Video: Patriotism Liberal style

red states rule

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There is nothing like liberals showing how they love America and how they really feel about their fellow citizens

Despite the fact, America provided them the freedom to accumlate wealth, and live the lifestyle they enjoy

[ame=""]YouTube - Bill Maher says America is a Stupid Country[/ame]
Didn’t Bill Mahar say after the 9/11 attacks that the terrorists were “Brave” in what they did?

And yet it is his fellow citizens who he constantly insults who make it possible for him to make a living by shooting off his bigoted views.
Didn’t Bill Mahar say after the 9/11 attacks that the terrorists were “Brave” in what they did?

And yet it is his fellow citizens who he constantly insults who make it possible for him to make a living by shooting off his bigoted views.

Well, what he said was that you could call them a lot of things, but to call them cowards, as was the fashion among the political-set back then, was not exactly correct. He felt that it was hard to term flying an airplane into a building, an act sure to cause your own explosive death, an act of "cowardice". I believe he also pointed out that it could be considered far more cowardly to drop bombs on a population from the relative safety of your plane, and fly away.

I can see his point, and certainly agree that there is no heroism in being a bomber pilot for any country including ours, but I don't think he was correct, simply because like all religious fanatics, the 9/11 attackers truly believed in their own moral supremecy and fantasized themselves as special people who were going to be greatly rewarded for all of the terrible things they had done once they died. Whether the reward comes from Allah, or Jesus, doesn't really matter. Fanatical Christians believe in doing the most horrid things to others, including putting them to death and waging wars that children die in, and their fantastical belief in their own moral exceptionalism convinces them that once they die, they will swept up on the wings of angels to sing with Jesus about their wonderfulness. Fanatical Muslims believe on the other hand, that Allah hands out women as door prizes and they are due 72 of them upon arriving in the great beyond with blood on their hands.

I guess if you really believe that, and they do, it really doesn't take courage to blow yourself up. So that's what I certainly would have liked to debate Maher on.

Of course the con facists had him kicked off the air so no one ever got the chance to do that.
I said that, to Iraqi citizens, our troops are infidels. do you deny that?

That is how you tried to spin your slander toward the troops after you were called on your post

Lame attempt at trying to deflect your true feelings toward the troops who are fighting to keep your fat ass safe

No wonder you admire Mayer - you both show your contempt for your country and your fellow citizens who have a different POV then you
That is how you tried to spin your slander toward the troops after you were called on your post

Lame attempt at trying to deflect your true feelings toward the troops who are fighting to keep your fat ass safe

No wonder you admire Mayer - you both show your contempt for your country and your fellow citizens who have a different POV then you

that's not is what I said and what is the truth... our troops ARE infidels in Iraq as far as the population of Iraq is concerned..

and I think it is laughable that you complain out me showing contempt for military personnel - which I DON'T do - when it is YOU who eagerly disrespects any person, military or otherwise, who does not believe like you do.
Didn’t Bill Mahar say after the 9/11 attacks that the terrorists were “Brave” in what they did?

And yet it is his fellow citizens who he constantly insults who make it possible for him to make a living by shooting off his bigoted views.

You want to try and argue that America is not stupid??

We have very high gas prices and people are trying to unload their gas guzzling big vehicles as fast as they can. Then gas goes back down, and they can't give tiny cars away to the same people who backordered them 6 months before.

We had a fad of buying Pet Rocks. Pet Rocks for chrissakes.

Marion Barry gets busted on video, does his time and then gets reelected.

George Wallace stands on the steps of the University of Alabama and tries to stop desegregation. He tries to stop blacks from being able to attend a state funded university. And then 4 years later he carries the black vote in the election for governor.

There are thousands of americans who believe the earth is only 6,000 years old. Thousands more believe we never went to the moon.

We have sports stars making millions and teachers qualifying for food stamps.

Our education system is constantly being ranked below most other industrialized nations.

On our best elections we might have half of the eligible voters actually show up to vote.

Are these signs of an intelligent population? I am not saying everyone in the US is stupid. But there are enough that are to make some things difficult to do. And enough fools willing to follow trends to make mass hysteria an art form for the media news outlets.
that's not is what I said and what is the truth... our troops ARE infidels in Iraq as far as the population of Iraq is concerned..

and I think it is laughable that you complain out me showing contempt for military personnel - which I DON'T do - when it is YOU who eagerly disrespects any person, military or otherwise, who does not believe like you do.

You and your party have spent the last 6 years smearing the troops. Calling them terrorists, uneducated, cold blooded killers, comparing them to Nazi's and Pol Pot, saying the war in Iraq was lost, and wanting to insert surrender dates in nearly every spending bill during the last 2 years of the Bush administration
You want to try and argue that America is not stupid??

We have very high gas prices and people are trying to unload their gas guzzling big vehicles as fast as they can. Then gas goes back down, and they can't give tiny cars away to the same people who backordered them 6 months before.

We had a fad of buying Pet Rocks. Pet Rocks for chrissakes.

Marion Barry gets busted on video, does his time and then gets reelected.

George Wallace stands on the steps of the University of Alabama and tries to stop desegregation. He tries to stop blacks from being able to attend a state funded university. And then 4 years later he carries the black vote in the election for governor.

