Unprecedented - Hillary Clinton set to win 2.5 million more votes than Trump


The Force is With Me
Hillary Clinton 'set to win 2.5m more votes than Donald Trump'
Her predicted result, of more than 65m votes, smashes George W. Bush's 2004 total and is similar to amount collected by Barack Obama in 2012

What does it mean?

It means Trump has no mandate.

It means that while Trump overperformed, Clinton underperformed and still beats Trump by millions of votes.

It means there are more anti-Trump Americans than pro-Trump Americans.

It means the next 4 years will likely be the most contentious and challenged in American political history.

Yes, Trump and republicans hold the White House and Congress .. but now comes the hard part .. governing in a climate where most Americans pray for your failure .. with rookies at the helm. :0)
Hillary Clinton 'set to win 2.5m more votes than Donald Trump'
Her predicted result, of more than 65m votes, smashes George W. Bush's 2004 total and is similar to amount collected by Barack Obama in 2012

What does it mean?

It means Trump has no mandate.

It means that while Trump overperformed, Clinton underperformed and still beats Trump by millions of votes.

It means there are more anti-Trump Americans than pro-Trump Americans.

It means the next 4 years will likely be the most contentious and challenged in American political history.

Yes, Trump and republicans hold the White House and Congress .. but now comes the hard part .. governing in a climate where most Americans pray for your failure .. with rookies at the helm. :0)

Wrong again stupid.....................


Seriously you studied at Harvard to be this stupid, right?
The strategy of a U.S. Presidential race is to win the electoral college, not the popular vote. If candidates were trying to win the popular vote they would imply a different strategy.
The strategy of a U.S. Presidential race is to win the electoral college, not the popular vote. If candidates were trying to win the popular vote they would imply a different strategy.

Irrespective of the strategy, irrespective of the election .. the winner still has to govern. In a climate such as this, winning the election was the easy part.
right about now the Trumpkins and Repubs don't need the Dems - not because of a mandate,
but because the Dem's have been unable to hold even statehouses. I don't know how they "fix it".
First they gotta figure out where they want the party to go They can fillibuster but that's about it for the next 2 years.

Long Run either Trump has some success -or fails. and the midterms cement Repub gains,
or the American people throw out the Republican bums. By having POTUS and Congress the entire outcomes rests on the Repubs shoulders.
Irrespective of the strategy, irrespective of the election .. the winner still has to govern. In a climate such as this, winning the election was the easy part.

why? Just leave california and NY to their own devices. If they want to be sanctuary cities then by all means send all the illegals their way.
right about now the Trumpkins and Repubs don't need the Dems - not because of a mandate,
but because the Dem's have been unable to hold even statehouses. I don't know how they "fix it".
First they gotta figure out where they want the party to go They can fillibuster but that's about it for the next 2 years.

Long Run either Trump has some success -or fails. and the midterms cement Repub gains,
or the American people throw out the Republican bums. By having POTUS and Congress the entire outcomes rests on the Repubs shoulders.

they cheat in those elections too asshole