Upgrade Tonight 3/19/2011


Staff member
I will be shutting the site down for an upgrade tonight, around 11:00 PM MDT. I will not be turning it back on until the upgrade is done, which will take some time as this is a major software change, as well as the fact that I need to perform mods to the software so that the site will function as we are used to it functioning.

This has taken much of my time setting up, as you can tell by my general absence for the past two weeks or so. I was hoping that I could do it quickly and sneakily and thus surprise people. But that isn't happening. This is going to take some time no matter what I do.

I hope you enjoy the new board styles and capabilities. Once it is done I expect full feedback from y'all.

It is very different. This is the new suite. You'll see more changes come on board as the day goes on. This is going to be a long process.

Of course you can change the skin by using the box at the bottom or setting your own default skin in your general settings.

1. Works now. The default smileys are lame.

2. Still getting the rep notification.

3. What's the "page" icon on the top left of every post. Hover over it and it says "default".
I did, then logged on and ax'd it to remember me, logged out, then logged in and I still had to enter my password.

When you log out it clears your cookies. "Remember Me" only works if you just close the browser or navigate away to a different page. If you log out, you will always have to log back in.