"Uncle Tom" Obama

Im with you guys on that one.

What about hearing about the Reverand Moon who has supported tons of 'Licans over the years

Religion is not a real issue as religion is not a real thing. It is completely MAN-made, big on the MAN as they rarely interpret woman and equals.

It is interpreted in thousands of different ways, even within the same religious variation.

Why are Shites and Sunnis killing each other?

Why did Catholics and Protesants kill each other all over europe?

Religion is an excuse, not a real issue.
Organized Religion is mostly about controling others actions.

I dont mind people believing what they want to believe but I do hate it when they try to force their beliefs on others.

If an atheist went arround knocking on doors trying to recruit athiests I bet they would get mugged in no time.
Organized Religion is mostly about controling others actions.

I dont mind people believing what they want to believe but I do hate it when they try to force their beliefs on others.

If an atheist went arround knocking on doors trying to recruit athiests I bet they would get mugged in no time.
Understanding that it is mostly because they care about you that they want to hang with you for eternity, it takes a bit of the 'sting' out of their hope for your salvation.
Oh I am sweet as hell to these people when they come to my door Damo.

I know they mean well.

I just wish they would not look down on me for what I believe.
Oh I am sweet as hell to these people when they come to my door Damo.

I know they mean well.

I just wish they would not look down on me for what I believe.
I've always wondered how they seem to know that I don't believe...


I remember as a young Christian how annoying it was to have a nutjob on the street tell me that I was going to Hell...

Now I just say, "Don't worry, in time all will find Nirvana and you too will be at Peace..."
The only reason we even know about Rev. Wright is because the Republic party cant run on their record, or talk about the REAL issues and problems that they have created over the last 30 yrs. So they rake the muck.
What a bunch of bullshit.

Are you kidding? Hillary would love to keep Rev. Wright talking right up to the convention. Just who dug up this old tape of him ranting and raving about white America anyway ?
The only reason we even know about Rev. Wright is because the Republic party cant run on their record, or talk about the REAL issues and problems that they have created over the last 30 yrs. So they rake the muck.
What a bunch of bullshit.

You wish, kid. The Republicans haven't even fully switched on the attack machine yet. You're just facing your own party right now.

Wait till there's a clear nominee, and see how fast the Republican attacks start coming.
I think I mentioned yesterday how the liberals call black people who they don't agree with, or who leaves the Democrat plantation...Uncle Toms..well lookie here..this is from that Progressive site the Daily Kos.
by Kaos237
Tue Apr 29, 2008 at 12:29:50 PM PDT
I have been a huge supporter of Barack. He is the guy I've been behind for quite awhile now. Check my older diaries if you wonder about that. And while I've been steeling myself for a Barack loss in November, because I think the Repug machine is too good for him to beat, I had resigned myself to still working hard for him and for the Progressive cause!

But today something changed for me...

Today, the scales fell from my eyes and I saw Barack Obama for what he truly is: a weak man and a standard politician. I really never thought I would say this...

But I am disgusted with him!

Unfortunately, Barack has decided that he doesn't need black votes to win. I'm sure he was told by his white advisors that "black folk" will support him anyway. So why not come out and disrespect the whole community. Barack didn't transcend black-white politics; rather he chose to become white!

read it all here..

I have been a huge supporter of Barack. He is the guy I've been behind for quite awhile now. Check my older diaries if you wonder about that.

LOL. I did check his old diaries. He has a history of slamming obama, he's called hillary the witch-queen, Pelosi a b*tch and he is evidently a well known troll on daily kos. Probably a republican concern troll.
Obviously you have no clue.

The "white world" .. what in the hell is that? .. I live in America, not the white world.

There are millions of successful blacks who operate in the mainstream who are not considered "uncle toms", including Ron Brown and many generals, sargents, and privates in the military .. who I have not called toms. I said Colon Powell and if you know the history of Powell as his rise to the top you would also know of his involvement in the MyLai incident in Vietnam, which coupled with his known lies and deceptions at the UN promoting "facts" he knew to be lies, he qualifies as the modern-day equilvilent of the character in Uncle Tom's Cabin.

