Unfuckingbelievable, Dems try and reintroduce draft!

It's been well established, Rangel himself has come out and said a draft would stop warmongering rich Repubs from going to war.

I believe it to, azzhat to stupid to comprehend aside.

Extreemly few millionaires want their kids recieving the impact of an ied or decapitated.:pke:
Sure; I'll take your word for it. On the other hand, there are Rangel's actual words on the topic:


Can you ever make any kind of honest point, that doesn't generalize or cherrypick something out of context?

Here are Rangel's words on the topic:
"There's no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way."

So....my question stands, to Rangel and lefties, there is no more president Bush or his administration, so WHY are you still trying to push a draft?
Here are Rangel's words on the topic:
"There's no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way."

So....my question stands, to Rangel and lefties, there is no more president Bush or his administration, so WHY are you still trying to push a draft?

Is that the only reason that he gives for wanting to re-instate the draft, Dano?

Let's have a yes or no on that. No spin.
Is that the only reason that he gives for wanting to re-instate the draft, Dano?

Let's have a yes or no on that. No spin.

No, he also makes a side point about it making the millitary more representative of the American public,
but it comes to the same thing, trying to get (stereotypically perceived) rich warmongering Repubs to rethink going to war.

And again they are not in power.
Is he a moron or what. Kingtool the republicans are still the most warhawkish even if the manority you fool. Rangels point is every bit as much relevant and 100% on point.
No, he also makes a side point about it making the millitary more representative of the American public,
but it comes to the same thing, trying to get (stereotypically perceived) rich warmongering Repubs to rethink going to war.

And again they are not in power.

Ohhhhh...a "side reason." He has spoken at length about the burden falling disproportionately on lower income families, and the article you posted highlights that.

You're a sad case. Clearly, he has other reasons for wanting a draft than your completely bogus paraphrase that he just wants to stop "rich Republicans from going to war."

I always ask myself with you...can he be this stupid?
Is he a moron or what. Kingtool the republicans are still the most warhawkish even if the manority you fool. Rangels point is every bit as much relevant and 100% on point.
However, if the congress magically voted for his proposal it would not even anything out and would not have the effect he says it would upon the group he most wants to change.
Ohhhhh...a "side reason." He has spoken at length about the burden falling disproportionately on lower income families, and the article you posted highlights that.

You're a sad case. Clearly, he has other reasons for wanting a draft than your completely bogus paraphrase that he just wants to stop "rich Republicans from going to war."

I always ask myself with you...can he be this stupid?
Are you dense, I call it a side point because it was not his FIRST point or his main reason.

It's funny because your opening angle was to pretend that Rangel was just some oddball that doesn't represent most Dems who don't agree with the draft. Then as the debate develops you find yourself defending his draft position from any way you can.

Remember when you used to have a slogan of "No Easy Label" way back on politics.com ? What are you now, but some pragmatic Deshlike creature that will defend all and everything Dem from any safe vantage point he can. You should take a break from here, you didn't used to be so full of hate.
Is he a moron or what. Kingtool the republicans are still the most warhawkish even if the manority you fool. Rangels point is every bit as much relevant and 100% on point.
Dems started American involvement in Korea, Nam, Haiti and Kosovo. Obama wants to increase the amount of soldiers by 92000 and has made rumblings of going into nuclear Pakistan.
You're a good man top and I understand why you are angry at Repubs, but should not people be judged on their actions and history rather than perception?
Are you dense, I call it a side point because it was not his FIRST point or his main reason.

It's funny because your opening angle was to pretend that Rangel was just some oddball that doesn't represent most Dems who don't agree with the draft. Then as the debate develops you find yourself defending his draft position from any way you can.

Remember when you used to have a slogan of "No Easy Label" way back on politics.com ? What are you now, but some pragmatic Deshlike creature that will defend all and everything Dem from any safe vantage point he can. You should take a break from here, you didn't used to be so full of hate.

I'm not trying to justify Rangel's proposal, idiot. I'm telling you what HIS reasons are. The fact that he has multiple, significant reasons completely invalidates your "follow up" question, which you implied that lefties were dodging, and which you only came up with because you realized how stupid you were in the 1st place to post this like it was "news" after Rangel has been bringing it up for years, and implying that it's "Dems."

