
They have side effects, and they will always have side effects. If everyone but your child is taking them, sure, they'll be fine, but if a lot of people start thinking like you did, and a lot of people will, you're state will have an epidemic on its hands.
If vaccines do more harm than good, why should anyone take them?

the issue is forcing people to take them. I don't think anyone thinks that vaccines in moderation will always be worse for you than not taking them.


"Many people aren't aware that in the 1980s our children received only 10 vaccines by age 5, whereas today they are given 36 immunizations, most of them by age 2. With billions of pharmaceutical dollars, could it be possible that the vaccine program is becoming more of a profit engine then a means of prevention?"
Touchez. I sure as heck wouldn't take a chance with my kid. That's for sure.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Polio and such are making a comeback with more parents opting out of immunizations and the immigrants coming in carrying diseases.
They have side effects, and they will always have side effects. If everyone but your child is taking them, sure, they'll be fine, but if a lot of people start thinking like you did, and a lot of people will, you're state will have an epidemic on its hands.

I'll let my kid take his or her chances with the chicken pox.
If vaccines do more harm than good, why should anyone take them?

Vaccines CAN cause more harm than good. It doesn't mean that they are bad for everyone. You are again trying to make it an absolute. That is not the position I am stating.

It is like the quote Thorn put up stated.... Pennycilin is harmful to SOME people, but beneficial to most. Thus, you would not force everyone to take it as some sort of universal fix-all.
Again, like Dung, you are twisting the statement into an absolute. No one suggested that everyone stop taking the vaccines. It was suggested that the vaccines not be forced onto the kids.

How about coming up with a way of identifying the children who are susceptible? I am the mother of an autistic 2 yr old whom i believe reacted and digressed after his vaccines, and STILL i do not think that vaccines are evil. I would just like some answers and solutions so that the 1 in 75 boys doesnt grow to 1 in 10.
The most annoying argument is the all or nothing argument some have about risks versus benefits of vaccines.. you don’t want ur kid to get polio do yah… bla bla

Its fear mongering at its worst and sounds so outrageously disingenuous and uneducated to anyone that has spent a little time researching autism.
On autism, I believe i read that about 10 minutes of Iraq war money covers the money spent on autism in the USA.
How about coming up with a way of identifying the children who are susceptible? I am the mother of an autistic 2 yr old whom i believe reacted and digressed after his vaccines, and STILL i do not think that vaccines are evil. I would just like some answers and solutions so that the 1 in 75 boys doesnt grow to 1 in 10.

Careful, you may be labled as just some overemotional parent if you state a noted correlation.

Did you read the Jenny McCarthy piece?

That was a fascinating article. Her son actually improved with the help of an improved diet.
How about coming up with a way of identifying the children who are susceptible? I am the mother of an autistic 2 yr old whom i believe reacted and digressed after his vaccines, and STILL i do not think that vaccines are evil. I would just like some answers and solutions so that the 1 in 75 boys doesnt grow to 1 in 10.

Offhand do you know how many vaccines he had when he reacted to them? Was he diagnosed before the vaccinations? or exhibited the behavior beforehand?
How about coming up with a way of identifying the children who are susceptible? I am the mother of an autistic 2 yr old whom i believe reacted and digressed after his vaccines, and STILL i do not think that vaccines are evil. I would just like some answers and solutions so that the 1 in 75 boys doesnt grow to 1 in 10.

I would love to see that technology become a reality. I also do not think vaccines are evil. I just am strongly opposed to people being forced to take them. Especially when as Lady T pointed out the number of vaccines given to kids has risen from 10 to 36. I would guess that the odds of 36 vaccines being given to a child and none of them having a negative effect aren't 100%.
I would love to see that technology become a reality. I also do not think vaccines are evil. I just am strongly opposed to people being forced to take them. Especially when as Lady T pointed out the number of vaccines given to kids has risen from 10 to 36. I would guess that the odds of 36 vaccines being given to a child and none of them having a negative effect aren't 100%.

and the age that they receive them all went from 5 to 2 y/o.
I wasn't aware 'til I read that article that kids today receive so manyvaccinations. Let's consider the way in which vaccinations work, i.e. triggering a rejection response from the immune system that is expected to last many years, if not a lifetime.

These treatments are given during a crucial developmental period, as the article stated, before two years of age. It's entirely conceivable that there would be effects on those developing systems, depending upon what may be vulnerable to a systematic, repeated activation of the body's own immune system. This then would not arise from a particular ingredient in the vaccine itself but in the body's own response to what medically is termed an "insult".

I suspect that a large proportion of the increase in autism diagnoses is attributable to a greater recognition of this disorder due to better description and more information among clinicians, and to a greater awareness among parents. A substantial portion probably comes as a result of prior misdiagnosis, and others that were previously undiagnosed and unrecognized. It would be interesting to see if there has been a reduction in the diagnoses of other developmental conditions (even ADHD) that corresponded in any way to the increase in autism figures.

If there is a way (unlikely, though, unfortunately) to identify those cases that existed but were undiagnosed, then the remainder could legitimately constitute an increase in occurrence. Nevertheless it should be examined seriously by the medical community.
Careful, you may be labled as just some overemotional parent if you state a noted correlation.

Did you read the Jenny McCarthy piece?

That was a fascinating article. Her son actually improved with the help of an improved diet.

It was definitely a good article. I would guess that most of those trying to make it a "vaccines are either good or bad" absolute haven't bothered to read either of the two articles you posted.
I would love to see that technology become a reality. I also do not think vaccines are evil. I just am strongly opposed to people being forced to take them. Especially when as Lady T pointed out the number of vaccines given to kids has risen from 10 to 36. I would guess that the odds of 36 vaccines being given to a child and none of them having a negative effect aren't 100%.

something having to do with certain little digestive systems not being able to process an overdose.. puts them into a shock thus causing autism.

Try to weed out unneeded ones and avoid getting shots that aren't necessary at the real early age before the baby has chance to develop. Take the newborn hep shot for example. My wife who works in labor in delivery says that the mother and baby nurses are told to convince the parents to do the shot to the just hours old babies.. yet withing that nursing circle.. none of them do it to there kids.

also spread them out further. dont so some of the shots till they get over the risky 12month-2year period where most of the autism forms.. age 4 or 5 u can still do shots before they are in school.

its just about being educated about what the fuck your sticking ur baby with and how frequently.
and the age that they receive them all went from 5 to 2 y/o.

Yeah, given that my niece is 2 months old, it is something I plan to bring up with my sister this weekend.... when godfather status is once again bestowed upon me. :)

and yes, I realize my agreeing with you on this issue does not change the fact that you despise my very existence. :cool:
Vaccines CAN cause more harm than good. It doesn't mean that they are bad for everyone. You are again trying to make it an absolute. That is not the position I am stating.

It is like the quote Thorn put up stated.... Pennycilin is harmful to SOME people, but beneficial to most. Thus, you would not force everyone to take it as some sort of universal fix-all.
Penicillin would kill me. Even minute amounts cause serious breathing and sight issues for me. I have to be extremely careful when medicating our fish tanks even.