There are standards of conscience and a respect to history that blacks hold that I'm really sure you wouldn't understand nor appreciate given your almost mindless use of "whitey."

Go read Uncle Tom's Cabin, perhaps that may help your misunderstanding .. but black conscience is not something that requires you to understand.

If you do not know what the "White World" is, perhaps you need to ask Al Sharpeton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakan, and Rev. Wright. They speak of it all the time and I am sure that they would be happy to explain it to you. "White World", "White America", it is all the same. It is the big conspiracy that keeps "Real" Blacks down and promotes "Uncle Toms"

The only mindless use of the word "Whitey" did not come from me. It is the chant behind the scenes of the aforementioned individuals.
There are standards of conscience and a respect to history that blacks hold that I'm really sure you wouldn't understand nor appreciate given your almost mindless use of "whitey."

Go read Uncle Tom's Cabin, perhaps that may help your misunderstanding .. but black conscience is not something that requires you to understand.

In the book, Uncle Tom was initially seen as a noble long-suffering Christian slave. However, Blacks have taken away this noble character and made his name into an epithet directed towards Black Americans who are accused of selling out to whites. Stowe intended Tom to be a "noble hero" and praiseworthy person but is Black Americans that have taken this from him.

Throughout the book, far from allowing himself to be exploited, Tom stands up for his beliefs and is grudgingly admired even by his enemies. You are right, this level of integrity and dignity pretty much describes Colon Powell.
In the book, Uncle Tom was initially seen as a noble long-suffering Christian slave. However, Blacks have taken away this noble character and made his name into an epithet directed towards Black Americans who are accused of selling out to whites. Stowe intended Tom to be a "noble hero" and praiseworthy person but is Black Americans that have taken this from him.

Throughout the book, far from allowing himself to be exploited, Tom stands up for his beliefs and is grudgingly admired even by his enemies. You are right, this level of integrity and dignity pretty much describes Colon Powell.


Illustration of Sam from the 1888 "New Edition" of Uncle Tom's Cabin. The character of Sam helped create the stereotype of the lazy, carefree "happy darky."

Although Stowe wrote the book to express her anti-slavery sentiments, and although the book did help to raise American conscience on the horror of slavery, it also, unintentionally, helped to create sterotypes that blacks did not care to be depicted as .. lazy, ignorant, sex objects, pickaninnies, dark-skinned mammies, and a fool who bowed to his masters every bidding.

I recognize that people like you think we should all be so very happy to be defined by white people .. but we have a quite different perspective and believe we can do a much better job of defining ourselves.

"Integrity", "dignity" ???

Colon Powell went before the UN and lied tens of thousands of American soldiers into being dead and wounded American soldiers .. and he knew he was presenting "evidence" that even he didn't believe. But that spineless piece of shit shuffled his ass into the UN chamber, and like Uncle Tom, did his masters bidding at the cost of prescious INNOCENT human life.

No surprise, it wasn't the first time this bastard lied when he was told to lie and if you know anything about Powell or history you'd already know that.

Given that you're a right-winger, I guess that would be your interpretation of "dignity."

Thanks for the advice .. next time I take a dump I'll be sure to file your advice in its proper place.
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I recognize that people like you think we should all be so very happy to be defined by white people .. but we have a quite different perspective and believe we can do a much better job of defining ourselves.

I guess you could look at it that way. By your definition, maybe it is whites that should define whites, would you agree? That being the case, you should not say anything in judgment against a white person again.

Illustration of Sam from the 1888 "New Edition" of Uncle Tom's Cabin. The character of Sam helped create the stereotype of the lazy, carefree "happy darky."

Although Stowe wrote the book to express her anti-slavery sentiments, and although the book did help to raise American conscience on the horror of slavery, it also, unintentionally, helped to create sterotypes that blacks did not care to be depicted as .. lazy, ignorant, sex objects, pickaninnies, dark-skinned mammies, and a fool who bowed to his masters every bidding.

I recognize that people like you think we should all be so very happy to be defined by white people .. but we have a quite different perspective and believe we can do a much better job of defining ourselves.

It sure sounds like if a Black man works for a White man and does his work happily, then he is classified as an Uncle Tom. If I have misunderstood the "Uncle Tom" mentality, please explain it because, according to you, the black conscience is not something that I am able to understand without help.
I guess you could look at it that way. By your definition, maybe it is whites that should define whites, would you agree? That being the case, you should not say anything in judgment against a white person again.

I can say any damn thing I want about a person, I don't denigrate entire groups of people, nor do I even attempt to define them.

Are you unaware of the difference?
It sure sounds like if a Black man works for a White man and does his work happily, then he is classified as an Uncle Tom. If I have misunderstood the "Uncle Tom" mentality, please explain it because, according to you, the black conscience is not something that I am able to understand without help.

There is a distinct difference between someone who enjoys their work and someone doing the bidding of a racist and corrupt system at the detriment of their own people.

I belong to a culture of people who have endured hundreds of years of mindless and demonic evil, hate, and oppression. Survival within such a racist system required discipline and a consciousness that put the interests of our own people before the interest of the individual. It's not only how we survived, but it's also how we excelled.

The Uncle Tom is no different than any traitor to any cause .. and without adherence to the cause, the struggle, historic events like the Civl Rights movement, which is now emulated all over the world, would not have been possible.

Why call ourselves black and African-American instead of negro? .. Bevause we wish to define ourselves. Black history did not begin in slavery and we have many great stories of our own.

Did you know that King Tut was black and that the greatness of Egyptian/Kemet society was black, not Assyrian? Ever wonder why they cut the noses and lips off the great artifacts of Kemet society? .. Because it made them identiiably black .. as were the architects of the great Pyramids.

You can talk about a shufflin' head hung low grinnin' when ain't nothing funny Uncle Tom .. I'd rather talk about this ...



The Face of Nefertiti

Neither recreated by myth or a fictional depiction, but recreated by science and history.

Did you know the Moors helped bring modern civilization to europe and Spain?

Compare these truths to the fictional depiction of Sam and surely you'd understand.

Hopefully, I've been helpful.
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I don't denigrate entire groups of people, nor do I even attempt to define them.

I think you just attempted to define a group of people but no sweat. Thanks
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There is a distinct difference between someone who enjoys their work and someone doing the bidding of a racist and corrupt system at the detriment of their own people.

If you have a job, then you probably do the bidding of someone else or you would not be useful to them and thereby not have a job.

So, what would you call someone that works for Louis Farrakhan? He has certainly stated his hate toward White people and Jews.

"America must be burned! America is no good at all."
-- Louis Farrakhan, Leader of the Nation of Islam

"Many of the Jews who owned the homes, the apartments in the black community, we considered them bloodsuckers because they took from our community and built their community but didn’t offer anything back to our community."
-- Louis Farrakhan, Leader of the Nation of Islam

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He rose Germany up from the ashes."
-- Louis Farrakhan, Leader of the Nation of Islam, 1984

"The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the late of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years."
-- Louis Farrakhan, City College audience in New York

"The death of over 120 white people is a very beautiful thing."
-- Malcolm X, Los Angeles on June 3, 1962 upon learning of a plane crash

"All you Jews can go straight to hell."
-- Quannell X, National Youth minister for the Nation Of Islam, New York Daily News, October 17, 1995

"The United States is the most dishonest, ungodly, unspiritual nation that ever existed in the history of the planet."
-- Dick Gregory, Political Activist

"I am writing this essay sitting beside an anonymous white male that I long to murder."
-- Bell Hooks, professor of English at City College of New York, from her book, A Killing Rage

"You can't steal nothin from a white man, he's already stole it he owes you anything you want, even his life. All the stores will open up if you will say the magic words. The magic words are: Up against the wall motherf*cker this is a stick up!"
-- Amiri Baraka, black poet and writer

By your statement above, your definition of an Uncle Tom is:

Uncle Tom - someone doing the bidding of a racist and corrupt system at the detriment of their own people.

