustule.

The reality is, you learn who a person is by those they choose to associate with. That many didn't know Obama before his run doesn't change that is how we learn of people.

You learn of how they believe by where they choose to worship, you learn of how they think by those they choose to call "mentors".

Pretending that the shared past of a person with others is totally off-limits is preposterous.

"never in history" Pah!

Taking this comment into consideration...Why is it you drool over Darla then...she is a member of 'Code Pink'...those who bash your comrades...vets and active duty soldiers,sailors,Marines and Airmen!
You're not living in reality. I agree that the speech was a parallel moment, but it is parallel in the same way that the Boston Red Sox compare to my local school's T-ball league champion.

It's absurd to try to compare the 2 in terms of scrutiny, media coverage, intensity of reaction, effect on campaign or any other metric you want to use; absolutely ridiculous.
I think you exaggerate. It would be more like the Bosox and the Rockies, one of them won but they both played the same game.
I said "to this kind of account." Again - are you really comparing the media firestorm about Wright -remotely - to anything that was leveled at Mitt Romney?

That's absurd; "rubbish" as some would say. And you know it.

There has been nothing like this in terms of guilt by association.

Bush with Ken Lay
Cheney with Halliburton

Past associations most certainly have been played over and over and over and over again in the media.

Again, I belive Obama has more than adequately addressed this issue. However, your continual attempts to downplay the relationship is quite sad. This is just a pastor of the church that Obama attended. It is someone whom he has referred to as his mentor. There is a big difference.

That said, Wright being his mentor doesn't mean that Obama shares all the same positions or points of view. Obama has addressed where he differs from Wright. THAT said, Wright did not have to step up in front of the media and continue this. His comments about Obama made certain that Obama had to come out and respond. So when Wright makes comments... the media is going to be all over it. When Obama responds, the media will report on that too.

Thats what happens in a Jerry Springer, reality trash tv loving society.
I think you exaggerate. It would be more like the Bosox and the Rockies, one of them won but they both played the same game.

We just disagree. I don't think it even compares to Wright at all in terms of negative media coverage. For a week, I haven't been able to turn on Fox or CNN or any network like that without a banner headline to the effect of "Obama's pastor problem," and this is after 2 weeks of sheer firestorm a month ago when the story broke.

There was nothing like this for Romney. I remember the Romney speech, which was about 1.5 days of fairly light coverage. It was not an eclipsing event in the campaign.
We just disagree. I don't think it even compares to Wright at all in terms of negative media coverage. For a week, I haven't been able to turn on Fox or CNN or any network like that without a banner headline to the effect of "Obama's pastor problem," and this is after 2 weeks of sheer firestorm a month ago when the story broke.

There was nothing like this for Romney. I remember the Romney speech, which was about 1.5 days of fairly light coverage. It was not an eclipsing event in the campaign.
There was nothing like this for Romney because there was no central person to the controversy like there is with Wright. It was more "vague" it was "Mormon" and "that cult".

Other parallels.

He won many contests that it was thought he couldn't.

He was rather popular with the "base", but still had problems because of his religion.

The pivotal speech moments (both being compared to Kennedy at that time).

I agree that there is more currently (remember when you said that after a month we wouldn't be talking about this at all?) than there was for Romney, but I believe that if there was still an R contest going on and it was as bloody a battle there would be many "stories" suddenly out about the nuttiness of the founder of the LDS church and they'd be associating that dude who just recently was arrested with Romney...
I know, Damo - you were right from our conversation a month back. I'm not a good gauge of the American public & media.

This is going to sound elitist, but my biggest mistake is continuing to overestimate America's better judgment, despite repeated proof to the contrary. Just like when the media got caught up in Gore's serial exaggerating, and that became the campaign instead of Bush's shortcomings. I'm sorry, but I don't feel bad saying that the focus on that was stupid, and put us in a very bad place over the past 7 years.

If Hillary or McCain gets elected, and what I think is going to happen happens over the next 4-8 years, I can't help but think that many Americans will think regrettfully, "we allowed them to make the '08 campaign about what again?" I stand by my contention that this is stupid BS, and a complete distraction from real issues. We're in a recession, a bad war, an energy crisis & have many other pressing issues; each candidate will address those things differently. Maybe it is important to "get to know" a candidate, but to make the campaign about his church?

As an American, I'm embarassed about that, especially at times such as these. And I hope I'm not in a position yet again in my political life where the only silver lining about a terrible situation that the stupidity of the media & the voters put us in is, "well, at least I was right...."
Obama's in a no-win situation. I saw Rove last night, and it wasn't even enough for conservatives. Sure, a week ago, all he had to do was completely repudiate & sever ties with Wright, but - as Rove said - NOW he has to come out & say his time in the church was "a mistake."

After that, it will be required that he explain the mistake, probably, and then he'll probably have to do a national tour like one of those medieval monks, flagellating himself until he's bloody & worn down, all while there are food riots, war & our economy is tanking.

You know why? Because he's a black man. Sorry, but there is no other way around it. No one in political history has been held to this kind of account for someone they are merely associated with.

I was channel surfing the other night, and I noticed that virtually the entire evening of Fox News was dedicated to looping video of Wright over and over and over.

Its pretty effing pathetic that it comes down to this.
Really? What night was that? And what time slots? Tell me, your love for Fox News is impressive as it seems you are always watching it, just when you need an example on this website....

Unfortunately, Barack has decided that he doesn't need black votes to win. I'm sure he was told by his white advisors that "black folk" will support him anyway.

Who ever authored this is an uniformed fool. I haven't seen so much support for one candidate in the community in a long time. Most of the support from candidates I've seen has come in the form of stopping republicans for something even more detrimental to the community. I definitely don't think he's turned his back on anyone and from what I've heard the black voting popultion is PO'd at the reverand.