Understanding the slave mentality

you are so far gone, it's pitiful. I can safely throw you in the garbage pit of insanity with the rest of the sheeple that rune has no faith in.

You are beyond idiot. While apple's view's are a bit left of mine, he is hardly part of the great un-informed masses, quite the oposite in fact.
Didn't less than 1/3 (30% of the population IIRC) cause the American Revolution? Aren't yoiu supposed to be a threeper? Isn't that about some low percentage of Americans carrying the banner, keeping us truly free?
Don't you yourself routinely bitch about the tyrany of the majority?
How could you possibly want that majority's opinion swayed by the King of Saud, the Chairman of China, the CEO of some russian oil company?

The only way this clicks in my mind is because your side caused CU to exist so despite your claims of non-partisanship, you are compelled to create a defense of the ruling, no matter how absurd your defense may be.

If you were really about the founder's intentions, you would find this ruling anathema to freedom, a bane to liberty and justice. The founders had a healthy fear of corporate power, and worked to keep them in check. Slowly those checks have erroded and now we have a situation where a few men decide hundreds of elections in states they may never have traveled to, write legislation in 50 states and at the federal level as well.
If your claims to love of liberty were even partialy true, you would hate CU with even more passion than I do. Rather you are stuck in some idealist world, where if only the people were not sheep to be led, freedom would stand a 50/50 chance. Well guess what pal, they are not called sheeple for nothing. There have ALWAYS been leaders and mostly followers, and that is how it will always be. A few people with balls like me and you have to protect the rights of all of us and your support of fascist laws makes the fight that much more difficult. Your heart is in the right place, your head, not so much.
You are beyond idiot. While apple's view's are a bit left of mine, he is hardly part of the great un-informed masses, quite the oposite in fact.
Didn't less than 1/3 (30% of the population IIRC) cause the American Revolution? Aren't yoiu supposed to be a threeper? Isn't that about some low percentage of Americans carrying the banner, keeping us truly free?
Don't you yourself routinely bitch about the tyrany of the majority?
How could you possibly want that majority's opinion swayed by the King of Saud, the Chairman of China, the CEO of some russian oil company?

The only way this clicks in my mind is because your side caused CU to exist so despite your claims of non-partisanship, you are compelled to create a defense of the ruling, no matter how absurd your defense may be.

If you were really about the founder's intentions, you would find this ruling anathema to freedom, a bane to liberty and justice. The founders had a healthy fear of corporate power, and worked to keep them in check. Slowly those checks have erroded and now we have a situation where a few men decide hundreds of elections in states they may never have traveled to, write legislation in 50 states and at the federal level as well.
If your claims to love of liberty were even partialy true, you would hate CU with even more passion than I do. Rather you are stuck in some idealist world, where if only the people were not sheep to be led, freedom would stand a 50/50 chance. Well guess what pal, they are not called sheeple for nothing. There have ALWAYS been leaders and mostly followers, and that is how it will always be. A few people with balls like me and you have to protect the rights of all of us and your support of fascist laws makes the fight that much more difficult. Your heart is in the right place, your head, not so much.

Don't be too hard on STY. As bore out, time after time, it's doubtful Smarter Than You is smarter than anyone on this board. The intelligence of anyone who would choose a moniker that makes a mockery of themselves is definitely questionable.
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you're racist against me simply because I'm a Tea Party member, a 3 %er, and an oath keeper. none of which is requires racism to be a part of their membership. so you're racist.

"The problem with the whole libertarian movement is that it’s been all chiefs and no Indians. There haven’t been any actual people, like voters, who give a crap about it. So the problem for the Kochs has been trying to create a movement.” With the emergence of the Tea Party... “everyone suddenly sees that for the first time there are Indians out there—people who can provide real ideological power.” The Kochs, are “trying to shape and control and channel the populist uprising into their own policies.
Reports indicate that the Tea Party Movement benefits from millions of dollars from conservative foundations that are derived from wealthy U.S. families and their business interests. Is appears that money to organize and implement the Movement flows primarily through two (Koch funded) conservative groups: Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks..."

Your 'party' is nothing but an extension of the same corporate thinking that has brought this country to the brink of disaster. It is truly astroturf, controlled by and working for the benefit of big profits at the expense of U.S. citizens.

If you disagree with me, instead of calling me names please try to dispute this with facts and links.
The only way this clicks in my mind is because your side caused CU to exist so despite your claims of non-partisanship, you are compelled to create a defense of the ruling, no matter how absurd your defense may be.
the only way this clicks in your mind is because you have some seriously mistaken beliefs, all of which center around the ideal that there is only left and right. nothing else in between. and that the only thing that keeps us free is the government. you're simply wrong. that is all.
the only way this clicks in your mind is because you have some seriously mistaken beliefs, all of which center around the ideal that there is only left and right. nothing else in between. and that the only thing that keeps us free is the government. you're simply wrong. that is all.

May I remind you of Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Oklahoma City.
"The problem with the whole libertarian movement is that it’s been all chiefs and no Indians. There haven’t been any actual people, like voters, who give a crap about it. So the problem for the Kochs has been trying to create a movement.” With the emergence of the Tea Party... “everyone suddenly sees that for the first time there are Indians out there—people who can provide real ideological power.” The Kochs, are “trying to shape and control and channel the populist uprising into their own policies.
Reports indicate that the Tea Party Movement benefits from millions of dollars from conservative foundations that are derived from wealthy U.S. families and their business interests. Is appears that money to organize and implement the Movement flows primarily through two (Koch funded) conservative groups: Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks..."

Your 'party' is nothing but an extension of the same corporate thinking that has brought this country to the brink of disaster. It is truly astroturf, controlled by and working for the benefit of big profits at the expense of U.S. citizens.

If you disagree with me, instead of calling me names please try to dispute this with facts and links.

FYI Chiefs were Indians, too...
May I remind you of Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Oklahoma City.
yeah, a family that wanted to be left alone, ended up being terrorized by the feds and half of them murdered. Another group of people violently assaulted, then murdered by tanks and fire. the only truly criminal case you have is the oklahoma city bombing. something perpetrated by a moron who didn't care to discern between a government target and a civilian target. I'm still unsure what those have to do with the slave mentality though. can you elighten?
The Founding fathers: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington.

John Adams: John Adams, Jr., the eldest of three sons, was born on October 30, 1735 , in what is now Quincy, Massachusetts.

Benjamin Franklin: born on Milk Street, in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1706[. Franklin's father, Josiah Franklin was a tallow chandler, a soap-maker and a candle-maker. Josiah was born at Ecton, Northamptonshire, England.

Alexander Hamilton: Of illegitimate birth and raised in the West Indies, Hamilton was effectively orphaned at about the age of 11. Recognized for his abilities and talent, he came to North America for his education, sponsored by people from his community.

John Jay: Jay was born December 12, 1745 into a wealthy family of merchants and government officials in New York City. Jay, a proponent of strong, centralized government, also co-wrote the Federalist Papers, along with Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

Thomas Jefferson: The third of ten children, Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 at the family home in Shadwell, Goochland County, Virginia,

James Madison : James Madison, Jr. was born at Belle Grove Plantation near Port Conway, Virginia on March 16, 1751

George Washington: born on the Pope's Creek Estate near present-day Colonial Beach in Westmoreland County, Virginia. Washington's ancestors were from Sulgrave, England; his great-grandfather, John Washington, had immigrated to Virginia in 1657
(All the above from Wikipedia.)

OK. I’ll break this down into bite size pieces so you can, hopefully, digest it.

You say those 'liberal' framers got rid of big government. As you can see from the above most of the framers came from Massachusetts or Virginia. What “big government” was operating in Massachusetts and Virginia in 1776?

Here’s a list of current government departments/agencies. There are approximately 500. Perhaps you can enlighten us as to which agencies were operating in 1776. http://www.usa.gov/directory/federal/index.shtml

The framers were against unfair government. Unelected government. Government with no representation. Do you think King George III of England was democratically elected?

The problem with so-called big government is virtually all big governments were not democratically elected. The ones that were democratically elected and in power are supported by the citizens whom they represent. Governments that ensure housing and food and medical care. Do you think corporations care about the welfare of citizens?

You are stuck in the past. The far, ancient past. The times of kings and tribal warriors. Governments that came to power through coups/takeovers.

The framers did not get rid of big government. They got rid of a corrupt, unelected government. Do try to understand the difference.

No Paine :(

Thomas Paine was the author of a very important pamphlet called Common Sense that was published in 1776. He wrote a compelling argument for independence from Great Britain. His pamphlet convinced many colonists and founding fathers of the wisdom of open rebellion against the British if necessary. Further, he published another pamphlet called The Crisis during the Revolutionary War that helped spur on the soldiers to fight.
yeah, a family that wanted to be left alone, ended up being terrorized by the feds and half of them murdered. Another group of people violently assaulted, then murdered by tanks and fire. the only truly criminal case you have is the oklahoma city bombing. something perpetrated by a moron who didn't care to discern between a government target and a civilian target. I'm still unsure what those have to do with the slave mentality though. can you elighten?

Militias. Outdated. Illegal. Wrong. Period.
the only way this clicks in your mind is because you have some seriously mistaken beliefs, all of which center around the ideal that there is only left and right. nothing else in between. and that the only thing that keeps us free is the government. you're simply wrong. that is all.

Your rebuttal is; you're simply wrong? :rofl: WTF is wrong with you? Thanks for proving how very right I am.