By your definition, anyone working for Louis Farrakhan, a member of the Nation of Islam, and/or a follower of anyone of the listed above, would be considered an "Uncle Tom". If you want more quotes, I will be happy to provide them to you.

Perhaps you do not consider these to be corrupt or negative quotes.
If you have a job, then you probably do the bidding of someone else or you would not be useful to them and thereby not have a job.

So, what would you call someone that works for Louis Farrakhan? He has certainly stated his hate toward White people and Jews.

"America must be burned! America is no good at all."
-- Louis Farrakhan, Leader of the Nation of Islam

"Many of the Jews who owned the homes, the apartments in the black community, we considered them bloodsuckers because they took from our community and built their community but didn’t offer anything back to our community."
-- Louis Farrakhan, Leader of the Nation of Islam

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He rose Germany up from the ashes."
-- Louis Farrakhan, Leader of the Nation of Islam, 1984

"The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the late of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years."
-- Louis Farrakhan, City College audience in New York

"The death of over 120 white people is a very beautiful thing."
-- Malcolm X, Los Angeles on June 3, 1962 upon learning of a plane crash

"All you Jews can go straight to hell."
-- Quannell X, National Youth minister for the Nation Of Islam, New York Daily News, October 17, 1995

"The United States is the most dishonest, ungodly, unspiritual nation that ever existed in the history of the planet."
-- Dick Gregory, Political Activist

"I am writing this essay sitting beside an anonymous white male that I long to murder."
-- Bell Hooks, professor of English at City College of New York, from her book, A Killing Rage

"You can't steal nothin from a white man, he's already stole it he owes you anything you want, even his life. All the stores will open up if you will say the magic words. The magic words are: Up against the wall motherf*cker this is a stick up!"
-- Amiri Baraka, black poet and writer

By your statement above, your definition of an Uncle Tom is:

Uncle Tom - someone doing the bidding of a racist and corrupt system at the detriment of their own people.

By your definition, anyone working for Louis Farrakhan, a member of the Nation of Islam, and/or a follower of anyone of the listed above, would be considered an "Uncle Tom". If you want more quotes, I will be happy to provide them to you.

Perhaps you do not consider these to be corrupt or negative quotes.

I consider those statements honest expressions from an oppressed people. Are you somehow in denial of the horror and oppression that percipitated these comments?

If you want quotes, I can give you a plethora of quotes .. 400 years of them .. that clearly demonstrate why I consider them honest expressions.

And NO, Farrakhan would be the last person considered to be a Tom.

As far as the comments about "jews", I don't agree with them .. however I do agree that the Israeli government and its Zionist agenda are as oppressive as Nazis and America needs to redress its sugar-daddy relationship with the zionist regime. In fact, most of planet earth feels the same way about Israel and considers it to be the most dangerous and rogue nation on the planet.

It's obvious that you don't "get it" and that's OK by me .. it's not necessary that you do.
I consider those statements honest expressions from an oppressed people. Are you somehow in denial of the horror and oppression that percipitated these comments?

You might want to be a bit more honest with yourself. Blacks live a better life in the United States than any other country in the world. But if I am wrong, please correct me.

If you want quotes, I can give you a plethora of quotes .. 400 years of them .. that clearly demonstrate why I consider them honest expressions.

Then do so if you think it will increase the strength of your argument. The fact is you have not disputed a single quote I have presented.

And NO, Farrakhan would be the last person considered to be a Tom.

By your definition, he would be. Of course you would not consider Farrakhan to be an Uncle Tom. He represents and advances the hatred against Whites and Jews.

As far as the comments about "jews", I don't agree with them .. however I do agree that the Israeli government and its Zionist agenda are as oppressive as Nazis and America needs to redress its sugar-daddy relationship with the zionist regime. In fact, most of planet earth feels the same way about Israel and considers it to be the most dangerous and rogue nation on the planet.

But you have no problem not speaking against the racist nature of these comments. The remaining part of your statement is right on line with the rest of the Islamic, Nazi, and anti-Semitic groups that seem to be in line with your politics.

It's obvious that you don't "get it" and that's OK by me .. it's not necessary that you do.

I get it only too well...