USA hits something in Syria

Yes, blowing up a guard shack is beyond frightening lol.

Why the fuck is Biden sending messages instead of straight up telling them like Trump did?
Yes, blowing up a guard shack is beyond frightening lol. Why the fuck is Biden sending messages instead of straight up telling them like Trump did?

It's what DEMOCRATS do.

Remember when Blow Job Billy bombed an aspirin factory instead of getting Bin Laden?

Meanwhile maybe the message has been sent to Iran and China, maybe even Russia "You know we had to do something, it was a show for the peasants, forget about it"

Let's see how many people were killed, normally this crew goes after buildings when they want to "send a message".
The US airstrike hit a cluster of buildings and is believed to have killed “up to a handful of people,” The Washington Post newspaper reported on late Thursday, citing an anonymous US official.

That is the "Buildings not People" plan, as if anyone gives a fuck about some buildings unless there is something important inside of them. Have not seen any bomb damage assessments from the Mind Molders, Empire Propaganda will have to do, we American citizens dont rate information from our government.
Meanwhile maybe the message has been sent to Iran and China, maybe even Russia "You know we had to do something, it was a show for the peasants, forget about it"

Let's see how many people were killed, normally this crew goes after buildings when they want to "send a message".

I hate to agree with you but I think you're right, they hit something harmless just so Joey could appear to have some balls.
I hate to agree with you but I think you're right, they hit something harmless just so Joey could appear to have some balls.

Apparently we are not allowed to know did you notice that? How many planes/missiles, what was hit, what was the damage, did they warn the target first.....that sort of thing.

Apparently we are not allowed to know did you notice that? How many planes/missiles, what was hit, what was the damage, did they warn the target first.....that sort of thing.


It ain't about Syria, it's about the election and what they did. Don't ever take your eyes off the prize.
It ain't about Syria, it's about the election and what they did. Don't ever take your eyes off the prize.

This is fun:

John Kerry 'colluded' with Iran to undermine Trump, report says
Report from 2018 said Kerry engaged in 'shadow diplomacy' to save Iran deal

Biden administration officials, including John Kerry and Robert Malley, had meetings with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif during the Trump administration that were orchestrated to undermine President Biden's predecessor, a recent report from The Washington Times claims.

Zarif held meetings with Obama administration veterans who could return to power "to devise a political strategy to undermine the Trump administration" and usher in softer diplomacy between the U.S. and Iran, according to an unnamed former senior U.S. official cited by The Washington Times.

The official was discussing face-to-face meetings between Zarif and influential Democrats in 2017, 2018 and 2019, according to The Washington Times.
Kerry is now Biden's climate envoy, and Malley, who was part of creating the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) regarding Iran's nuclear capabilities, is Biden's Iran envoy.

Beijing is laughing at these incompetent fucks we have as leaders....if you are going to be two faced you cant be this obvious.

John Kerry needs an ice pick in the eye.

All of these treasonous fucks "BECAUSE TRUMP!" need that.

This is a big reason why the Chinese are now so sure that they are going to kick our ass, because what these fucks did to us.
All of these treasonous fucks "BECAUSE TRUMP!" need that.

This is a big reason why the Chinese are now so sure that they are going to kick our ass, because what these fucks did to us.

They won't. They have like a 5 year window to do it and they aren't close to ready. After that, they won't be a problem anymore. we need to look to Africa now. China is old news.
They won't. They have like a 5 year window to do it and they aren't close to ready. After that, they won't be a problem anymore. we need to look to Africa now. China is old news.

"A house divided can not stand, Will NOT stand"

The Chinese, the Russians, and everybody else has lost respect for us, not because of Trump, but because we have so many traitors.

People are lining up to betray America now.

With their hand out.
"A house divided can not stand, Will NOT stand"

The Chinese, the Russians, and everybody else has lost respect for us, not because of Trump, but because we have so many traitors.

People are lining up to betray America now.

With their hand out.

I don't give a fuck if anyone else respects us right now because they will one we reach out with the pimp hand. We have a pimp hand...they don't.