US Republican Kari Lake tells supporters: 'Strap on a Glock' as election nears

EVERYONE should support the Constitution and the rights it protects. Far right, in general, is a combination of conspiracy theories and irrational fears, combined with a general lack of acknowledgement of reality.

So, like belief in Russian Collusion, then? Belief that blocking candidates from ballots, using lawfare to derail campaigns, and weaponizing federal law enforcement is "saving democracy?" That sort of " general lack of [or] acknowledgement of reality?"
So, like belief in Russian Collusion, then?
I wouldn't call that a conspiracy theory. That's an accusation that resulted in an investigation and Trump was exonerated.
Belief that blocking candidates from ballots, using lawfare to derail campaigns, and weaponizing federal law enforcement is "saving democracy?" That sort of " general lack of [or] acknowledgement of reality?"
Dems have an irrational fear of Trump that is fueled by confirmation bias, social media and ratings-seeking talking heads on liberal news channels. I wouldn't call that a conspiracy theory, either. Republicans are just as bad regarding Dems and Biden. One side says "They're going to destroy Democracy", the other side says "They're going to destroy the Republic. Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe.

Examples of conspiracy theories are:
- Stolen election
- Jewish space lasers
- Trump is still president
- Covid lockdowns were a dry run to test our willingness to be controlled by the government
- Covid vaccines have Bill Gates trackers and/or tentacled creatures in them
- Covid was intentionally developed and released into the world to ensure Trump lost in 2020

Those are a few that come to mind.
I wouldn't call that a conspiracy theory.

Rational people would.

That's an accusation that resulted in an investigation and Trump was exonerated.

It was an absurd claim sold to the stupid based on no evidence and no rational foundation. Similar to claims that the moon landing was faked, or that George Bush planted explosives in the WTC.

It was a politically motivate conspiracy theory propagated and promoted by the DNC propaganda corps we laughingly call "news media."

Dems have an irrational fear of Trump that is fueled by confirmation bias, social media and ratings-seeking talking heads on liberal news channels. I wouldn't call that a conspiracy theory, either. Republicans are just as bad regarding Dems and Biden. One side says "They're going to destroy Democracy", the other side says "They're going to destroy the Republic. Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe.

One side has evidence such as the weaponization of the DOJ, crushing of free speech by government agencies working with social media, etc. The Marxists have nothing other than fear of losing power.

Examples of conspiracy theories are:
- Stolen election


Hard to take you seriously when you start with partisan bias to slam the opposition party.

{More than 20% of voters who used mail-in ballots in 2020 admit they participated in at least one form of election fraud.A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The Heartland Institute finds that 21% of Likely U.S. voters who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election say they filled out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child, while 78% say they didn’t. (To see survey question wording, click here.)}

Documented fact isn't "conspiracy theory" even if it goes against the agenda of your party.

- Jewish space lasers

I agree, but the conspiracy theory is the claim that MTG ever said it. You know full well she didn't - yet promote it.

- Trump is still president
- Covid lockdowns were a dry run to test our willingness to be controlled by the government
- Covid vaccines have Bill Gates trackers and/or tentacled creatures in them

Sounds like you made them up.
- Covid was intentionally developed and released into the world to ensure Trump lost in 2020

Those are a few that come to mind.

So you are denying that the Wuhan Designer Virus® was codeveloped by the CCP and the American NIH under Anthony Fauci? I mean, this IS documented fact, after all.

The primary release was to subdue the protests in Hong Kong. The CCP couldn't pull another
Tianamen Square with the world watching. The Wuhan Designer Virus® forced everyone off the streets without the need for tanks.

The spread of Wuhan in America by the Vichy democrats is speculative, but highly plausible. They faced the unbeatable Trump economy, nothing less would have allowed the seizure of power we saw.
Rational people would.
I don't believe that. Besides the close business dealings Trump had with Russia, Russian hackers released damaging DNC and Hillary emails which helped Trump in 2016. Trump's people and his son met with Russians at Trump Tower. The Russian social media campaign definitely appeared to be directed at Conservatives and intended to get them all wound up. There's more, but it slips my mind right now.
It was an absurd claim sold to the stupid based on no evidence and no rational foundation. Similar to claims that the moon landing was faked, or that George Bush planted explosives in the WTC.
I don't see those two situations as comparable for the reasons mentioned above.
It was a politically motivate conspiracy theory propagated and promoted by the DNC propaganda corps we laughingly call "news media."
It was absolutely used by the terrified Left and milked for all it was worth by liberal media.
One side has evidence such as the weaponization of the DOJ
, crushing of free speech by government agencies working with social media
Inappropriate interactions, yes. I wouldn't call it "crushing".
The Marxists have nothing other than fear of losing power.
They have an absolutely irrational fear of Trump.


