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Guns Guns Guns

Can someone explain why an organization whose agenda advances the prosperity of workers is "evil", but an organization whose agenda advances the prosperity of corporations is "good"?

Maybe you should drive up to Madison and offer to break their noses.
Union money buys legislators to cut the throat of Liberty.

Advancing the prosperity of corporations = a monopoly.

I guess \(\(V\/V)/)/ has a point in this somewhere.

Kind of like unions involved in politics.

Maybe he/she (\(\(V\/V)/)/) thinks all workers are union workers, and these unions have my (a worker) best interest in mind.

Even though, "I'm not a union worker."
Jim Spellane, a spokesman for the IBEW, said the strike occurred because Verizon "came in with an extreme set of proposals and never really moved off of them."

But after the 14-day strike, "I think they realized the unions are serious," he said. "It's in everybody's best interest to get back to work."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/08/20/verizon-workers-going-back-to-work-without-deal/#ixzz1Vg2Ln96t

yeah jim, that's what we realized. LOL

the union workers got scared because we had non union people doing twice their workload. It was come back to work or lose your job.
Union money buys legislators to cut the throat of Liberty.

Advancing the prosperity of corporations = a monopoly.

I guess \(\(V\/V)/)/ has a point in this somewhere.

Kind of like unions involved in politics.

Maybe he/she (\(\(V\/V)/)/) thinks all workers are union workers, and these unions have my (a worker) best interest in mind.

Even though, "I'm not a union worker."

I see...so it's ok for corporations to do this but it's not ok for laborers? That's not only irrational it's stupid.

American workers median income has not risen in 30 years when adjusted for inflation yet labors productivity in our nation has more then tripled during that time. Virtually all that extra productivity has gone into the pockets of the top 1% of income earners. Creating the largest disparity in wealth in our nation since the gilded age and that can all be traced back to when Reagan fired the air traffic controllers.

Yaa know angry white guys like you can buy into this divide and conquer identity politics all you want to and guys like me are just gonna sit and laugh our asses off while your standard of living continues to decline.
yeah jim, that's what we realized. LOL

the union workers got scared because we had non union people doing twice their workload. It was come back to work or lose your job.

I have an idea that will put everyone back to work. We'll pass a constitutional ammendment making all trade and labor unions illegal and then pass a national minimum wage that everyone must work for at 80 hours a week then get rid of all labor, safety and environmental regulations and pass a constitutional ammendment that criticizing an employer for any reason is treason.

That way we can cut the bull shit and become China all that much faster cause that is exactly what you right wing idiots are advocating.
I have an idea that will put everyone back to work. We'll pass a constitutional ammendment making all trade and labor unions illegal and then pass a national minimum wage that everyone must work for at 80 hours a week then get rid of all labor, safety and environmental regulations and pass a constitutional ammendment that criticizing an employer for any reason is treason.

That way we can cut the bull shit and become China all that much faster cause that is exactly what you right wing idiots are advocating.

all hyperbole aside, well your entire post was hyperbole.

seriously, those of us non-union workers who had to fill the roles of the union workers ended up doing twice the workload of the union workers. One of the main reason the injunction was ordered as to force union idiots to stop following the replacement workers. Once the union people saw we were doing twice their workload on a daily basis, they made fliers to alert the other union workers about who was threatening their jobs by the workload. It was starting to get ugly.

It was an inevitability that the union workers would come back after seeing that verizon would move forward without them.
I suppose that the 40 hour work week, benefits, health and safety protections for workers, banning of child labor etc. were all provided by the benevolence of the wealthy job creators I keep hearing about.
Several of them are likely to find that they were replaced. They went on strike, there are literally hundreds of thousands of telephony workers that are unemployed... My bet is that many of these people will be told to go home.

You have to be pretty damn stupid to go on strike at this time. People will take your job the minute you walk.
I suppose that the 40 hour work week, benefits, health and safety protections for workers, banning of child labor etc. were all provided by the benevolence of the wealthy job creators I keep hearing about.

Unions had their day. Now we have laws that protect people. When something outlives it's usefulness it becomes corrupt. Let's take your brain for example. First it was a healthy functioning brain, then it got filled with useless information and leftist hate and dogma. Now all it's good for is as a receptacle for used ear wax.
all hyperbole aside, well your entire post was hyperbole.

seriously, those of us non-union workers who had to fill the roles of the union workers ended up doing twice the workload of the union workers. One of the main reason the injunction was ordered as to force union idiots to stop following the replacement workers. Once the union people saw we were doing twice their workload on a daily basis, they made fliers to alert the other union workers about who was threatening their jobs by the workload. It was starting to get ugly.

It was an inevitability that the union workers would come back after seeing that verizon would move forward without them.

Bullshit. It's the honest to gods truth and you wingnuts are to fucking stupid to understand that. You are in fact advocating a race to the bottom so that we work and live by the same fucking standards as China and Mexico. Well guess what dumbasses.....when you get there you'll be making the same kinda money and the same quality of life as your average Chinese and you'll have just as many rights as they do. NONE!
I suppose that the 40 hour work week, benefits, health and safety protections for workers, banning of child labor etc. were all provided by the benevolence of the wealthy job creators I keep hearing about.

Better start learning to speak Chinese cuz. If you leave it up to these idiots you'll need to too have a job!
Unions had their day. Now we have laws that protect people. When something outlives it's usefulness it becomes corrupt. Let's take your brain for example. First it was a healthy functioning brain, then it got filled with useless information and leftist hate and dogma. Now all it's good for is as a receptacle for used ear wax.

Translation - farblegarble...I listen to fox news. So hows minimum wage working out for you, huh?