Unfuckingbelievable, Dems try and reintroduce draft!

If we get the draft back it will knock come poor kids out of job opportunities!
Those ritch college kids will get drafted and knock them out of a slot in the military.
I often hang banners that read " 4 THE WAR? ENLIST!!" on the Long Island Expressway. They are always the first to get ripped down. They enrage people.

Because they touch a nerve.

Additionally, that whole reasoning that "implementing a draft will keep us OUT of war" is exactly the kind of stupidity and imbecilic thought that will get us all screwed.

Not me, been there done that.
You youngins turn now. I would not want to deprive you of the opportunity.
ahh we still have to wars going King.
Getting republicans to be anti-war would be a major achievement.
You can bet they don't want their trust fund babies going to war.
Pass the freaking draft and wars will stop. Piece out.
ahh we still have to wars going King.
Getting republicans to be anti-war would be a major achievement.
You can bet they don't want their trust fund babies going to war.
Pass the freaking draft and wars will stop. Piece out.

Mass stupidity.

Don';t listen to all these old people who's entire porfolio is invested in the military industrial complex.
We should also draft females and Gays to be equal.

No one should have to serve in combat if theyobject to it but the govt will give incentives to do so and get enough front liners.
Testosterone levels are high among young males.
I often hang banners that read " 4 THE WAR? ENLIST!!" on the Long Island Expressway. They are always the first to get ripped down. They enrage people.

Because they touch a nerve.

Sure. 10 bucks says Joe Bloe the maintenance guy is paid by the city to go around ripping down all the ads, banners and posters of everybody who posts them where they are not allowed. I'm sure he is enraged at having to do more work and probably couldn't care less what the hell the banners say.
The major point seems to have sailed over the left's head on this.
Rangel said he wants a draft back so that warmongering Republicans would think twice about starting a war, fair enough.
So NOW that Dems control all branches of government, why does he still want a draft?
Is he worried Dems are going to start wars or is he thinking with more Dems in power now there is a much better chance that he can bring the draft back?
Go on lefties, pick your poison.

Because again the original counterpoint of saying it would stop warmongering Repubs is dead, they are not in power.

No lefty going to touch this?
If Rangel is supposed to be putting forth a draft to stop Repubs starting wars, then why is he doing it now when his party is in complete power if not because he is hoping it has a better chance of passing.
No lefty going to touch this?
If Rangel is supposed to be putting forth a draft to stop Repubs starting wars, then why is he doing it now when his party is in complete power if not because he is hoping it has a better chance of passing.

Moron I already did,
if we institute the draft regardless of dem control, neocons will turn anti-war to keep their trust fund Brad named muffy dating trust fund babies from getting blown up.:pke:
Moron I already did,
if we institute the draft regardless of dem control, neocons will turn anti-war to keep their trust fund Brad named muffy dating trust fund babies from getting blown up.:pke:

Topspin, with no respect whatsoever, that is a very dangerous and idiotic idea. You will simply succeed in providing our insane leadership with an infinite supply of fresh bodies for their meat grinder. The really powerful people get out of whatever they want to anyway. This draft will not 'even the power gap'. that's moronic.
Moron I already did,
if we institute the draft regardless of dem control, neocons will turn anti-war to keep their trust fund Brad named muffy dating trust fund babies from getting blown up.:pke:

If you have Dem control, why are you worried about neocons? It doesn't matter whether they are anti-war or not, they are out of power.