US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive

Oh my goodness! Isn't California consider ground zero for "Lib States" according the likes of Southie? I guess this blows a major hole in is consistent claims? How will he ever *shrug* this off? :eek:
Earth to Liberal: California is a big state. There are 58 counties, and they are relatively huge in area. Many Californians have never been to San Fransisco or LA and loathe Democrats as much as I do. *shrug*
What, you don't understand? Okay, I'll explain to you AGAIN. The issue is that squatters of a building abandoned or neglected by landlords were willing to have their work inspected by the City, and would abide by the rulings. All they asked was for the water and electrical to be turned on and then work out a rent with the city. They got the shaft instead, and that is wrong.

Your insipid assertion is that "liberals" are somehow indirectly causing this problem...which is just not the case. It's a delinquent landlord.
Again, the problem is regulations that prop up union trades at the expense of personal liberty; a hallmark of the liberal Democrat politician. *shrug*
Originally Posted by Southern Man
Wrong-o. In many States you can do your own work then get it inspected by the County. In lib states you have to hire a licensed guy to do it for you. *shrug*

Originally Posted by Don Quixote
actually, in ca it depends on what city or county you do the work

i ran 220 to my garage with permit and inspections (permit cost was $5)

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Oh my goodness! Isn't California consider ground zero for "Lib States" according the likes of Southie? I guess this blows a major hole in is consistent claims? How will he ever *shrug* this off?

Earth to Liberal: California is a big state. There are 58 counties, and they are relatively huge in area. Many Californians have never been to San Fransisco or LA and loathe Democrats as much as I do. *shrug*

Oh wow, what a little wuss you are! First you made a flat claim of lib "STATES" that you've been proven wrong, you make some lame ass attempt to divide up the State and put forth some insinuated BS based on your opinion. Bottom line: YOU WERE PROVEN WRONG, YOU CANNOT PROVIDE ANY LIST TO SUPPORT YOUR ORIGINAL CLAIM, YOU DON'T HAVE THE GUTS TO ADMIT YOU'RE WRONG. Grow up and stop shrugging like a fool.
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Again, the problem is regulations that prop up union trades at the expense of personal liberty; a hallmark of the liberal Democrat politician. *shrug*

The union trades didn't give the landlords the ability to neglect a building to the point of deterioration, genius. The City does this because it's negligent to prosecute the landlord...according to your convoluted mindset, the landlords "personal liberty" to be a criminally negligent is a result of Liberals and Democrats. Newsflash for you again, genius....this situation was maintained under "America's Mayor" Rudy Giuliani.

Once again, your limited knowledge and willful ignorance is your undoing when confronted with facts and logic. Don Quixote blew your BS out the water, and I just keep making you look like the shrugging fool every time you post. You're have the last shrug and repeat of a disproven means so much to you...and so little to the reality of the discussion, as the recorded posts show.
Oh my goodness! Isn't California consider ground zero for "Lib States" according the likes of Southie? I guess this blows a major hole in is consistent claims? How will he ever *shrug* this off? :eek:

ca has an interesting law that a homeowner/property owner can be their own contractor - he would still need to get the relevant permits and inspections

sometimes the laws are a bit too tight - for example where one of my daughters lives, a permit is required to change out a light switch or electrical socket :(

oat, you can still do the work yourself and if you happen to ignore the permit process, who would know...unless you did it really wrong and a fire resulted...

where i live now, i have replaced light switches and changed out regular sockets for gfci sockets and installed/replaced light fixtures

oh well

ps the dem controlled state legislature is only 3 votes shy of a 2/3 a result the party of no can and has held up the state budget for months past its june 30th due date
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The union trades didn't give the landlords the ability to neglect a building to the point of deterioration, genius. The City does this because it's negligent to prosecute the landlord...according to your convoluted mindset, the landlords "personal liberty" to be a criminally negligent is a result of Liberals and Democrats. Newsflash for you again, genius....this situation was maintained under "America's Mayor" Rudy Giuliani.

Once again, your limited knowledge and willful ignorance is your undoing when confronted with facts and logic. Don Quixote blew your BS out the water, and I just keep making you look like the shrugging fool every time you post. You're have the last shrug and repeat of a disproven means so much to you...and so little to the reality of the discussion, as the recorded posts show.
Funny that I never commented on the landlord at all, but instead the simple fact that the residents aren't allowed to fix their own property because of regulations that protect union interests. I guess you'd rather argue about something else rather than what I've been discussing. *shrug*
Oh wow, what a little wuss you are! First you made a flat claim of lib "STATES" that you've been proven wrong, you make some lame ass attempt to divide up the State and put forth some insinuated BS based on your opinion. Bottom line: YOU WERE PROVEN WRONG, YOU CANNOT PROVIDE ANY LIST TO SUPPORT YOUR ORIGINAL CLAIM, YOU DON'T HAVE THE GUTS TO ADMIT YOU'RE WRONG. Grow up and stop shrugging like a fool.
Sorry I thought it was common knowledge that even liberal states have some conservative counties. Apparently you've never been out of the City long enough to know that. *shrug*
ca has an interesting law that a homeowner/property owner can be their own contractor - he would still need to get the relevant permits and inspections

sometimes the laws are a bit too tight - for example where one of my daughters lives, a permit is required to change out a light switch or electrical socket :(

oat, you can still do the work yourself and if you happen to ignore the permit process, who would know...unless you did it really wrong and a fire resulted...

where i live now, i have replaced light switches and changed out regular sockets for gfci sockets and installed/replaced light fixtures

oh well

ps the dem controlled state legislature is only 3 votes shy of a 2/3 a result the party of no can and has held up the state budget for months past its june 30th due date

Good points! All of which will be totally ingorned or purposely misconstrued by our shrugging neocon parrot.