Vicodin now Public Enemy Number 1!

I agree..........,2933,334272,00.html

Not distracted enough by Terrorism, it becomes apparent we don't have enough slaves in prison. It's time to crack down on those evil drugs that kill pain!

After I had major surgery I was glad that vicodin was my rx...I did stop taking it after the pain subsided...but if someone has chronic pain...they should be allowed to take as much as is needed! Pain really sucks!
Hrdrocodone does not get me high and actually keeps me from sleeping well. but it does increase my quality of life somewhat. I just take Ambian to counteract the keeping me awake side effect ;)
It bakes the crap out of me, that's for sure. I usually stop taking it even while I'm still in pain because I am afraid of becoming addicted.

Probably a very good idea Damo. It gives me no pleasure at all, just kills some pain. But obviously some people get buzzed by it.
Smart move....!

It bakes the crap out of me, that's for sure. I usually stop taking it even while I'm still in pain because I am afraid of becoming addicted.

all pain killers should be taken only for pain...and when it subsides to a level that one can tolerate...then it should be stopped! If a person takes it to get high...they should seek psychological help not a dangerous drug!
I get way buzzed on it...kinda like that all is ok with life feeling :). It's one of the few narcotics that is semi safe in 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy too. I had major complications during that time and it's the only narcotic i could take. The risk happens in 3rd trimester as the babe may come out addicted lol. The way my dr. described it to me was that it's tylenol with a little opium...