Understanding the slave mentality

Understanding the slave mentality

By Brandon Smith

There are no limits to the surrealist hell that can be unleashed when dealing with what I like to call the "Slave Mentality". The slave mentality takes many shapes. It is pervasive in times of social distress, and, it can be infectious. The psychologist Carl Jung wrote in his book 'The Undiscovered Self' that the cruel sociopathy seen in the populations of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia is actually latent in many of us. All it needs is the right set of sociopolitical circumstances and a weak enough will, and the shadows in the hearts of lesser men are given license to come out and play. This is just as true in America, where people now operated on assumptions that the state is an absolute provider in the event of national calamity.

But what are the signs of this unconscious desire for collectivism and control? What makes a slave do what he does? Here are just a handful of explanations to consider...

The True Slave: The true slave is not a person who has been shackled, beaten, tortured, and made to comply under threat of death. As long as that poor soul has the spirit of rebellion and is ever seeking freedom, they are not imprisoned fully. The true slave is a person who enjoys their subservience, who is weighted with fear by the very idea of independence from the system, and who would actually fight and die to maintain the establishment which enslaves them. The true slave is not able to imagine living any other life beyond his micro-managed existence.

The Facts Lose Value: The worst flaw of the slave is not necessarily his ability to overlook the truth, but his ability to see it, comprehend it, and then shrug it off anyway because it is contrary to his mission to fulfill his private delusions. For the slave, the truth exists, but is no longer useful. Lies make his universe turn, and facts are a tool to be used or cast aside at his leisure.

The Obsession With The Law: The slave mentality, though illogical and psychotic, still requires a certain foundation to hold it together. The laws of governments tend to suffice. These laws may go completely against the force of inherent conscience, but because the slave has already abandoned listening to his inner voice of reason, this does not bother him much. If you have ever wondered why modern tyrannies always feel the need to put their horrific enforcements in writing first, THIS is why. Oligarchs understand that the law provides the slave with a means to rationalize his participation in the crimes of the state. After all, if some gut-bloated bloodthirsty elitists in government etch their mad inbred ramblings into law, then we have no choice but to follow them, right?

The Need To Be Accepted: A slave seeks harmony not within, but without, even when that "harmony" is with a system that is designed to destroy him. The viciousness of collectivism lay in its ability to comfort converts with atrocity. As long as the slave feels as though he is a part of the machine, and accepted by the group, he cares not what the machine does to others. Common arguments include; "We all have to live together, and so we must sacrifice our selfish individualism for the greater good..." or "Governments are here to protect us and we should do everything we can to make their job easier..." Rarely if ever do they question if the system is legitimately helpful or harmful. The system just "is", it fulfills their need to be coddled, and that is good enough for them. For all their talk of "unity" and the "greater good", collectivist are for the most part deeply selfish. They do not support or participate in the collective for the sake of others. They do it to satiate their personal desires.

The Need For Control: I suppose it's ironic, but the average slave loves tyranny because it affords him a perceived seat at the table of power, perhaps for the first time in his entire life. Collectivist slaves are often people who have felt weak and inadequate since childhood. While honorable human beings fight this personal uncertainty by strengthening themselves physically and mentally, and improving upon their own character, the slave takes the easy route by joining with bureaucracy and living vicariously through its conquests. Through the state, the hollow, cowardly, and stupid, have the ability to "show the world who's boss", and get revenge for a life filled with meaninglessness.

The Need For Structure: An individual takes responsibility for himself, learning over time to provide his own structure which works at his pace and serves his unique needs. A slave does not have the energy or the drive to do that, and so, he asks the establishment to tell him how he should live. He will hold at face value the word of nearly anyone in a position of petty authority. When confronted with those who go their own way, or who rebel against the cookie-cutter template for social participation, the slave sneers in disgust. Independent rebellion is abhorrent to him, because the system provides him with his very identity. To insult the fabric of the system is to insult who he is. It's pathetic, but common...

The Need For Vindication: Sometimes it is not enough for certain people to have their own world view. The slave seeks approval for his world view at every turn, even if that world view is twisted by bleary eyed logic, and will go so far as to force others to agree with it so that they can feel safer in their beliefs. It is natural for people to seek out others with similar views and ideals, but, it is not natural or healthy for those same people to use the government apparatus as a weapon to frighten the rest of us into submission just so they can become more confident in their ludicrous slapdash philosophies. Slaves want a world without contradiction. Laughably, everything they do is a contradiction.

