Unfuckingbelievable, Dems try and reintroduce draft!


New member
Can you believe this? Those fuckers spent all of the 2004 election fearmongering the electorate over Bush bringing back the draft and how we all needed to vote Dem to avoid getting drafted and now look at this:

"Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) likely will introduce his controversial legislation to reinstate the draft again this year, but he will wait until after the economic stimulus package is passed.

Asked if he plans to introduce the legislation again in 2009, Rangel last week said, “Probably … yes. I don’t want to do anything this early to distract from the issue of the economic stimulus.”"

What a bunch of hypocritical shitheads, barely mentioned in the Liberal media and worst of all, they try and play it off like other Dems won't pass it. If that's true why did Rangel wait til the election was done with a big Dem majority to reintroduce it? He's got support for it.
doesn't rangel introduce this every year? with very specific clauses about no deferments meant to include rich republican snowflakes in draft eligibility?
Can you believe this? Those fuckers spent all of the 2004 election fearmongering the electorate over Bush bringing back the draft and how we all needed to vote Dem to avoid getting drafted and now look at this:

"Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) likely will introduce his controversial legislation to reinstate the draft again this year, but he will wait until after the economic stimulus package is passed.

Asked if he plans to introduce the legislation again in 2009, Rangel last week said, “Probably … yes. I don’t want to do anything this early to distract from the issue of the economic stimulus.”"

What a bunch of hypocritical shitheads, barely mentioned in the Liberal media and worst of all, they try and play it off like other Dems won't pass it. If that's true why did Rangel wait til the election was done with a big Dem majority to reintroduce it? He's got support for it.

Rangell does this every Congress and in every Congress the bill just sits there with no action taken. Where've you been?
They have to get their "National Defense Force as Strong and as Well-Funded As the Military" from someplace...


But I have it on high authority when he said that it was the "Peace Corps" who have nothing to do with national security that he was talking about.
their logic is people would be less likely to support wars if they had a chance of being forced to fight them.

Though that's likely true, it's no excuse for introducing government slavery. stupid fucks.
Rangel's legislation is not as dangerous as the president himself.

Most democrats don't support Rangel's legislation and it only makes sense if there is a call for a draft, which Rangel's legislation does not do. His legislation is supposed to make sure everyone gets drafted fairly and equally IF there is a draft. No exceptions for rich kids.

That makes sense.

However, Obama thinks American kids should be in the military .. not his of course.
their logic is people would be less likely to support wars if they had a chance of being forced to fight them.

Though that's likely true, it's no excuse for introducing government slavery. stupid fucks.

Oh it's true alright.

If there had been a draft the Iraq war would have ended long ago .. may have never been fought .. which is the reason why Bush/Cheney stood against any draft.

War gets a lot more interesting when you or your loved one's life is on the line.
So it doesn't actually call for a draft?

What is the truth here?

No. It calls for a draft. It's just that Rangel has introduced the same bill for the past six years now. I think the Republicans actually put it up for a vote once and even Rangel voted against it. It failed by a vote of 2-402.
No. It calls for a draft. It's just that Rangel has introduced the same bill for the past six years now. I think the Republicans actually put it up for a vote once and even Rangel voted against it. It failed by a vote of 2-402.
Please he did this because he was trying to suggest that Bush had to have a draft in order to be in Iraq. It was originally submitted during 2002 because he thought the Ds would gain in Congress if he could get people to believe that a Draft was inevitable. The D leadership basically told him to shut up.

In 2004 he brought it up again with the same goal and the Rs forced it to a vote whereupon he voted against it to shut down all discussion because it was backfiring.
No. It calls for a draft. It's just that Rangel has introduced the same bill for the past six years now. I think the Republicans actually put it up for a vote once and even Rangel voted against it. It failed by a vote of 2-402.

Why does BAC say it doesn't call for a draft?

Im lazy today. Thanks guys.
Please he did this because he was trying to suggest that Bush had to have a draft in order to be in Iraq. It was originally submitted during 2002 because he thought the Ds would gain in Congress if he could get people to believe that a Draft was inevitable. The D leadership basically told him to shut up.

In 2004 he brought it up again with the same goal and the Rs forced it to a vote whereupon he voted against it to shut down all discussion because it was backfiring.

Your timeline is fucked.
i remember that day the republicans called his bluff and wanted a vote. that was awesome. Rangels a crooked dirtbag anyway, passing a voice vote amendment after half the congress had left for the night and calling it a decided yea vote, fucker.
Isn't it?

Wait, you mean MY kids might have to fight in the next war I demand we launch??

Have we run out of Jose's?
There are an incredible number of kids listed at each R gathering in our area that are serving in Iraq.

I think that the Rs wouldn't be effected that much by it. Although I do think that America would be. If they are successful in getting people to believe it is inevitable then I think the war would end much more quickly.
There are an incredible number of kids listed at each R gathering in our area that are serving in Iraq.

I think that the Rs wouldn't be effected that much by it. Although I do think that America would be. If they are successful in getting people to believe it is inevitable then I think the war would end much more quickly.

Excuse me? What is it, one percent of the population fighting in Iraq, or affected by the fight?

And Republicans "wouldn't be effected" by a draft?