Unfuckingbelievable, Dems try and reintroduce draft!

Excuse me? What is it, one percent of the population fighting in Iraq, or affected by the fight?

And Republicans "wouldn't be effected" by a draft?
Yes, I do not believe that the vast majority of republicans would be as effected as you want to believe.

Many of them already have kids serving there. Of that 1% an inordinate amount come from R families.

I think it would effect those who don't usually vote far more than it would Republicans, at least opinion-wise.
Yes, I do not believe that the vast majority of republicans would be as effected as you want to believe.

Many of them already have kids serving there. Of that 1% an inordinate amount come from R families.

I think it would effect those who don't usually vote far more than it would Republicans.

You do understand what 1% of the population means, don't you?
You do understand what 1% of the population means, don't you?
I do. I just don't think you understand how much Rs have supported this action and how often the regular "R" family thinks the military is a great idea and send their kids into it.

Still they are mad that Bush didn't go in strongly enough, but want to "give up"? No.

I think you do not know what you are talking about when you talk about Rs opinions. It wouldn't change the republican party's opinion on the "war" in Iraq.

Again, I suggest that it would have the effect you want because it would effect people who weren't in either party.
Can you believe this? Those fuckers spent all of the 2004 election fearmongering the electorate over Bush bringing back the draft and how we all needed to vote Dem to avoid getting drafted and now look at this:

"Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) likely will introduce his controversial legislation to reinstate the draft again this year, but he will wait until after the economic stimulus package is passed.

Asked if he plans to introduce the legislation again in 2009, Rangel last week said, “Probably … yes. I don’t want to do anything this early to distract from the issue of the economic stimulus.”"

What a bunch of hypocritical shitheads, barely mentioned in the Liberal media and worst of all, they try and play it off like other Dems won't pass it. If that's true why did Rangel wait til the election was done with a big Dem majority to reintroduce it? He's got support for it.

Idiot... Charles Wrangle has been calling for a draft since before 2004, look into his justification... it is achually reasonable, and BTW he is anti-war!
I do. I just don't think you understand how much Rs have supported this action and how often the regular "R" family thinks the military is a great idea and send their kids into it.

Still they are mad that Bush didn't go in strongly enough, but want to "give up"? No.

I think you do not know what you are talking about when you talk about Rs opinions. It wouldn't change the republican party's opinion on the "war" in Iraq.

Again, I suggest that it would have the effect you want because it would effect people who weren't in either party.

Ok, so the answer is, no, you don't understand what one percent of the population means.
Can you believe this? Those fuckers spent all of the 2004 election fearmongering the electorate over Bush bringing back the draft and how we all needed to vote Dem to avoid getting drafted and now look at this:

"Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) likely will introduce his controversial legislation to reinstate the draft again this year, but he will wait until after the economic stimulus package is passed.

Asked if he plans to introduce the legislation again in 2009, Rangel last week said, “Probably … yes. I don’t want to do anything this early to distract from the issue of the economic stimulus.”"

What a bunch of hypocritical shitheads, barely mentioned in the Liberal media and worst of all, they try and play it off like other Dems won't pass it. If that's true why did Rangel wait til the election was done with a big Dem majority to reintroduce it? He's got support for it.


Charles Rangel is a Democrat
Charles Rangel wants to reintroduce the draft
Therefore, Democrats want to reintroduce the draft

Good job at feigning surprise and outrage there, Dano. Rangel has submitted this bill over and over since 2004, and the only time it ever actually got out of committee was in 2005 when the Republicans were looking for a way to embarrass the Democrats. Rangel actually voted against it when it came up for vote.

You are being willfully ignorant in pretending you didn't already know this.
doesn't rangel introduce this every year? with very specific clauses about no deferments meant to include rich republican snowflakes in draft eligibility?

Yes. Dano wants to pretend that he doesn't know this so he can stir up some false outrage. He is being willfully ignorant. This isn't just lying, this is pure slander.
Ok, so the answer is, no, you don't understand what one percent of the population means.
No, the answer is yes, but I understand what the opinion of the vast majority of people in the R party on the "war" is and that their reaction would be less than you believe.

Much like they supported continued action in East Asia, even with a draft, for a very long time.

I think you are simply mistaken in your estimation of how it would effect the Rs opinion of the war.
Yes. Dano wants to pretend that he doesn't know this so he can stir up some false outrage. He is being willfully ignorant. This isn't just lying, this is pure slander.