Now that the once theoretical dangers of federal fascism are breaking the surface of the water and circling the American sinking ship, the great test is to watch closely where the masses place their priorities. Will they take the path of the individual, admit to the laboratory mutation that our government has become, and try to make things right again? Or, will they take the path of the slave, forget their past follies and empty arguments, and jump on the totalitarian bandwagon? Certainly, it is not as if the cheerleaders of the state usually get out of the tumult with all their limbs intact. In most cases, they are lucky to get out alive once the smoke clears. One might think that the lessons of history would be guide enough, but then again, the average slave has taken every conceivable measure to ensure that his particular fantasy land is magical enough to withstand substantial examination. The system is their drug, and the upheaval that free thought brings is such a buzz-kill...
Thx for the article. Helps explain the Orwellian messages of Faux 'news' and the reasons people believe it's lies. Otherwise this anti-worker, anti-union article is full of shit. This country was built, wars were won and a middle class was built by people working together.

How does the author know about slaves, was he ever a wage slave at Walmart? Has he ever shoveled coal? Don't think so.

"The true slave is a person who enjoys their subservience, who is weighted with fear by the very idea of independence from the system, and who would actually fight and die to maintain the establishment which enslaves them. The true slave is not able to imagine living any other life beyond his micro-managed existence."

Bullshit. The wage slave of today works everyday to earn his freedom, whether its from actual chains on his ankles or economic slavery imposed on him by years of conservative trickle down economics.

"The worst flaw of the slave is not necessarily his ability to overlook the truth, but his ability to see it, comprehend it, and then shrug it off anyway because it is contrary to his mission to fulfill his private delusions. For the slave, the truth exists, but is no longer useful. Lies make his universe turn, and facts are a tool to be used or cast aside at his leisure."

See Faux 'news'. Reference Sean Hannity.

"As long as the slave feels as though he is a part of the machine, and accepted by the group, he cares not what the machine does to others. Common arguments include; "We all have to live together, and so we must sacrifice our selfish individualism for the greater good..." or "Governments are here to protect us and we should do everything we can to make their job easier..."

Bullshit. Conservatives have always been anti-union/worker because they feel workers have no rights in means of production or in a share of the profits. Cheap labor slavery is at the core of conservative ideology. This is a constant fact that's been proven again and again for over 100 yrs and can't be disputed.

"An individual takes responsibility for himself, learning over time to provide his own structure which works at his pace and serves his unique needs. A slave does not have the energy or the drive to do that, and so, he asks the establishment to tell him how he should live."

LOL! A slave does not have the energy or the drive to do that... You really believe this garbage?

"The slave seeks approval for his world view at every turn, even if that world view is twisted by bleary eyed logic, and will go so far as to force others to agree with it so that they can feel safer in their beliefs."

A slave has the power to force another to do anything? A slave has no power, which is exactly what this article is about. What a bunch of shit.

I believe you are the slave to an outdated, authoritarian, corporate conceived ideology who's main purpose is to turn all middle class workers into fearful, economically poor wage slaves and suck the wealth they labored for over the last 50 yrs. into the pockets of the 1%.
Thanks, so this one is you?

The Facts Lose Value: The worst flaw of the slave is not necessarily his ability to overlook the truth, but his ability to see it, comprehend it, and then shrug it off anyway because it is contrary to his mission to fulfill his private delusions. For the slave, the truth exists, but is no longer useful. Lies make his universe turn, and facts are a tool to be used or cast aside at his leisure.
Thanks, so this one is you?

The Facts Lose Value: The worst flaw of the slave is not necessarily his ability to overlook the truth, but his ability to see it, comprehend it, and then shrug it off anyway because it is contrary to his mission to fulfill his private delusions. For the slave, the truth exists, but is no longer useful. Lies make his universe turn, and facts are a tool to be used or cast aside at his leisure.

Sounds like Faux 'news' viewers to me. Duct tape and plastic will save you from chem attacks. WMD's are n-e-s-w of....We fight in Iraq to defend our freedom or because they hate our freedom, Clean Air Act, trickle-down economics - tax cuts for the rich create jobs, there are hundreds more.

You buy into the corporate propaganda that has picked your pocket for the last 30 yrs and call others delusional!
Thanks, so this one is you?

The Facts Lose Value: The worst flaw of the slave is not necessarily his ability to overlook the truth, but his ability to see it, comprehend it, and then shrug it off anyway because it is contrary to his mission to fulfill his private delusions. For the slave, the truth exists, but is no longer useful. Lies make his universe turn, and facts are a tool to be used or cast aside at his leisure.

Sounds like Faux 'news' viewers to me. Duct tape and plastic will save you from chem attacks. WMD's are n-e-s-w of....We fight in Iraq to defend our freedom or because they hate our freedom, Clean Air Act, trickle-down economics - tax cuts for the rich create jobs, there are hundreds more.

You buy into the corporate propaganda that has picked your pocket for the last 30 yrs and call others delusional!
Sounds like Faux 'news' viewers to me. Duct tape and plastic will save you from chem attacks. WMD's are n-e-s-w of....We fight in Iraq to defend our freedom or because they hate our freedom, Clean Air Act, trickle-down economics - tax cuts for the rich create jobs, there are hundreds more.

You buy into the corporate propaganda that has picked your pocket for the last 30 yrs and call others delusional!

you could have just told us that your partisanship is not going to allow you to do anything other than adhere to your totalitarian viewpoint. that might have saved some energy in to you having to assume i'm the poster boy for a fox news watching neocon/threeper/oather/birther/tenther (add in any other slang term for non liberal you want here).

it's obvious you're ranting against the article because you identify with it so well. tell us, did you worship the authoritarian state while GW was presiding over it?
Your idea of totalitarian and authoritarian views are the conservative views given to you by the same big money that has driven this country to the brink of depression.

totalitarian and authoritarian beliefs from the right means no govt oversight over capitalism and as we've found out thru decades of deregulation that these views mean disaster for the country. The real slaves are working people who believe that conservative politicians will work in their interests and not the interests of multi-national money donors.
Your idea of totalitarian and authoritarian views are the conservative views given to you by the same big money that has driven this country to the brink of depression.

totalitarian and authoritarian beliefs from the right means no govt oversight over capitalism and as we've found out thru decades of deregulation that these views mean disaster for the country. The real slaves are working people who believe that conservative politicians will work in their interests and not the interests of multi-national money donors.

wow, the few people on here who believed you had intelligence need to re-evaluate their opinion, since it's clear that you have no clue about totalitarianism and authoritarianism.
wow, the few people on here who believed you had intelligence need to re-evaluate their opinion, since it's clear that you have no clue about totalitarianism and authoritarianism.

I don't care what you do, but I still call bullshit on this corporate supplied, totally Orwellian article.

to you a govt is totalitarian when it steps on the toes of business, for say... clean air crimes, or dumping oil in the gulf, or expecting the rich to pay their taxes when in fact you dream of a totalitarian govt, run by 1 party and all opposing views and labor are crushed.

I've seen no bigger bowing down to authority than the way you wing-nuts lock stepped behind Bush into Iraq.

When the right talks about freedom they're talking about monied interests freedom to pay subsistence wages, to pollute without penalty, to deregulate banking and wall street and make it like a craps game-they can win no matter what numbers are rolled. Freedom for conservatives is paid for by 99% of the people and those who belong to the 99% and vote for conservatives are cutting their own and their children's throats.
I don't care what you do, but I still call bullshit on this corporate supplied, totally Orwellian article.

to you a govt is totalitarian when it steps on the toes of business, for say... clean air crimes, or dumping oil in the gulf, or expecting the rich to pay their taxes when in fact you dream of a totalitarian govt, run by 1 party and all opposing views and labor are crushed.

I've seen no bigger bowing down to authority than the way you wing-nuts lock stepped behind Bush into Iraq.

When the right talks about freedom they're talking about monied interests freedom to pay subsistence wages, to pollute without penalty, to deregulate banking and wall street and make it like a craps game-they can win no matter what numbers are rolled. Freedom for conservatives is paid for by 99% of the people and those who belong to the 99% and vote for conservatives are cutting their own and their children's throats.

seriously???? me bow down to authority???? have you been paying attention to the things I post????? or are you nothing more than a one sided poster like TCLiberal?
seriously???? me bow down to authority???? have you been paying attention to the things I post????? or are you nothing more than a one sided poster like TCLiberal?

Naaa I don't pay too much attention to you unless you post a bullshit article like this one.
seriously???? me bow down to authority???? have you been paying attention to the things I post????? or are you nothing more than a one sided poster like TCLiberal?

You support Citizens United. You could not get off your knees even if you knew you were on them, which you don't.
Understanding the slave mentality

By Brandon Smith

There are no limits to the surrealist hell that can be unleashed when dealing with what I like to call the "Slave Mentality". The slave mentality takes many shapes. It is pervasive in times of social distress, and, it can be infectious. The psychologist Carl Jung wrote in his book 'The Undiscovered Self' that the cruel sociopathy seen in the populations of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia is actually latent in many of us. All it needs is the right set of sociopolitical circumstances and a weak enough will, and the shadows in the hearts of lesser men are given license to come out and play. This is just as true in America, where people now operated on assumptions that the state is an absolute provider in the event of national calamity.