Hard to take you seriously when you start with partisan bias to slam the opposition party.
It has nothing to do with party. There are legit legal questions related to the 2020 election and then there are conspiracy theories and absolute lies and dishonesty by Trump.
{More than 20% of voters who used mail-in ballots in 2020 admit they participated in at least one form of election fraud.A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The Heartland Institute finds that 21% of Likely U.S. voters who voted by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 election say they filled out a ballot, in part or in full, on behalf of a friend or family member, such as a spouse or child, while 78% say they didn’t. (To see survey question wording, click here.)}
Many states use no-excuse, mail-in ballots and have for a decade or more with no meaningful amount of voter fraud. People who don't think through the logistics of mail-in ballots fraud are the ones who continue to believe the conspiracy theories and nonsense we got from True the Vote/2000 Mules.
Documented fact isn't "conspiracy theory" even if it goes against the agenda of your party.
I agree, but the conspiracy theory is the claim that MTG ever said it. You know full well she didn't - yet promote it.
Did she say "Jewish space lasers", no. Did she go full QANON conspiratard and imply just that? Absolutely. The post still exists in perpetuity here.
Sounds like you made them up.

So you are denying that the Wuhan Designer Virus® was codeveloped by the CCP and the American NIH under Anthony Fauci? I mean, this IS documented fact, after all.

The primary release was to subdue the protests in Hong Kong. The CCP couldn't pull another
Tianamen Square with the world watching. The Wuhan Designer Virus® forced everyone off the streets without the need for tanks.

The spread of Wuhan in America by the Vichy democrats is speculative, but highly plausible. They faced the unbeatable Trump economy, nothing less would have allowed the seizure of power we saw.

There is a decent possibility that the virus came from the Wuhan Lab. That is a much different claim that China created it and released it on purpose, with the intention of hurting Trump. If you believe that, then you'd also have to believe that they CHOSE to wreck their own country/economy (Covid 19 hit China hard, before it hit the US). You'd also have to believe that China had NO foresight that, by being the first country hit, they're basically drawing all attention to them. Does that seem likely to you?
So, like belief in Russian Collusion, then? Belief that blocking candidates from ballots, using lawfare to derail campaigns, and weaponizing federal law enforcement is "saving democracy?" That sort of " general lack of [or] acknowledgement of reality?"

Well that list of dems actions killing our democracy should put zenmode into hibernation.
I'm a constitutionalist, Sock. The Constitution is neither 'right' nor 'left'. You just ignore and deny it.

Hey ITN, on a side note, and in your signatures, did Lurch Adams really say that abortion has killed no one? If he did, it just goes to show us
just how screwed up these radical dems have become, or have always been.
EVERYONE should support the Constitution and the rights it protects. Far right, in general, is a combination of conspiracy theories and irrational fears, combined with a general lack of acknowledgement of reality.

Don't try to hide behind the Constitution you despise, Sock.
Using buzzwords to cover your ass won't work.
I wouldn't call that a conspiracy theory. That's an accusation that resulted in an investigation and Trump was exonerated. Dems have an irrational fear of Trump that is fueled by confirmation bias, social media and ratings-seeking talking heads on liberal news channels. I wouldn't call that a conspiracy theory, either. Republicans are just as bad regarding Dems and Biden. One side says "They're going to destroy Democracy", the other side says "They're going to destroy the Republic. Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe.

Examples of conspiracy theories are:
- Stolen election
- Jewish space lasers
- Trump is still president
- Covid lockdowns were a dry run to test our willingness to be controlled by the government
- Covid vaccines have Bill Gates trackers and/or tentacled creatures in them
- Covid was intentionally developed and released into the world to ensure Trump lost in 2020

Those are a few that come to mind.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy, Sock. It is no theory.

Democrats stole the 2020 and several 2022 elections. I have already provided you with evidence of election fraud by Democrats. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Jewish engineers helped develop lasers for use across space just like other engineers have.
No one is saying Trump is currently President, Sock.
Covid lockdowns were not a 'dry run'. They were fear mongering by Democrats to get at Trump. It started the current economic depression.
There are no Covid vaccines in the United States and never was. mRNA treatments are not a vaccine.
Covid19 was intentionally developed, but accidentally released from a lab in Wuhan province, China. A lab funded in part by Fauci.
Democrat fear mongering was designed to get at Trump. Covid19 does not kill. No variant of any Covid/SARS series kills.

