Unprecedented - Hillary Clinton set to win 2.5 million more votes than Trump

More people voted for Hillary, troll. Fact.

You mean most people in blue states voted for Hillary...some 2.7 million of those Hillary votes were recorded in blue states (12 of them to be exact) that have been Sanctuaries for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS...in fact there are 12 states that have issued certified state drivers lic. to illegals...which then qualifies them to vote with a computer generated fake SS NUMBER.

There was no manipulation, no hacking, indeed there were more people who voted for the democrat political machine...but almost 3 million of them voted in the 12 blue states that do not enforce any ID requirements...nor check anyone for IDs....all they look at with the votes coming in is a quick check to see if a name is on the official state registration check list...and it just so happens that anyone with a valid and certified state drivers lic...is considered a valid voter....go figure.

That's what makes the popular vote "MOOT"......the democrats in these states could bus in 10 million more illegals to vote...and all those votes would count only in the state the vote was cast. Now they are bragging about having more votes due to liberal support of criminals? Really? LAMO That's the reason the democrats lost in an electoral college landslide. Nothing is beneath the democrat party. They can count until the cows come home they will never get the necessary 3/4 super majority of the states to amend the EC voting system in the constitution...why? Its the same people that they are now pissing down their backs while telling them to relax...ITS ONLY RAIN.

The silent majority spoke...and said, PISS OFF DEMOCRATS...you and your criminal partners. :)

But....you not even have to be pretending to cry fake crocodile tears about the popular criminal vote....if someone would have simply told Hillary's partner in crime that she was not stealing votes from any conservative libertarians in the blue wall states...she was giving the election and the entire political federal power to the conservatives. If Stein would have simply withdrawn from the ballots in Wis. Mich. and Pa., Hillary would now have 272 EC votes...and would be the president elect...the number of voters stolen from her would have been more than enough to defeat Trump in all 3 states. Now you know.
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Wrong all over the place.

It means that I'll be laughing at 'president Trump for the next 4 years .. and laughing at all the dummies who will be blamed for his ignorant policies .. the white working class of absolute morons.

Clinton won the popular vote because millions more people voted for her. That may not be a popular truth in Buttfuck, Mississippi .. but it remains the truth.
[emp mine]

I see, so you're a racist AND class bigot then.
You mean most people in blue states voted for Hillary...some 2.7 million of those Hillary votes were recorded in blue states (12 of them to be exact) that have been Sanctuaries for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS...in fact there are 12 states that have issued certified state drivers lic. to illegals...which then qualifies them to vote with a computer generated fake SS NUMBER.

Source? The same source that launched a recount in Wis? Reality? Common freakn' sense. As I said...no evidence other than the obvious prima facie evidence beyond a reason to doubt....and none needed, as the election is over...Mr. Trump won in spite of this criminal attempt to steal an election as the Federalist System of electing the most powerful leader in the world stopped the crime from having any effect upon the nation et.al....as all those ILLEGAL VOTES were restrained from being counted in a National Fashion. Priceless. Source? Laugh My Ass Off..no source required, just an obvious observation explaining in a logical and reasoned fashion as to why the Electoral College vote was a Landslide sea of Red....306-232...yet, "SUPPOSEDLY" the people outpolled the reality?

Source? Really? My funny bone? Karma? Reality? Irony? Its just a simple matter of applying the facts in evidence to the reality and coming up with the obvious conclusion of truth beyond doubt.

1. There are 12 Blue state run by liberals that have publicly made themselves "sanctuaries" for Migrant Criminals...those same states defied Federal Law and allowed these criminals to be certified as legal drivers by issuing them state certified legal drivers....these same states then automatically places all people with a drivers licence on their jury pools and voting registers, requiring only a SS number that can be generated by a computer shopping list of dead US CITIZENS...bingo...you have a new DEMOCRAT VOTER

2. These same states fight tooth and nail against the requirement of mandating any type of ID requirement to vote.

3. These same states bitch and fight to keep this nation's southern border open

4. These states National Leader' (Barry Obama) has openly sued sovereign states to prevent them from enforcing FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS

Consider all the FACTS IN EVIDENCE. Simply connect the dots of common sense. Anyone with any cognitive ability to reason and think independently comes up with the same obvious truth beyond doubt. There was Millions of criminals voting because there was no oversight whatsoever in any of those BLUE STATES MENTIONED to look for improper voting practices....all these states require is a warm body.

These 12 states that have illegally issued state and in some cases FEDERALLY certified drivers licences to CRIMINAL WETBACKS?

1. California....i.e. Mexifornia

2. Colorado ... i.e the snobs knob of democrat elitists.

3 Connecticut

4. Delaware

5. Washington D C

6. Hawaii

7. Illinois

8. Maryland

9. Neveda

10.New Mexico




The "Bakers" Dozen all Blue with the one state that makes the exception Utah.

