Very proud of America today

your opinion is still meaningless........the case will be reversed, your temporary elation is still meaningless.......your support of Biden is meaningless.......

Nah, what you really want is for Trump to spend a bit of time in the clink where he'll write his book about "his struggles" and when he gets out it will be a blueprint for his "unified reich".
your values are turning our laws into a sham.........

Hardly. They are values which are the bedrock of our country. Yours? Not so much.
lol......perhaps you should look at that portion of the law Trump was actually indicted with.......unless of course you wish to say that the case was not a felony.........
That is the crime that was furthered by the falsifying of documents. A misdemeanor is a crime. Did you miss that day in law school?
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am I proud of Trump? I think the Demmycunts have hit rock bottom?......yes......
Proud of Trump for what- his lying, his crimes, his acting like a 3 year old with a dirty diaper in court, his adulterous affairs, his cheating in the election, his ginning up a coup that raided our capitol building, his stealing of U.S top secret documents and trying to sell them to our enemies, his tax fraud, his insurance fraud, his BANK fraud, HIS RAPING OF WOMEN, HIS FUCKING PORN STARS AND PLAYBOY BUNNIES, HIS FRIENDSHIPS TO PERVERTS AND CHILD MOLESTERS, HIS FRIENDSHIPS TO MOBSTERS AND CROOKED LAWYERS?

What you are proud of is a dangerous racist, misogynist, lying and cheating criminally insane FELON- because you are just like him with the very same malevolent mentality!

Hardly. They are values which are the bedrock of our country. Yours? Not so much.

That is the crime that was furthered by the falsifying of documents. A misdemeanor is a crime. Did you miss that day in law school?
thanks for admitting you are completely and utterly clueless.....
I have been absent from the forums for a while now, which has been good for my sanity and my blood pressure. The abject stupidity, hatred and toxicity was and remains just too much. But I couldn't let today's events go by without commenting. I am very proud of our country, and our system of justice. Our system cannot be bullied, it can't be tweeted out of existence, it can't be swayed by ignorant buffoons making threats of violence. Today, Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts for one simple reason. Because he was guilty. Nothing more, nothing less. And the brilliance of our legal system was on full display. 12 average citizens have the power to ensure that no matter how rich, powerful and famous you are, you cannot escape your criminal actions. No, there will be no appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States because THEY HAVE NO JURISDICTION. It's amazing how many stupid people have already suggested that they do. If you don't like the verdict, then GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY. Go to Russia, you seem to love Putin, and Tucker Carlson told you how great the grocery stores are. But if you attempt to act violently, then you are going down, just like your cult leader. WE are sick of your bullshit, and this is the first salvo in our war that will END your ignorance and hatred.

Have a nice day. Mine could not be better.
I went out and flew my flag immediately after hearing the verdict.
For the purposes of this discussion, this is the sixth amendment. I fail to see how it was violated during this trial, or during jury selection. Feel free to explain in legal terms. Maybe you can cite case law to support your position.

“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.”
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, - CHECK

by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, - CHECK

which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, - CHECK

and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; -CHECK

to be confronted with the witnesses against him; -CHECK

to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, - CHECK

and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.” -CHECK

All boxes checked. Looks good to me.