Wow, are you thick. I mean - really, really dumb.
I'm not trying to justify Rangel's proposal, idiot. I'm telling you what HIS reasons are. The fact that he has multiple, significant reasons completely invalidates your "follow up" question, which you implied that lefties were dodging, and which you only came up with because you realized how stupid you were in the 1st place to post this like it was "news" after Rangel has been bringing it up for years, and implying that it's "Dems."

Wow, are you thick. I mean - really, really dumb.

Rangel brought it up for years because Repubs were in power. NOW that Repubs are out of power, he still sticks to the same reason. And you call me thick for seeing the same thing as other Dems do on this, from the article:

"But some Democrats — even one who supported Rangel’s efforts in the past — are a little perplexed about his plans to reintroduce the legislation, especially now that President-elect Obama is poised to take over the White House.
“That was really a political statement at the beginning of the war that we continued,” said Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), one of only two co-sponsors of Rangel’s draft bill. “I’m not sure we’re going to do that this time.”"

Wow, the Dems are wondering the same thing I am, they must be stupid too right Lorax? I'm sure you'll try and find some way to spin that but it would be nice if for once you gave in and realized that Rangel's main perceived reason (and perceived by Dems too as shown by the above) isn't making much sense.
Here's your question:

"The major point seems to have sailed over the left's head on this.
Rangel said he wants a draft back so that warmongering Republicans would think twice about starting a war, fair enough.
So NOW that Dems control all branches of government, why does he still want a draft?
Is he worried Dems are going to start wars or is he thinking with more Dems in power now there is a much better chance that he can bring the draft back?
Go on lefties, pick your poison."

You're asking why HE still wants a draft. I provided his own words for you, which should provide an answer for you, as he clearly had other reasons than the one you rather loosely paraphrased.
I believe it to, azzhat to stupid to comprehend aside.

Extreemly few millionaires want their kids recieving the impact of an ied or decapitated.:pke:

I understand the idea. I believe it's moronic. You're not even considering the option that it backfires and people are drafted for ridiculous wars against their will, as the legislation stipulates.
They have to get their "National Defense Force as Strong and as Well-Funded As the Military" from someplace...


But I have it on high authority when he said that it was the "Peace Corps" who have nothing to do with national security that he was talking about.


Now THAT was funny.
doesn't rangel introduce this every year? with very specific clauses about no deferments meant to include rich republican snowflakes in draft eligibility?

And what happens to rich democrat snowflakes in the draft eligibility...???

Huh, racist Meathead ?
Can you believe this? Those fuckers spent all of the 2004 election fearmongering the electorate over Bush bringing back the draft and how we all needed to vote Dem to avoid getting drafted and now look at this:

"Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) likely will introduce his controversial legislation to reinstate the draft again this year, but he will wait until after the economic stimulus package is passed.

Asked if he plans to introduce the legislation again in 2009, Rangel last week said, “Probably … yes. I don’t want to do anything this early to distract from the issue of the economic stimulus.”"

What a bunch of hypocritical shitheads, barely mentioned in the Liberal media and worst of all, they try and play it off like other Dems won't pass it. If that's true why did Rangel wait til the election was done with a big Dem majority to reintroduce it? He's got support for it.

You are a kooky fucking hack. He introduces this like every year and everyone opposes it. This is not (Teh DEMOCRATS!!!!) it is crazy ass Rangel.
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You are a kooky fucking hack. He introduces this like every year and everyone opposes it. This is not (Teh DEMOCRATS!!!!) it is crazy ass Rangel.

No he introduced this twice before and he did so with his main reason being to supposedly stop wars that he stereotypically thinks warmongering rich Repubs start. Well now they are out of power, yet he is still pushing the legislation.
And I say Democrats because it was more than just him who supported it, I've heard (and if you look through this thread at lefties comments on here) many Dems and Liberals voice their support for this.

BTW, is it cold in Phoenix too?
"I've heard (and if you look through this thread at lefties comments on here) many Dems and Liberals voice their support for this"

Oh - that settles it, then.