Now look at the final Electoral College Map.....12 socialist states (Blue) provided the opportunity, the motive, and the method...that allowed MILLIONS of criminals to vote. The only thing that prevented the theft of a presidency? The firewall known as the United States Constitution. And the great thing? No "proof" is required as its not needed....as no recount will be forthcoming due to the fact that the system worked as designed to prevent such a theft from ever happening, all those extra votes counted only in the states of origin. The reality: There was a Red TSUNAMI all across the rest of the nation....final count 306-232...nullifying the pompous stupidity.

Now we know why the elitists powers on the left were promoting their propaganda wing (the media) to issue the pre-election outcome prediction. Hillary's chances of winning on election day...95%....she was leading in all the polls, and the pompous ass leftist ASSUMED the wetback fix was in.......SURPRISE, the sleeping giant awoke.....the independent working class that built this nation and protects it with their blood and treasure..the middle class common man said in one loud voice....SCREW OFF.

But really...the only source needed is the final vote count 306-232 as I can laugh at anyone that even thinks they have the ability or authority to require a "SOURCE"....game over. As I just explained in unambiguous detail....how the nation can have a landslide victory on one side and that actual result does not come any where close to matching the count of the popular votes cast. That's all that is required....a possible explanation as no objective explanation is mandated....THE LEFT LOST.

To use the same method the left applies....the subjective hypothetical works quite well to address this anomaly. In other words.... there is an ACCUSATION, and that's all that's needed. Its not about what you can prove....its about what it LOOKS LIKE. And it "looks like" the left just got caught with their junk in their hands in public. And it all started because we someone... a leader with the "BALLS" to call out these liars and criminals to their faces, that's never happened before...a leader that looks at a lying dog and calls it by its name....A LYING DOG.

Source? Reality, face it. Game over.
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Source? The same source that launched a recount in Wis? Reality? Common freakn' sense. As I said...no evidence other than the obvious prima facie evidence beyond a reason to doubt....and none needed, as the election is over...Mr. Trump won in spite of this criminal attempt to steal an election as the Federalist System of electing the most powerful leader in the world stopped the crime from having any effect upon the nation et.al....as all those ILLEGAL VOTES were restrained from being counted in a National Fashion. Priceless. Source? Laugh My Ass Off..no source required, just an obvious observation explaining in a logical and reasoned fashion as to why the Electoral College vote was a Landslide sea of Red....306-232...yet, "SUPPOSEDLY" the people outpolled the reality?

Source? Really? My funny bone? Karma? Reality? Irony? Its just a simple matter of applying the facts in evidence to the reality and coming up with the obvious conclusion of truth beyond doubt.

1. There are 12 Blue state run by liberals that have publicly made themselves "sanctuaries" for Migrant Criminals...those same states defied Federal Law and allowed these criminals to be certified as legal drivers by issuing them state certified legal drivers....these same states then automatically places all people with a drivers licence on their jury pools and voting registers, requiring only a SS number that can be generated by a computer shopping list of dead US CITIZENS...bingo...you have a new DEMOCRAT VOTER

2. These same states fight tooth and nail against the requirement of mandating any type of ID requirement to vote.

3. These same states bitch and fight to keep this nation's southern border open

4. These states National Leader' (Barry Obama) has openly sued sovereign states to prevent them from enforcing FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAWS

These all FACTS IN EVIDENCE. Simply connect the dots of common sense. Anyone with any cognitive ability to reason and think independently comes up with the same obvious truth beyond doubt. There was Millions of criminals voting because there was no oversight whatsoever in any of those BLUE STATES MENTIONED to look for improper voting practices....all these states require is a warm body.

These 12 states that have illegally issued state and in some cases FEDERALLY certified drivers licences to CRIMINAL WETBACKS?

1. California....i.e. Mexifornia

2. Colorado ... i.e the snobs knob of democrat elitists.

3 Connecticut

4. Delaware

5. Washington D C

6. Hawaii

7. Illinois

8. Maryland

9. Neveda

10.New Mexico




The "Bakers" Dozen all Blue with the one state that makes the exception Utah.

Now look at the final Electoral College Map.....12 socialist states (Blue) provided the opportunity, the motive, and the method...that allowed MILLIONS of criminals to vote. The only thing that prevented the theft of a presidency? The firewall known as the United States Constitution. And the great thing? No "proof" is required as its not needed....as no recount will be forthcoming due to the fact that the system worked as designed to prevent such a theft from ever happening, all those extra votes counted only in the states of origin. The reality: There was a Red TSUNAMI all across the rest of the nation....final count 306-232...nullifying the pompous stupidity.

Now we know why the elitists powers on the left were promoting their propaganda wing (the media) to issue the pre-election outcome prediction. Hillary's chances of winning on election day...95%....she was leading in all the polls, and the pompous ass leftist ASSUMED the wetback fix was in.......SURPRISE, the sleeping giant awoke.....the independent working class that built this nation and protects it with their blood and treasure..the middle class common man said in one loud voice....SCREW OFF.

