Unprecedented - Hillary Clinton set to win 2.5 million more votes than Trump

On the subject of the unprecedented, I was just watching TV and saw Germaine Greer on a discussion programme. Incredibly surprised at how vehemently she was against Hillary Clinton and tacitly endorsing Trump. She was also for Brexit as well, as the Chinese say we live in interesting times. She is the kind of feminist that I truly admire along with Camille Paglia and Christina Hoff-Summers.

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They don't care about a recount. What this does is stalls out his electoral votes long enough so he doesn't have over 270. Then they can say he didn't win the EC or PV.

They are simply trying to undermine and delegitimize him. Has nothing to do with a recount.

Actually she missed the deadline for PA so it is all for naught
Actually she missed the deadline for PA so it is all for naught

I think it would be disastrous to overturn the election at this point, on a few levels.

That said, I'm genuinely curious about WI. I've seen enough to make that recount intriguing, if only for informational purposes.
The only thing the Hildabeast is likely to win from these election results is an orange jump suit. I hope she likes pizza and pasta...as everyone knows what they do to child pedophiles in prison. :)
Anyone note that as soon as the "Shrillary" threw her endorsement in it decidedly tanked? Everything she touches from here on out will be tainted.

That woman is just bad "juju".

Run fast and run far...
On the subject of the unprecedented, I was just watching TV and saw Germaine Greer on a discussion programme. Incredibly surprised at how vehemently she was against Hillary Clinton and tacitly endorsing Trump. She was also for Brexit as well, as the Chinese say we live in interesting times. She is the kind of feminist that I truly admire along with Camille Paglia and Christina Hoff-Summers.

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Well I was surprised anyway!

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No, it means that you'll be hearing the words "President Trump" many times over the next eight years lol.

Why did Clinton win the popular vote? Because we have a small handful of states that are chock full of lock-step, brain-dead liberals who vote D no matter what. Freedom loving adults have given up on them, moved out and into other states.

The sad thing about the re-count? Mr. Trump was right.....it was attempted to be rigged....those millions of votes that supposedly puts the democrats ahead of republicans? They exist....just where they belong, and indeed these votes were cast there was no electronic manipulation...no hacking. Who needs to hack the polling place when there was an estimated 2.7 million illegals who simply walked up to the polls used their real and state certified and issued drivers lic. and a computer generated fake SS number...that automatically qualified and certified them as US voters.....and cast their votes?

FYI: this happened over some 12 states where the idiots that be allow illegals to be LEGALLY lic. to drive, thus legally qualified as voters. Those states...who do not bother to require IDs to vote but allow illegals to be state certified as legal drivers?

1. California 2. Colorado 3. Connecticut 4. Delaware 5. District of Columbia 6. Hawaii 7. Illinois 8. Maryland

9. Nevada 10. New Mexico 11. Utah 12. Vermont 13. Washington

Why the "bakers" dozen..12 + 1? There was 1 state that was the exception to the blue rule...Utah, the exception that proves the rule. Thus the bakers dozen. The 12 were all states run by liberals, with high populations of Illegal/Criminal aliens....with sanctuary cities....that bitch like hell when tighter voter IDs are the subject. Now we know why they bitch...now we know, in a logical and prima facie method just where that POPULAR VOTE WIN for LIBERALS was generated, legislated, allowed and now certified. But there is no mention of "IT LOOKS LIKE" there should be a recount..there is no evidence...but it appears....there was something not kosher going on.

Priceless. That's exactly the reason the founders of this nation were Genius Loci....their SPIRIT is still protecting the freedom and liberty generated by a REPUBLICAN FORMAT OF FEDERALISM.

Why did this attempt to steal an election not work? Because the left is so stupid they plotted, allowed, and used their plan in states where all the lazy lefists practice their profession....leeching off the RED STATES. That illegal vote was moot and explains just how and why there could be a landslide by the STATES but the populous voted the other way.

Only in the US with its "firewall" against evil and corruption could this have happened...that firewall? The United States Constitution. Again...our founders who appealed to the God of nature....i.e the Judge of the World to form this nation were honored with the ultimate spirit of wisdom...they were Genius Loci...and that spirit is still kicking ass and taking names today. :)

All those extra votes that were cast....all wasted in blue states that did not need them to win the EC vote. And another interesting fact? If the Green Party had not run their candidate in the 3 blue wall states? Hillary would have easily walked away with the Electoral College Vote by having at least 272 cast in her direction. Priceless....Karma is a bitch...then you die.

Donald trump did not win the Presidency.....the leftist tree hugging socialist GREEN PARTY candidate....Jill Stein...gave the presidency and the nation to conservatives. And people say that God does not exist...nor does He have a sense of humor.
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Hillary Clinton 'set to win 2.5m more votes than Donald Trump'
Her predicted result, of more than 65m votes, smashes George W. Bush's 2004 total and is similar to amount collected by Barack Obama in 2012

What does it mean?

It means Trump has no mandate.

It means that while Trump overperformed, Clinton underperformed and still beats Trump by millions of votes.

It means there are more anti-Trump Americans than pro-Trump Americans.

It means the next 4 years will likely be the most contentious and challenged in American political history.

Yes, Trump and republicans hold the White House and Congress .. but now comes the hard part .. governing in a climate where most Americans pray for your failure .. with rookies at the helm. :0)

human beings matter more than archaic laws
we used to have slaves too

And the people evolved.....truth never evolved. This nation was founded upon the truth...all men are created equal with certain unalienable (non-transferable) rights, among them, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That statement was not a lie...never has been. But this is a republic.....and a majority of society wanted slavery to exist...it could never have existed in the United States without societies permission. When society evolved to accept the morality of that truth.....THE PEOPLE spoke....and amended the rule of law, by a super majority ratification....after some democrats were hit on the back of the head with a 2x4 to get their attention. A little thing called the Civil War.

Its simple...if you want the EC to go the way of slavery....just lobby those states that you have been pissing on and have them amend the rule of law...i.e, the Constitution. Easy Peasy...and simple. The truth? It will never happen...because the majority of society does not care about the popular vote at the federal level....its worked for 2 and half centuries in guaranteeing ALL STATES equal representation at the Central Government level. Do you ever think and reason in streams of cognitive logic? :palm:
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No, it means that you'll be hearing the words "President Trump" many times over the next eight years lol.

Why did Clinton win the popular vote? Because we have a small handful of states that are chock full of lock-step, brain-dead liberals who vote D no matter what. Freedom loving adults have given up on them, moved out and into other states.

Wrong all over the place.

It means that I'll be laughing at 'president Trump for the next 4 years .. and laughing at all the dummies who will be blamed for his ignorant policies .. the white working class of absolute morons.

Clinton won the popular vote because millions more people voted for her. That may not be a popular truth in Buttfuck, Mississippi .. but it remains the truth.