But what are the signs of this unconscious desire for collectivism and control? What makes a slave do what he does? Here are just a handful of explanations to consider...

The True Slave: The true slave is not a person who has been shackled, beaten, tortured, and made to comply under threat of death. As long as that poor soul has the spirit of rebellion and is ever seeking freedom, they are not imprisoned fully. The true slave is a person who enjoys their subservience, who is weighted with fear by the very idea of independence from the system, and who would actually fight and die to maintain the establishment which enslaves them. The true slave is not able to imagine living any other life beyond his micro-managed existence.

The Facts Lose Value: The worst flaw of the slave is not necessarily his ability to overlook the truth, but his ability to see it, comprehend it, and then shrug it off anyway because it is contrary to his mission to fulfill his private delusions. For the slave, the truth exists, but is no longer useful. Lies make his universe turn, and facts are a tool to be used or cast aside at his leisure.

The Obsession With The Law: The slave mentality, though illogical and psychotic, still requires a certain foundation to hold it together. The laws of governments tend to suffice. These laws may go completely against the force of inherent conscience, but because the slave has already abandoned listening to his inner voice of reason, this does not bother him much. If you have ever wondered why modern tyrannies always feel the need to put their horrific enforcements in writing first, THIS is why. Oligarchs understand that the law provides the slave with a means to rationalize his participation in the crimes of the state. After all, if some gut-bloated bloodthirsty elitists in government etch their mad inbred ramblings into law, then we have no choice but to follow them, right?

The Need To Be Accepted: A slave seeks harmony not within, but without, even when that "harmony" is with a system that is designed to destroy him. The viciousness of collectivism lay in its ability to comfort converts with atrocity. As long as the slave feels as though he is a part of the machine, and accepted by the group, he cares not what the machine does to others. Common arguments include; "We all have to live together, and so we must sacrifice our selfish individualism for the greater good..." or "Governments are here to protect us and we should do everything we can to make their job easier..." Rarely if ever do they question if the system is legitimately helpful or harmful. The system just "is", it fulfills their need to be coddled, and that is good enough for them. For all their talk of "unity" and the "greater good", collectivist are for the most part deeply selfish. They do not support or participate in the collective for the sake of others. They do it to satiate their personal desires.

The Need For Control: I suppose it's ironic, but the average slave loves tyranny because it affords him a perceived seat at the table of power, perhaps for the first time in his entire life. Collectivist slaves are often people who have felt weak and inadequate since childhood. While honorable human beings fight this personal uncertainty by strengthening themselves physically and mentally, and improving upon their own character, the slave takes the easy route by joining with bureaucracy and living vicariously through its conquests. Through the state, the hollow, cowardly, and stupid, have the ability to "show the world who's boss", and get revenge for a life filled with meaninglessness.

The Need For Structure: An individual takes responsibility for himself, learning over time to provide his own structure which works at his pace and serves his unique needs. A slave does not have the energy or the drive to do that, and so, he asks the establishment to tell him how he should live. He will hold at face value the word of nearly anyone in a position of petty authority. When confronted with those who go their own way, or who rebel against the cookie-cutter template for social participation, the slave sneers in disgust. Independent rebellion is abhorrent to him, because the system provides him with his very identity. To insult the fabric of the system is to insult who he is. It's pathetic, but common...

The Need For Vindication: Sometimes it is not enough for certain people to have their own world view. The slave seeks approval for his world view at every turn, even if that world view is twisted by bleary eyed logic, and will go so far as to force others to agree with it so that they can feel safer in their beliefs. It is natural for people to seek out others with similar views and ideals, but, it is not natural or healthy for those same people to use the government apparatus as a weapon to frighten the rest of us into submission just so they can become more confident in their ludicrous slapdash philosophies. Slaves want a world without contradiction. Laughably, everything they do is a contradiction.

Now that the once theoretical dangers of federal fascism are breaking the surface of the water and circling the American sinking ship, the great test is to watch closely where the masses place their priorities. Will they take the path of the individual, admit to the laboratory mutation that our government has become, and try to make things right again? Or, will they take the path of the slave, forget their past follies and empty arguments, and jump on the totalitarian bandwagon? Certainly, it is not as if the cheerleaders of the state usually get out of the tumult with all their limbs intact. In most cases, they are lucky to get out alive once the smoke clears. One might think that the lessons of history would be guide enough, but then again, the average slave has taken every conceivable measure to ensure that his particular fantasy land is magical enough to withstand substantial examination. The system is their drug, and the upheaval that free thought brings is such a buzz-kill...

Have you ever seen a worse website?????????????????? http://www.informationliberation.com/?about
Zero credibility.
Have you ever seen a worse poster? SmarterThanYou
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Zero credibility
Understanding the slave mentality

By Brandon Smith

There are no limits to the surrealist hell that can be unleashed when dealing with what I like to call the "Slave Mentality". The slave mentality takes many shapes. It is pervasive in times of social distress, and, it can be infectious. The psychologist Carl Jung wrote in his book 'The Undiscovered Self' that the cruel sociopathy seen in the populations of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia is actually latent in many of us. All it needs is the right set of sociopolitical circumstances and a weak enough will, and the shadows in the hearts of lesser men are given license to come out and play. This is just as true in America, where people now operated on assumptions that the state is an absolute provider in the event of national calamity.

But what are the signs of this unconscious desire for collectivism and control? What makes a slave do what he does? Here are just a handful of explanations to consider...

The True Slave: The true slave is not a person who has been shackled, beaten, tortured, and made to comply under threat of death. As long as that poor soul has the spirit of rebellion and is ever seeking freedom, they are not imprisoned fully. The true slave is a person who enjoys their subservience, who is weighted with fear by the very idea of independence from the system, and who would actually fight and die to maintain the establishment which enslaves them. The true slave is not able to imagine living any other life beyond his micro-managed existence.

The Facts Lose Value: The worst flaw of the slave is not necessarily his ability to overlook the truth, but his ability to see it, comprehend it, and then shrug it off anyway because it is contrary to his mission to fulfill his private delusions. For the slave, the truth exists, but is no longer useful. Lies make his universe turn, and facts are a tool to be used or cast aside at his leisure.

The Obsession With The Law: The slave mentality, though illogical and psychotic, still requires a certain foundation to hold it together. The laws of governments tend to suffice. These laws may go completely against the force of inherent conscience, but because the slave has already abandoned listening to his inner voice of reason, this does not bother him much. If you have ever wondered why modern tyrannies always feel the need to put their horrific enforcements in writing first, THIS is why. Oligarchs understand that the law provides the slave with a means to rationalize his participation in the crimes of the state. After all, if some gut-bloated bloodthirsty elitists in government etch their mad inbred ramblings into law, then we have no choice but to follow them, right?

The Need To Be Accepted: A slave seeks harmony not within, but without, even when that "harmony" is with a system that is designed to destroy him. The viciousness of collectivism lay in its ability to comfort converts with atrocity. As long as the slave feels as though he is a part of the machine, and accepted by the group, he cares not what the machine does to others. Common arguments include; "We all have to live together, and so we must sacrifice our selfish individualism for the greater good..." or "Governments are here to protect us and we should do everything we can to make their job easier..." Rarely if ever do they question if the system is legitimately helpful or harmful. The system just "is", it fulfills their need to be coddled, and that is good enough for them. For all their talk of "unity" and the "greater good", collectivist are for the most part deeply selfish. They do not support or participate in the collective for the sake of others. They do it to satiate their personal desires.

The Need For Control: I suppose it's ironic, but the average slave loves tyranny because it affords him a perceived seat at the table of power, perhaps for the first time in his entire life. Collectivist slaves are often people who have felt weak and inadequate since childhood. While honorable human beings fight this personal uncertainty by strengthening themselves physically and mentally, and improving upon their own character, the slave takes the easy route by joining with bureaucracy and living vicariously through its conquests. Through the state, the hollow, cowardly, and stupid, have the ability to "show the world who's boss", and get revenge for a life filled with meaninglessness.

The Need For Structure: An individual takes responsibility for himself, learning over time to provide his own structure which works at his pace and serves his unique needs. A slave does not have the energy or the drive to do that, and so, he asks the establishment to tell him how he should live. He will hold at face value the word of nearly anyone in a position of petty authority. When confronted with those who go their own way, or who rebel against the cookie-cutter template for social participation, the slave sneers in disgust. Independent rebellion is abhorrent to him, because the system provides him with his very identity. To insult the fabric of the system is to insult who he is. It's pathetic, but common...

