VETERANS group sue over TRUMP's Maralago buddies taking over VA healthcare

You actually think a bunch of VETERANS and the lawyers, willing to take on this case, likely PRO-BONO, wouldn't think to see if these 3 guys were indeed calling the Pentagon and the VA and asking for briefings related to VA healthcare?
actually, I think its likely they never even bothered to look before publishing the story.........they're lib' there any reason at all to believe them?.......
actually, I think its likely they never even bothered to look before publishing the story.........they're lib' there any reason at all to believe them?.......

Aside from the fact that they tell the truth while your gawd lies? And so far all you fools have done is whine while none have posted anything that says the story is false.
I read through about half of them. Did not bother looking at the rest. At least you were honest enough not to say non partisan sources.

"A new report questions how the Veterans Affairs Department is being run in the Trump administration. ProPublica says the VA has three "shadow rulers," three men who have never served in the U.S. military or government but have outsize influence over all department decisions. Nick Schifrin talks with Isaac Arnsdorf of ProPublica and Melissa Bryant of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. "

About Propublica:


"ProPublica is an American nonprofit organization based in New York City. It is a nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest.[3] In 2010, it became the first online news source to win a Pulitzer Prize, for a piece[4] written by one of its journalists[5][6] and published in The New York Times Magazine[7] as well as on[8] ProPublica states that its investigations are conducted by its staff of full-time investigative reporters, and the resulting stories are distributed to news partners for publication or broadcast. In some cases, reporters from both ProPublica and its partners work together on a story. ProPublica has partnered with more than 90 different news organizations, and it has won four Pulitzer Prizes. "
Aside from the fact that they tell the truth while your gawd lies? And so far all you fools have done is whine while none have posted anything that says the story is false.

you were born with the brains God gave you've gone and fucked them up......I suppose you think he should give you a new one.......
Those leaning can also be reporting the news. The fact that they are not Fox does not mean they are not correct. The National Enquirer has broken huge stories. When it comes from a source you do not like, do not simply dismiss it. Wait and see if other sources corroborate.

ONE HUGE STORY! Edwards and his love child.
The FRONTLINE Interview: Jack O'Donnell | President …

Hired in 1987 as Vice President of Trump Plaza casino in Atlantic City, Jack O'Donnell would become a critic of Donald Trump. He says he became particularly disillusioned with his boss after a helicopter crash in 1989 killed two casino executives. In this interview with FRONTLINE, O'Donnell says Trump began "blaming these problems on two …
He barely knew right. Wright was just a local reverend at the church Obama attended. By the way, what church is trump going to? Trump is the most recent atheist president playing a religious one on Tv.

This may interest you:

“That’s the fundamental problem with Donald. He doesn’t listen to people. I don’t think he has the capacity to listen. I really don’t. And that’s one of the frightening things for me about him is I do not believe he has the capacity to listen to other people.”
Wouldn't do any good. All you would do is whine some more.

So pointing out liberal "facts" is whining. :laugh:

Funny if this is such a big story the real major media would be all over it, but liberal idiots will grab at anything that might ease your TDS. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
So pointing out liberal "facts" is whining. :laugh:

Funny if this is such a big story the real major media would be all over it, but liberal idiots will grab at anything that might ease your TDS. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

Gee, and too think other news outlets are too busy covering current and recent INTEL and military officers who are taking him down by the HOUR. This guy just represents another exclamation mark at the end of the sentence.
Gee, and too think other news outlets are too busy covering current and recent INTEL and military officers who are taking him down by the HOUR. This guy just represents another exclamation mark at the end of the sentence.

How many hours does it take Sport? We have been hearing the same crap since Jan 20 2017. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: