USC .. you gotta problem?


If you gotta problem with me .. you go ahead and name the topic and I will meet you in the debate room. You seem to have wise ass attitude problem that needs a kick in the ass...

HUH ? I thought you had the problem.
I can't disagree without having a problem, what a norrow minded viewpoint.
thanks Darla ;)
I was just wondering why he got his panties in a wad. I don't recall chewing on him, just disagreed, but then I disagree with a lot of people ;)

Is he having trouble with the closet door ?
thanks Darla ;)
I was just wondering why he got his panties in a wad. I don't recall chewing on him, just disagreed, but then I disagree with a lot of people ;)

Is he having trouble with the closet door ?

He's always got his panties in a wad over someone.

I can't say for certain about the closet door, but something is giving him trouble.
I think he was just challenging uscit to a verbal duel in the Battle Zone... :dunno:
He seemed pissed over something Damo, but I am not sure what. I don't tend to chew on Klaatu, disagree yes. Oh well perhaps he thought this uneddicated hillbilly would be an easy victory in the war room ;) I think he was pissed at Cyporess , perhaps he just wanted to take it out on me.
No worries from here though, just curious. I don't let my panties get in a wad over a chat board.
He seemed pissed over something Damo, but I am not sure what. I don't tend to chew on Klaatu, disagree yes. Oh well perhaps he thought this uneddicated hillbilly would be an easy victory in the war room ;) I think he was pissed at Cyporess , perhaps he just wanted to take it out on me.
No worries from here though, just curious. I don't let my panties get in a wad over a chat board.

Or just easy.

If he gets you in there, just be careful, especially if he says he has "something to show you", and whatever you do don't fall for the "oh I dropped something and my back is out, could you bend over and pick that up for me?" line!

Trust me on this one. Bitter experience here. ;)

<I'm going to get into trouble with Damo for picking on someone, or with the PC people, so I will shut up now>
Or just easy.

If he gets you in there, just be careful, especially if he says he has "something to show you", and whatever you do don't fall for the "oh I dropped something and my back is out, could you bend over and pick that up for me?" line!

Trust me on this one. Bitter experience here. ;)

<I'm going to get into trouble with Damo for picking on someone, or with the PC people, so I will shut up now>

don't you dare go politically correct on me girl. I have missed your wit, where ya been ?
Damo , you heard of any others besides me who cannot talk in the chatroom ?
Still no talk box anywhere.
don't you dare go politically correct on me girl. I have missed your wit, where ya been ?

Busy. I've been hanging Peace banners up, and as fast as we get them up, Republicans are ripping them down. So now, I made some up that say "Wake Up And Smell The Sulphur" to really piss them off.

Thanks though. :)
Busy. I've been hanging Peace banners up, and as fast as we get them up, Republicans are ripping them down. So now, I made some up that say "Wake Up And Smell The Sulphur" to really piss them off.

Thanks though. :)
LOL. Even though I am an R, I think that is clever...
Damo, you are a reasonable republican not a parroting sheeple variety.

Darla, do you think my avitar on a T-shirt would be legally obscene or not. Been considering making a few. After all it can be interpreted in many ways.
Might be bale to sell to both sides.
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Damo, you are a reasonable republican not a parroting sheeple variety.

Darla, do you think my avitar on a T-shirt would be legally obscene or not. Been considering making a few. After all it can be interpreted in many ways.
Might be bale to sell to both sides.


That's thinking like a capitalist alright USC! You're right, it could be taken in different ways. I guess it could be obscene though. It would depend on the cop, what his politics are, and how he chooses to take it probably.

But you should do it.

That's thinking like a capitalist alright USC! You're right, it could be taken in different ways. I guess it could be obscene though. It would depend on the cop, what his politics are, and how he chooses to take it probably.

But you should do it.

My thinking is that is an image of our president and if the shirt is judged to be obscene so is the president :)
Oh I got a little capitalist in me, but not as much as I probably need ;)