The Need For Vindication: Sometimes it is not enough for certain people to have their own world view. The slave seeks approval for his world view at every turn, even if that world view is twisted by bleary eyed logic, and will go so far as to force others to agree with it so that they can feel safer in their beliefs. It is natural for people to seek out others with similar views and ideals, but, it is not natural or healthy for those same people to use the government apparatus as a weapon to frighten the rest of us into submission just so they can become more confident in their ludicrous slapdash philosophies. Slaves want a world without contradiction. Laughably, everything they do is a contradiction.

Now that the once theoretical dangers of federal fascism are breaking the surface of the water and circling the American sinking ship, the great test is to watch closely where the masses place their priorities. Will they take the path of the individual, admit to the laboratory mutation that our government has become, and try to make things right again? Or, will they take the path of the slave, forget their past follies and empty arguments, and jump on the totalitarian bandwagon? Certainly, it is not as if the cheerleaders of the state usually get out of the tumult with all their limbs intact. In most cases, they are lucky to get out alive once the smoke clears. One might think that the lessons of history would be guide enough, but then again, the average slave has taken every conceivable measure to ensure that his particular fantasy land is magical enough to withstand substantial examination. The system is their drug, and the upheaval that free thought brings is such a buzz-kill...

What people, like the author of the article and conservatives/Republicans, in general, fail to realize is society has changed over the years. Before technology, industrialization, medical advancement, etc. the few things anyone could acquire were available to everyone. Food, shelter, land were all available for the poorest of the poor. Free land in exchange for one building a home on the parcel. Food available by hunting and planting. Everyone had an equal chance and no one had to depend on anyone else.

So, where does the poor person get food today? Where can the hungry person go and hunt meat for dinner? Where is the free land to build a home?

So, people look to government to equal the situation. No or little government, no or few social programs have been tried and failed. If others own the places where food is obtained, if others own the land where food is grown, if others own the land where homes are built how does a poor individual obtain any of those things without being a slave to the owners?

Contrary to the article it has nothing to do with structure (If people want to talk about structure the Conservative is the one to talk to but that’s for another thread.), being accepted, vindication, or wanting a world without contradiction. It has to do with straight forward logic. There are finite resources. If someone (companies) own all the food (GM seeds) or land or anything else an individual is obliged to be a slave to someone in order to obtain money to buy such things. It was easier being a “slave” in order to obtain enough money for a hunting rifle than it is to obtain money for groceries, week after week.

Companies do not offer food and shelter to people in need. Governments do. So, which one should people support?

Finally, talking about learning from history, there are numerous examples of one or a group of people owning everything (the kings and queens of the past). While people tend to compare such examples to where present day government is heading (Socialism) the comparison is more accurately applied to companies. Governments can be changed; voted in and out. However, the average citizen has little say in the running of companies.

Society has progressed to the point where we depend on others and others depend on us. That’s just a fact of life. Do we want elected people making laws and rules or a few unelected men in a boardroom deciding how society should be run?

Those who fight against government are, in effect, siding with companies. It’s that old saying, “Nature abhors a vacuum.” If governments don’t run society, corporations will. And we know what corporations think of the average guy on the street. The financial crisis made that very clear….hmmm, maybe not clear to everyone. :(
Isn't it obvious the right no longer believes in society? The right sees this country as a cash cow to be milked until it dies. It's all about short term profits and power to the Teapublicons. The fact that Citizens United allows millions of Chinese, Russian and Saudi money to flow thru the Republicon party should be proof enough to the most backward wing nut that the right will destroy this country for the profits of foreign, sometimes state owned corporations.

But no... Smarter than no one will never be able to see past his corporate conditioning.
so much fail by the four liberals here.

First They Ignore Me. Then They Mock Me. Then They Attack Me. Then I Win!

you can't even see past your idiotic talking points and foolish party positions, that you're still stuck in stupid mode by defining Libertarians as the radical rightwingnuts.

Rune can't even accept that fact that I don't support Cititzens United, simply because it can easily be ignored by education people Personally, that speaks volumes about his faith in people than it does anything else.

Poet can't see past the color of his own skin to understand, or remember, that I burnt his dumb ass on broad generalization of people in the same group, so he continues to stick to his own hypocrisy by continually blanket grouping and guilt by association of everyone while ignoring his own shortcomings of his confession that he was wrong.

Apple can't get past the liberal idea that big government is the only thing that protects the people from everyone else, that he intentionally keeps himself ignorant to the fact that those 'liberal' framers got rid of big government because that's exactly what they did not do.

crash is just stupidly sticking to liberal talking points because I don't think he's capable of realizing anything else.