VETERANS group sue over TRUMP's Maralago buddies taking over VA healthcare

Could you imagine if President Obama just handed over ANY positon to Reverend Wright?

REVEREND WRIGHT? Boy that is certainly a DEAD HORSE ready to be resurrected at the drop of the hat! But since it is brought up, let's take a look at the Reverend.

A US MARINE. After 2 years he wanted to go to corpsman school and did. He transferred to (and/or trained) in the US Navy and trained as a cardiopulmonary specialist. He was stationed at BETHESDA Medical Center. While there he assisted in the surgery of a SITTING US PRESIDENT. That's Lyndon on the operating table. That's WRIGHT behind the IV pole. That's a letter of thanks from a president in the inset.


Jeremiah Wright (second from right, behind I.V. pole), in 1966, as a U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman. He is tending to President Lyndon Johnson, standing behind him is Bill Moyers.[SUP][6][/SUP] (A letter of thanks on behalf of the President is superimposed on photo).US government employees in the course of their duties - [1] (Via : http:

Then he got out of the Navy and got a bachelors and masters in English or LIT (as I remember). Yeah, a real loser OBAMA chose to hang out with. What do you supposed the members of this board have done in OUR tiny little lives? Assisted with the life of a US President, earned 2 degrees not to mention a Doctor of Divinity? I haven't!

Hell come to think of it, who better than to be a consultant than a medic who served in the Armed Forces? Are you tell me REVEREND WRIGHT is less qualified than the 2 'non-medical' types Trump has chosen, one a lawyer and one in the entertainment biz? Jesus, too bad WRIGHT wasn't a member of Mar A Lago!!

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Very substantive of post of yours. But you forgot one small thing. You didn't answer the question. Guess we know who the real village idiot is and I'm not it. :laugh:

It T A K E S 24/7. Cause that's what ROUND THE CLOCK NEWS does. Understand now? Blame Ted Turner!
You mean country club types shouldn't be plotting the 'sale' of VETERANs healthcare ? Especially if their only qualification is beingTMMs? One being the CEO of 'Marvel Entertainment--all 3 Trump's Maralago Members. It is absurd and an insult.

Sue Over Reported Troika Of VA 'Shadow Rulers' From Mar-a-Lago

"The health and safety of veterans isn’t a game for Trump’s Mar-a-Lago members to play with between rounds of golf," an Iraq War vet said.

By Mary Papenfuss

08/16/2018 11:24 PM ET
Updated 2 hours ago

A veterans group has sued to stop a triumvirate of billionaires hand-picked by President Donald Trump among his wealthy Mar-a-Lago members who are reportedly serving as “shadow rulers” secretly calling the shots at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Democratic leaders demanded an investigation into a report by ProPublica last week that Marvel Entertainment CEO Ike Perlmutter, Palm Beach Dr. Bruce Moskowitz and attorney Marc Sherman are making hiring and policy decisions at the massive federal agency even though they have no experience serving in the military or government, nor have they gone through any vetting or approval process.

ProPublica cited hundreds of pages of documents and interviews revealing several meetings and conference calls by the men with senior VA officials. The men spoke with officials daily, reviewing policy and personnel decisions, and often treated the administration like their own private company, except they didn’t understand the work, ProPublica reported. VA officials even traveled to Mar-a-Lago at taxpayer expense to meet with them.

VoteVets, an activist organization that says it represents 500,000 veterans, filed a suit with the aid of the progressive group Democracy Forward to shut down what it called the “Mar-a-Lago Council” and “compel the Trump administration to fully disclose the role members of the president’s private golf club are playing in shaping decisions that affect millions of America’s veterans,” said a statement...

https://m-huffpost-com.cdn.ampproje...1eba0/amp?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1#amp_tf=From %1$s

I don't recall any of them passing a house or senate committee vote. They answered no questions. this is horrible and treasonous. Trump has no bottom. Just handing power over the VA to members of his golf club is impeachable.

Hell, this is just the LATEST in handing out tasks to the UNQUALIFIED! At least there is ONE doctor in the mix. Who the F is this Marvel guy and the lawyer? What's that all about?
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I don't recall any of them passing a house or senate committee vote. They answered no questions. this is horrible and treasonous. Trump has no bottom. Just handing power over the VA to members of his golf club is impeachable.

Nah, we call that capitalism.
Aside from the fact that they tell the truth while your gawd lies? And so far all you fools have done is whine while none have posted anything that says the story is false.

They ALWAYS throw darts that can't land, chip around the edges and when nothing can NEGATE the truth, call it FAKE NEWS!
You mean country club types shouldn't be plotting the 'sale' of VETERANs healthcare ? Especially if their only qualification is beingTMMs? One being the CEO of 'Marvel Entertainment--all 3 Trump's Maralago Members. It is absurd and an insult.

Sue Over Reported Troika Of VA 'Shadow Rulers' From Mar-a-Lago

"The health and safety of veterans isn’t a game for Trump’s Mar-a-Lago members to play with between rounds of golf," an Iraq War vet said.

By Mary Papenfuss

08/16/2018 11:24 PM ET
Updated 2 hours ago

A veterans group has sued to stop a triumvirate of billionaires hand-picked by President Donald Trump among his wealthy Mar-a-Lago members who are reportedly serving as “shadow rulers” secretly calling the shots at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Democratic leaders demanded an investigation into a report by ProPublica last week that Marvel Entertainment CEO Ike Perlmutter, Palm Beach Dr. Bruce Moskowitz and attorney Marc Sherman are making hiring and policy decisions at the massive federal agency even though they have no experience serving in the military or government, nor have they gone through any vetting or approval process.

ProPublica cited hundreds of pages of documents and interviews revealing several meetings and conference calls by the men with senior VA officials. The men spoke with officials daily, reviewing policy and personnel decisions, and often treated the administration like their own private company, except they didn’t understand the work, ProPublica reported. VA officials even traveled to Mar-a-Lago at taxpayer expense to meet with them.

VoteVets, an activist organization that says it represents 500,000 veterans, filed a suit with the aid of the progressive group Democracy Forward to shut down what it called the “Mar-a-Lago Council” and “compel the Trump administration to fully disclose the role members of the president’s private golf club are playing in shaping decisions that affect millions of America’s veterans,” said a statement...

https://m-huffpost-com.cdn.ampproje...1eba0/amp?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1#amp_tf=From %1$s

I assume the VA was in grrrrrrreat shape before these Trumpsters took over? I mean, since this"veterans" group didn't sue before. Who's handling the lawsuit, Perkins-Coie?