But really...the only source needed is the final vote count 306-232 as I can laugh at anyone that even thinks they have the ability or authority to require a "SOURCE"....game over.

I like your analysis, just wanted to see it documented in a publication outside of an internet discussion board.
Hillary Clinton 'set to win 2.5m more votes than Donald Trump'
Her predicted result, of more than 65m votes, smashes George W. Bush's 2004 total and is similar to amount collected by Barack Obama in 2012

What does it mean?

It means Trump has no mandate.

It means that while Trump overperformed, Clinton underperformed and still beats Trump by millions of votes.

It means there are more anti-Trump Americans than pro-Trump Americans.

It means the next 4 years will likely be the most contentious and challenged in American political history.

Yes, Trump and republicans hold the White House and Congress .. but now comes the hard part .. governing in a climate where most Americans pray for your failure .. with rookies at the helm. :0)

Trump got 306 ELECTORAL VOTES. Hillary got 232.

What that means? Your black ass was wrong about who would win and you can't accept it. TRUMP WON!!!! Not a damn thing you can do about it but cry like a little black bitch.
Wrong all over the place.

It means that I'll be laughing at 'president Trump for the next 4 years .. and laughing at all the dummies who will be blamed for his ignorant policies .. the white working class of absolute morons.

Clinton won the popular vote because millions more people voted for her. That may not be a popular truth in Buttfuck, Mississippi .. but it remains the truth.
What were the rules of winning the election when Hillary began her campaign? Did she not know of these hundreds of years with the electoral college methodologies? Did Trump?
Yes they both did. Trump didnt give a hoot nor spend time w/ California, New York etc to garner votes (he could have) just as Hillary didnt spend time in Wisconsin and the Rust Belt she took for granted.
It is embarrassing to hear this argument as it has no merit at all. All parties knew the guidelines and the election methodology at upfront and developed the strategy to meet the requirements to be elected. Hillary took bad advise. She lost.
Instead of declaring some sort of relevancy to the popular vote I would be furious at her campaign advisers. She had no message for the very States she needed to win and they failed her. Damn near every commercial I saw for her just bashed Trump. No message for the struggles of the working class. Just more of the same....over and over. Trumps message was directed square in the eye of working America. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs.
Results are not surprising frankly.
What were the rules of winning the election when Hillary began her campaign? Did she not know of these hundreds of years with the electoral college methodologies? Did Trump?
Yes they both did. Trump didnt give a hoot nor spend time w/ California, New York etc to garner votes (he could have) just as Hillary didnt spend time in Wisconsin and the Rust Belt she took for granted.
It is embarrassing to hear this argument as it has no merit at all. All parties knew the guidelines and the election methodology at upfront and developed the strategy to meet the requirements to be elected. Hillary took bad advise. She lost.
Instead of declaring some sort of relevancy to the popular vote I would be furious at her campaign advisers. She had no message for the very States she needed to win and they failed her. Damn near every commercial I saw for her just bashed Trump. No message for the struggles of the working class. Just more of the same....over and over. Trumps message was directed square in the eye of working America. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs.
Results are not surprising frankly.
BAC claims to be a socialist yet he appears to have very little time for the working classes especially if they are white. This is exactly what happened over Brexit. The working class voters in the North and Wales punished the urban elite who only seemingly care about themselves and whether they can get a continuing cheap supply of nannies and builders from Eastern Europe.

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BAC claims to be a socialist yet he appears to have very little time for the working classes especially if they are white. This is exactly what happened over Brexit. The working class voters in the North and Wales punished the urban elite who only seemingly care about themselves and whether they can get a continuing cheap supply of nannies and builders from Eastern Europe.

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk
And I predict Austria will join UK,US in the working class revolt against the urban elite. BaC is mad. On many levels. I hear his frustration and pain.
I do believe, and will say openly, I believe a lot of his rage is misdirected. The Liberal elite has shit on the minorities here in the US for decades and told them it is the White Middle Class guy.......which is bullshit.
Then they shit on the working man and women. All the while taking for granted these very demographics they have to have to win and stay in power.
As the centers of population that embrace the Liberal Elite continue their spiral into bankruptcy, crime and filth I believe these centers will revolt also.
Win or lose in Austria...if it is even close, the message has been sent. No more of the same or your days in power are over.
And I predict Austria will join UK,US in the working class revolt against the urban elite. BaC is mad. On many levels. I hear his frustration and pain.
I do believe, and will say openly, I believe a lot of his rage is misdirected. The Liberal elite has shit on the minorities here in the US for decades and told them it is the White Middle Class guy.......which is bullshit.
Then they shit on the working man and women. All the while taking for granted these very demographics they have to have to win and stay in power.
As the centers of population that embrace the Liberal Elite continue their spiral into bankruptcy, crime and filth I believe these centers will revolt also.
Win or lose in Austria...if it is even close, the message has been sent. No more of the same or your days in power are over.
Austria didn't happen but Italy did, expect a referendum on then leaving the Euro before too long.

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