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Bullshit. It's the honest to gods truth and you wingnuts are to fucking stupid to understand that. You are in fact advocating a race to the bottom so that we work and live by the same fucking standards as China and Mexico. Well guess what dumbasses.....when you get there you'll be making the same kinda money and the same quality of life as your average Chinese and you'll have just as many rights as they do. NONE!


That's not it at all!!

It's to have people like you live under the same standards none union workers that are paying for your subsidies have to live under.

Start including the none union worker if you're so behind the worker.

If you do, you'll find that union workers are feeding off the none union workers.

And none union workers are tired of it.
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Bullshit. It's the honest to gods truth and you wingnuts are to fucking stupid to understand that. You are in fact advocating a race to the bottom so that we work and live by the same fucking standards as China and Mexico. Well guess what dumbasses.....when you get there you'll be making the same kinda money and the same quality of life as your average Chinese and you'll have just as many rights as they do. NONE!

Minimum wage in China has increased by about 40% over the last 18 months. Cant remember the actual. But I know friends with factories are, for the first time, concerned at the rapid rate of salary increases. Perks aren't bad either. However you are comparing with village life in abject poverty, but just look at the speed of Chinese growth and most of the benefits go to the people.
You cannot compare wages and living standards with the west but the increases are significant. The more cheap products you buy the better will be the lot of ordinary people.
Bullshit. It's the honest to gods truth and you wingnuts are to fucking stupid to understand that. You are in fact advocating a race to the bottom so that we work and live by the same fucking standards as China and Mexico. Well guess what dumbasses.....when you get there you'll be making the same kinda money and the same quality of life as your average Chinese and you'll have just as many rights as they do. NONE!
China has government subsidies for everyone and everything though. I thought that was good.
Minimum wage in China has increased by about 40% over the last 18 months. Cant remember the actual. But I know friends with factories are, for the first time, concerned at the rapid rate of salary increases. Perks aren't bad either. However you are comparing with village life in abject poverty, but just look at the speed of Chinese growth and most of the benefits go to the people.
You cannot compare wages and living standards with the west but the increases are significant. The more cheap products you buy the better will be the lot of ordinary people.
What's even funnier is China is outsourcing it's stuff to Vietnam now. In another 15 years China will face the same problems we do. Irony is sweet.
What's even funnier is China is outsourcing it's stuff to Vietnam now. In another 15 years China will face the same problems we do. Irony is sweet.

It maybe irony but it is simply the latest chapter in the evolution of global trade. China is now doing what Japan did, that is it is beginning to design and promote its own brands. It will outsource to Vietnam and Indonesia and in a generation they, in turn, will outsource to Cambodia and Laos, then North Korea..... What are your labour rates now?? :)
Can someone tell me ....why the fuck are you FEEDING THE TROLL


are you all trolls.....
It maybe irony but it is simply the latest chapter in the evolution of global trade. China is now doing what Japan did, that is it is beginning to design and promote its own brands. It will outsource to Vietnam and Indonesia and in a generation they, in turn, will outsource to Cambodia and Laos, then North Korea..... What are your labour rates now?? :)

Defne labor rate, as its somewhat open ended.
Poor Blabo.

If he enjoys a 40-hour week, paid holidays, benefits, overtime pay, safe and healthy working conditions and a living wage, does he think the wealthy "job creators" gave him those things because they're nice?
It's ok for what?

Two wrongs don't make a right.

I disagree with you completely. It's a basic tenent of capitalism that one has the right to negotiate what the market will bear for their goods and services. Individuals, corporations, businesses and unions all have this basic fundamental human right. What you guys are advocating is a race to the bottom which can only mean a lower standard of living for all American workers even though they are the most productive workers in the world and have EARNED not only their high standard of living but their fair share of the profits.

That's not it at all!!

It's to have people like you live under the same standards none union workers that are paying for your subsidies have to live under.

Start including the none union worker if you're so behind the worker.

If you do, you'll find that union workers are feeding off the none union workers.

And none union workers are tired of it.

Bullshit again. Please show me how the hell you subsidize union laborers wages? You're just jealous cause you aint man enough and don't have the balls to fight for your share of the pie and now you want workers who fought and earned what they have to hand it away just so they can be pussies like you? NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
Minimum wage in China has increased by about 40% over the last 18 months. Cant remember the actual. But I know friends with factories are, for the first time, concerned at the rapid rate of salary increases. Perks aren't bad either. However you are comparing with village life in abject poverty, but just look at the speed of Chinese growth and most of the benefits go to the people.
You cannot compare wages and living standards with the west but the increases are significant. The more cheap products you buy the better will be the lot of ordinary people.
I don't doubt that at all. I'm sure there's been plenty of progress but that doesn't change the fact that what attracts western business interest to China is the lack of regulation and the lack of rights workers have in that nation nor does it change the fact that the quality of life for your average Chinese factory worker is far below that of the US. Nor does it change the fact that this race to the bottom may benefit third world nations but it's not in my nations best interest.
It maybe irony but it is simply the latest chapter in the evolution of global trade. China is now doing what Japan did, that is it is beginning to design and promote its own brands. It will outsource to Vietnam and Indonesia and in a generation they, in turn, will outsource to Cambodia and Laos, then North Korea..... What are your labour rates now?? :)

I don't think it's hard to predict that you'll also see a greater disparity in wealth between the ruling class an laborers and that it will result in social and civil unrest in those nations until workers have certain rights recognized, as they do here. If the political class refuses to recognize those rights, then you will probably see civil unrest and possibly even violence.
It wasn't intended to elicit a serious answer. But I guess we could say the average weekly wage, including any and all stoppages, bonuses, perks etc., in the manufacturing industry in the US.

Depends on the industry, experience, etc. But right now the auto industry is around $70-85 dollars and hours when you factor in benefits. So in a 40 hour work week that'd be around $3000. Like I said, I'm factoring in benefits and not deducting taxes, so actual take home is less.

Now if you wanted to see skilled labor wages, that's a whole other ball of wax.
Bullshit again. Please show me how the hell you subsidize union laborers wages? You're just jealous cause you aint man enough and don't have the balls to fight for your share of the pie and now you want workers who fought and earned what they have to hand it away just so they can be pussies like you? NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

I am the pie.

If you're a public union parasite.

Stop feeding on me.

I choose to not feed you anymore than much less than you're getting right now from me, and if you don't like it,,,,,,,, get a real job. (A job that's not dependent on me and my family through taxes.)

If you can't thank me for the amount of money you're taking from me as a public union worker, don't expect me to be anything but blunt about it.