USC .. you gotta problem?

Since this is Klaatu's thread, I'm just going to hijack it all together.

What the heck is going on with Rob and Mainman? I like them both a lot. Though I don't know what Rob is up to lately with his dems support terrorists schtick, and I've just been ignoring it.

I'll tell you what though, I like when Mainman gets going. He is one big pisser when he does.
sorry could not find it, but at least 2 presbyterian ministers and others were arrested, it seemed to be a religious based protest. And peaceful.
Will post it if I find it.
<I'm going to get into trouble with Damo for picking on someone, or with the PC people, so I will shut up now>


Wag of the finger to you Darla

Since this is Klaatu's thread, I'm just going to hijack it all together.

What the heck is going on with Rob and Mainman? I like them both a lot. Though I don't know what Rob is up to lately with his dems support terrorists schtick, and I've just been ignoring it.

I'll tell you what though, I like when Mainman gets going. He is one big pisser when he does.

thanks darla.... I am glad that you appreciate my wit.... I hope you find it acerbic yet refreshing! ;)
Ahhh fragrant but flaccid :)
Actually I like some wines, not the bitter stuff though.
Don't care much for beer. Good shine, vodka or sippin sour mash when I seldom drink. And I don't like alcohol with food , spoils the taste of the food.
Different taste than mine. I like beer and sake. Sake is great for marinating fish in my opinion.

Wine is good to cook with too I just don't drink it straight much in the same way I wouldn't drink a bottle of soy or worstershire sauce.
Sake, yech. yes we do have different tastes.
Ever eat sparrow on a stick ? I forget the Japanese for it.
Not too bad just not much there :)
Haven't had that one.

I've eaten quail and it barely has meat on it. I couldn't imagine eating a thing as scrawny as a sparrow.
Yeah Quail. Use one ounce of shot to get 1 ounce of meat :)
No quail for me unless I was pretty hungry, not worth the effort.
I guess quail is like Crappie good but very expensive per pound if you figure in all your related costs and such.