There is no democracy to destroy. The United States was never a democracy.
Attempting to discard and deny the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions, like you do, IS an attempt to destroy the republic. It won't work, Sock.
I don't believe that.
So you would rather believe in your conspiracy theories.
Besides the close business dealings Trump had with Russia, Russian hackers released damaging DNC and Hillary emails which helped Trump in 2016.
Conspiracy theory. Never happened. Hillary committed espionage and sold government assets for private gain, then she intentionally destroyed subpoenaed evidence and lied to the committee under oath (perjury and destruction of evidence).
Trump's people and his son met with Russians at Trump Tower.
So? Not illegal, Sock. BTW, Putin is a socialist, like DEMOCRATS.
The Russian social media campaign definitely appeared to be directed at Conservatives and intended to get them all wound up.
What Russian social media campaign????
There's more, but it slips my mind right now.
How convenient.
I don't see those two situations as comparable for the reasons mentioned above. It was absolutely used by the terrified Left and milked for all it was worth by liberal media. Agree.
Inappropriate interactions, yes. I wouldn't call it "crushing". They have an absolutely irrational fear of Trump.
So do you.
It has nothing to do with party.
The Church of Hate is Democrat based, Sock.
There are legit legal questions related to the 2020 election
There was no 2020 election, Sock.
and then there are conspiracy theories and absolute lies and dishonesty by Trump.
Theories that YOU made up...not Trump.
Many states use no-excuse, mail-in ballots and have for a decade or more with no meaningful amount of voter fraud.
Blatant lie.
People who don't think through the logistics of mail-in ballots fraud
Like you.
are the ones who continue to believe the conspiracy theories
Mail-in ballots are not a theory, Sock.
and nonsense we got from True the Vote/2000 Mules.
Mules (people that go out and collect votes from others, submit them en masse) do exist. It is also not a secure method of handling ballots, which is why mules are banned in most States.
Did she say "Jewish space lasers", no.
Then why did you bring it up???
Did she go full QANON conspiratard and imply just that? Absolutely.
There is no such thing as QANON. Buzzword fallacy.
There is a decent possibility that the virus came from the Wuhan Lab.
It came from the Wuhan lab.
That is a much different claim that China created it
China did create it.
and released it on purpose,
They didn't release it on purpose.
with the intention of hurting Trump.
The virus itself doesn't hurt anyone. It does not kill. Democrat fear mongering was designed to hurt Trump. Democrat fear mongering is the Hoax.
If you believe that, then you'd also have to believe that they CHOSE to wreck their own country/economy (Covid 19 hit China hard, before it hit the US).
A virus is not an economy, Sock. Democrats used fear mongering to wreck the US economy. That started the current economic depression.
So you would rather believe in your conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy theory. Never happened. Hillary committed espionage and sold government assets for private gain, then she intentionally destroyed subpoenaed evidence and lied to the committee under oath (perjury and destruction of evidence).

So? Not illegal, Sock. BTW, Putin is a socialist, like DEMOCRATS.

What Russian social media campaign????

How convenient.

So do you.

The Church of Hate is Democrat based, Sock.

There was no 2020 election, Sock.

Theories that YOU made up...not Trump.

Blatant lie.

Like you.

Mail-in ballots are not a theory, Sock.

Mules (people that go out and collect votes from others, submit them en masse) do exist. It is also not a secure method of handling ballots, which is why mules are banned in most States.

Then why did you bring it up???

There is no such thing as QANON. Buzzword fallacy.

It came from the Wuhan lab.

China did create it.

They didn't release it on purpose.

The virus itself doesn't hurt anyone. It does not kill. Democrat fear mongering was designed to hurt Trump. Democrat fear mongering is the Hoax.

A virus is not an economy, Sock. Democrats used fear mongering to wreck the US economy. That started the current economic depression.

Thank you, you saved me the time!
The Democrat party is a conspiracy, Sock. It is no theory.

Democrats stole the 2020 and several 2022 elections. I have already provided you with evidence of election fraud by Democrats. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Jewish engineers helped develop lasers for use across space just like other engineers have.
No one is saying Trump is currently President, Sock.
Covid lockdowns were not a 'dry run'. They were fear mongering by Democrats to get at Trump. It started the current economic depression.
There are no Covid vaccines in the United States and never was. mRNA treatments are not a vaccine.
Covid19 was intentionally developed, but accidentally released from a lab in Wuhan province, China. A lab funded in part by Fauci.
Democrat fear mongering was designed to get at Trump. Covid19 does not kill. No variant of any Covid/SARS series kills.

There is no democracy to destroy. The United States was never a democracy.
Attempting to discard and deny the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions, like you do, IS an attempt to destroy the republic. It won't work, Sock.

Every single statement in your post is a lie.

I have provided evidence of that over and over, yet you choose to ignore it.
Burden fallacy. Attempted force of negative proof fallacy. That's not going to work, Sock.

So now you're back to simply spouting your tired fallacy claims.

Nothing says I've got you cornered like you refusing to respond to my questions with honest answers.

Come on, I dare you, prove the evidence is propaganda.