Unprecedented - Hillary Clinton set to win 2.5 million more votes than Trump

I repeat, winning the election is not the end of the story.

The winner must still govern .. and that's where winning millions more votes matters .. and if you don't recognize that now .. you will.

The liberal sheep will fall into line and will accept any and all decisions that PRESIDENT TRUMP makes, plus you will like it and thank him. :p
100 million out of 120 million votes cast, now that's a blowout lol.

A measely 2 million, not so much.

(laughing) You morons think you have some sort of mandate because of the idiosyncracies of the EC. GW faced something similar but need 9/11 to bring people together before he fucked that up. Orangetweet doesn't even have the skills that GW possessed.
I repeat, winning the election is not the end of the story.

The winner must still govern .. and that's where winning millions more votes matters .. and if you don't recognize that now .. you will.

I didn't vote for Trump nor am I on here espousing for the guy. But I will comment on people who don't recognize you campaign differently in our electoral college system rather than a direct democracy popular vote wins election
I didn't vote for Trump nor am I on here espousing for the guy. But I will comment on people who don't recognize you campaign differently in our electoral college system rather than a direct democracy popular vote wins election

I know you didn't vote for Trump .. not accusing you of that idiocy.

My point is that it makes no difference who or what you campaign for .. you still have to govern .. and in this case, govern with most voters against you.

Additionally, it's not as if Trump could have campaigned for getting the most votes and then won them.
I know you didn't vote for Trump .. not accusing you of that idiocy.

My point is that it makes no difference who or what you campaign for .. you still have to govern .. and in this case, govern with most voters against you.

Additionally, it's not as if Trump could have campaigned for getting the most votes and then won them.

I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here lol.

2 million voters just isn't all that significant when you factor in the total vote count. In fact, it's remarkably close to a perfect 50/50 split. The challenge won't be Trump governing against an 'anti-mandate': it will be governing over a divided country.

Nearly perfectly divided.
I know you didn't vote for Trump .. not accusing you of that idiocy.

My point is that it makes no difference who or what you campaign for .. you still have to govern .. and in this case, govern with most voters against you.

Additionally, it's not as if Trump could have campaigned for getting the most votes and then won them.

popular vote has no meaning at all when it comes to governing. One can say "Trump has no mandate" which is true.
But he doesn't need one. Now we'll see how the Repubs screw up their perfect storm -then it all matters
you continuing to make these threads just lets me know how absolutely shaken you are. You've been rattled hardcore. You've been wrong on everything so far, so don't know why you think you'd be right going forward.

enjoy your consolation prize. Hillary lost. She wont be president. She couldn't defeat the pussy grabber super racist xenophobic mexican hating stop and frisk supporting demagogue. It shouldn't have even been close, but thems the breaks.
popular vote has no meaning at all when it comes to governing. One can say "Trump has no mandate" which is true.
But he doesn't need one. Now we'll see how the Repubs screw up their perfect storm -then it all matters

How true! One evening he'll get out the tic tacs. Ivanka's out getting more plastic surgery and boooom! Donny douche' bag does the maid and gets caught. Just a matter of time.
I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here lol.

2 million voters just isn't all that significant when you factor in the total vote count. In fact, it's remarkably close to a perfect 50/50 split. The challenge won't be Trump governing against an 'anti-mandate': it will be governing over a divided country.

Nearly perfectly divided.

Not interested in your dead horse brother.

2.5 million votes more than the winner is unprecedented in American political history .. not even close to 50/50. If it was as insignificant as you claim, it would have happened a lot more.

One would have to go back 140 years to find something similar.

That makes it significant.
Not interested in your dead horse brother.

2.5 million votes more than the winner is unprecedented in American political history .. not even close to 50/50. If it was as insignificant as you claim, it would have happened a lot more.

One would have to go back 140 years to find something similar.

That makes it significant.

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I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here lol.

2 million voters just isn't all that significant when you factor in the total vote count. In fact, it's remarkably close to a perfect 50/50 split. The challenge won't be Trump governing against an 'anti-mandate': it will be governing over a divided country.

Nearly perfectly divided.

Maybe he could invite the relatives of a murdered Cop to the White House and then comment about the Cop could have been his son.
you continuing to make these threads just lets me know how absolutely shaken you are. You've been rattled hardcore. You've been wrong on everything so far, so don't know why you think you'd be right going forward.

enjoy your consolation prize. Hillary lost. She wont be president. She couldn't defeat the pussy grabber super racist xenophobic mexican hating stop and frisk supporting demagogue. It shouldn't have even been close, but thems the breaks.

"shaken" :) Silly.

This is politics, I and you have been wrong before .. and we both will be wrong again.

Enjoying my consolation prize is exactly what I'm doing .. it's exactly what you've been doing for the past 8 years.

Expect to see LOTS and LOTS of threads and articles about the failures of Trump and the political ignorance of his minions .. and I expect to see you whining about them.

Lots of criticisms and mockery at every misstep and buffoonish act .. lots of mockery of his wife.

Surely, SURELY you should have no problem with that given the behavior of republicans like you for the past 8 years.
Hillary Clinton 'set to win 2.5m more votes than Donald Trump'
Her predicted result, of more than 65m votes, smashes George W. Bush's 2004 total and is similar to amount collected by Barack Obama in 2012

What does it mean?

It means Trump has no mandate.

It means that while Trump overperformed, Clinton underperformed and still beats Trump by millions of votes.

It means there are more anti-Trump Americans than pro-Trump Americans.

It means the next 4 years will likely be the most contentious and challenged in American political history.

Yes, Trump and republicans hold the White House and Congress .. but now comes the hard part .. governing in a climate where most Americans pray for your failure .. with rookies at the helm. :0)

Smashes? You mean little Georges...271 electoral conformation landslide? LMAO You can count until the "Chickens come home to Roost" as a Black Marxist Preacher once declared.....but there is no way in hell you can steal 70+ electoral votes.

But you can lobby your neighbors....you know the RED fly over STATES that just kicked your ass, that you are now pissing on, to change the constitution and make California and NY populations mean something more than the electoral votes that has been relegated to them by the US CONSTITUTION. All you need is 75% of the STATES to agree with you that large leftist population centers should make decisions and policy for the actual working men and women all across these these United States. Good luck....go for it, end the electoral college...with your bigoted and racist BLACK LASH of a white Business man becoming president of the United States instead of replacing the first black African homosexual marxist and his tranny mate with a 3rd policy term to "fundamentally change the United States of America. :)

Or...you could cry and continue to sling snot....throw bricks through windows, kill police officers, beat down your neighbors for voting against your ideology...while destroying your own neighborhoods......but, Just like the other fabricated left wing protests(Wall st., Black lives matter, etc.,)...the money will run out, the left will lose interest as the majority of the paid protesters are nothing but children with ADD who require their parents to clean the skidmarks off their undergarments for them. As I said....GOOD LUCK. :palm:

I watched a replay of the "YOUNG TURKS" election night melt down. Priceless. All the tolerance they displayed...in bad mouthing both Obama and Hillary....blaming them for left wing policy failures. Now that's entertainment.
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Not interested in your dead horse brother.

2.5 million votes more than the winner is unprecedented in American political history .. not even close to 50/50. If it was as insignificant as you claim, it would have happened a lot more.

One would have to go back 140 years to find something similar.

That makes it significant.

You're ride is here.