It's not slander if it's true, and Rangel really is all those damn idiotic things and names we've called him.
Idiot... Charles Wrangle has been calling for a draft since before 2004, look into his justification... it is achually reasonable, and BTW he is anti-war!
Which was my point earlier. Dismissed because of timeline. Whatever. He's doing it because he believes that if Americans believe such a reintroduction is inevitable that it would turn the citizens against the war. I agree.

What I disagree with, is Darla's belief that it would be "Rs" who were convinced by it.
It's not slander if it's true, and Rangel really is all those damn idiotic things and names we've called him.

He's talking about taking one Dem and making it "Dems." This is something Dano does shamelessly, and often.

I love how he still asserts that "liberal Dems" are responsible for Sarbanes Oxley, and it only passed because a few "moderate Republicans" went along with it (it received only 3 "nay" votes in both houses of Congress).
It's not slander if it's true, and Rangel really is all those damn idiotic things and names we've called him.

He did not say that RANGEL wanted to introduce the draft. That would be true. He said that because Rangel is a Democrat and wants to introduce the draft, ALL DEMOCRATS WANT TO INTRODUCE THE DRAFT. He KNOWS this is incorrect. He KNOWS why its a logical fallacy. He is a LYING PIECE OF SHIT.
He did not say that RANGEL wanted to introduce the draft. That would be true. He said that because Rangel is a Democrat and wants to introduce the draft, ALL DEMOCRATS WANT TO INTRODUCE THE DRAFT. He KNOWS this is incorrect. He KNOWS why its a logical fallacy. He is a LYING PIECE OF SHIT.
He suggested that the reason he is doing it at a certain time is because he thinks he will have support for it.

Rangel is a nut.
What a bunch of hypocritical shitheads,

Did you catch the plural Damo? I'm just wondering. Because "shitheads" cannot be used to refer to Rangel. Rangel is a singular. Rangel is the only Democrat who supports this bill, and even then he's bluffing. Pelosi won't bring it to a vote because she doesn't want to embarrass the Democrats like the Republicans did.

barely mentioned in the Liberal media and worst of all, they try and play it off like other Dems won't pass it.

Did you get that? The "liberal" media is refusing to report something, JUST BECAUSE IT HAS NO CHANCE IN HELL OF EVEN GETTING OUT ON THE FLOOR! Why, this country is so unfair to the conservatives who have ruined it. They won't even spend 24/7 screaming "DEMOCRATS WANT TO REINTRODUCE THE DRAFT"! That's re-fucking-diculous! How could anyone think that way?!

If that's true why did Rangel wait til the election was done with a big Dem majority to reintroduce it? He's got support for it.

It is not, after all, like he tries to pass it off on each new congress.

No. That would be too much for Dano's tiny conservatard head.
Did you catch the plural Damo? I'm just wondering. Because "shitheads" cannot be used to refer to Rangel. Rangel is a singular. Rangel is the only Democrat who supports this bill, and even then he's bluffing. Pelosi won't bring it to a vote because she doesn't want to embarrass the Democrats like the Republicans did.

Did you get that? The "liberal" media is refusing to report something, JUST BECAUSE IT HAS NO CHANCE IN HELL OF EVEN GETTING OUT ON THE FLOOR! Why, this country is so unfair to the conservatives who have ruined it. They won't even spend 24/7 screaming "DEMOCRATS WANT TO REINTRODUCE THE DRAFT"! That's re-fucking-diculous! How could anyone think that way?!

It is not, after all, like he tries to pass it off on each new congress.

No. That would be too much for Dano's tiny conservatard head.
Yes, flowing forward from his assertion that he (RangeL) had support for it he then appropriately used a plural to get his idea across. While I don't agree with the idea I can understand the path he took to get there.

Personally, I understand what Rangel is doing and that he has done it before and why. This is why I talk about Rangel, not "Democrats". The attempt to assume agreement in a simple clarification is a misled assumption, and the incapacity to simply understand what he said and point out where he was wrong is sad.
Yes, flowing forward from his assertion that he (RangeL) had support for it he then appropriately used a plural to get his idea across. While I don't agree with the idea I can understand the path he took to get there.

You fucking idiot.

No, that doesn't apply, you squirmy little fuck. He's a lying shithead.
Which was my point earlier. Dismissed because of timeline. Whatever. He's doing it because he believes that if Americans believe such a reintroduction is inevitable that it would turn the citizens against the war. I agree.

What I disagree with, is Darla's belief that it would be "Rs" who were convinced by it.

My belief is that most of America would be. It's YOUR belief, that three-quarters of a percentile equals "most republicans".

Which one of us is crazy?

I report, you decide.