There are thousands of americans who believe the earth is only 6,000 years old. Thousands more believe we never went to the moon.

We have sports stars making millions and teachers qualifying for food stamps.

Our education system is constantly being ranked below most other industrialized nations.

On our best elections we might have half of the eligible voters actually show up to vote.

Are these signs of an intelligent population? I am not saying everyone in the US is stupid. But there are enough that are to make some things difficult to do. And enough fools willing to follow trends to make mass hysteria an art form for the media news outlets.

Yeah, Palin and other Americans, might do some really stupid trying to nationalize health care....or taxing the wazoo out of people for using energy attempting to fight a non-existent problem (agw)...or spending trillions of dollars on a stimulus that doesn’t work....or trying to control corporations...or smearing doctors and policemen...or a whole lot of other unconstitutional things.... and finally she might be a naive twit on foreign affairs....yeah, she might try to do things like that.
You and your party have spent the last 6 years smearing the troops. Calling them terrorists, uneducated, cold blooded killers, comparing them to Nazi's and Pol Pot, saying the war in Iraq was lost, and wanting to insert surrender dates in nearly every spending bill during the last 2 years of the Bush administration

But luckily you were here with your rational arguments refuting such nonsense.

I think i speak for everyone when i say we'd all like to say "Thanks, man".
Yeah, Palin and other Americans, might do some really stupid trying to nationalize health care....or taxing the wazoo out of people for using energy attempting to fight a non-existent problem (agw)...or spending trillions of dollars on a stimulus that doesn’t work....or trying to control corporations...or smearing doctors and policemen...or a whole lot of other unconstitutional things.... and finally she might be a naive twit on foreign affairs....yeah, she might try to do things like that.

You see you are trying to make it sound as though only one party or one side is responsible for all the problems.

I am not so naive as to think that.
You see you are trying to make it sound as though only one party or one side is responsible for all the problems.

I am not so naive as to think that.

Since Dems are in total control of the Federal government, and Obama has gotten everything we wanted (up until Obamacare) and the Dems have controlled the House since 2006 - yea, they own the economy and are responsible for the lack of their accomplishments
You and your party have spent the last 6 years smearing the troops. Calling them terrorists, uneducated, cold blooded killers, comparing them to Nazi's and Pol Pot, saying the war in Iraq was lost, and wanting to insert surrender dates in nearly every spending bill during the last 2 years of the Bush administration

blahblahblah... the same tired old bullshit arguments you've been trotting out for years. do you have that paragraph programmed as a macro? I would hate to have to think about you actually having to type that each and every time you spam the board with it!

NOBODY called them terrorists.... nobody called them uneducated... some of them ARE actually cold blooded killers, but NOBODY ever referred to the military as a group in such a fashion. No one compared our troops to Nazis or Pol Pot... Durbin DID say that the interrogation techniques illegally used in Gitmo were reminiscent of those used by those groups.... anyone who said the war was lost was premature and faulty in their analysis... the surge did work and now we get to see just how well Iraqis can protect themselves... the jury is still out on whether or not sunnis and shiites can continue to make nice with one another when Americans are not acting as referees. the jury is still out as to who will be Iraq's better friend and ally once our troops leave: the US or Iran. And from MY perspective, an Iraq aligned with a nuclear Iran is NOT the sort of culmination of the PNAC dream that Bush and company said would come to pass.
You and your party have spent the last 6 years smearing the troops. Calling them terrorists, uneducated, cold blooded killers, comparing them to Nazi's and Pol Pot, saying the war in Iraq was lost, and wanting to insert surrender dates in nearly every spending bill during the last 2 years of the Bush administration

You know, as much as conservatives have tried to portray it the way you do here, I have not seen any liberals (except a few extremists) calling them the things you claim.

I did watch as hundreds of thousands of our young men and women were sent overseas to fight a war we had no business being in.

I did see tens of thousands of those men & women come back wounded. And thousands more come back in body bags (which were not allowed to be shown on the news). And we still should not have been there.

I would call that a far worse abuse of our men & women in the military.
Since Dems are in total control of the Federal government, and Obama has gotten everything we wanted (up until Obamacare) and the Dems have controlled the House since 2006 - yea, they own the economy and are responsible for the lack of their accomplishments

So the republicans had no hand in spending any of the money? Bush didn't veto any of the spending and sure spent enough on the war in Iraq.

This is the biggest problem. You had rather see this nation fold up than admit that both sides have had a hand in creating our problems.
blahblahblah... the same tired old bullshit arguments you've been trotting out for years. do you have that paragraph programmed as a macro? I would hate to have to think about you actually having to type that each and every time you spam the board with it!

NOBODY called them terrorists.... nobody called them uneducated... some of them ARE actually cold blooded killers, but NOBODY ever referred to the military as a group in such a fashion. No one compared our troops to Nazis or Pol Pot... Durbin DID say that the interrogation techniques illegally used in Gitmo were reminiscent of those used by those groups.... anyone who said the war was lost was premature and faulty in their analysis... the surge did work and now we get to see just how well Iraqis can protect themselves... the jury is still out on whether or not sunnis and shiites can continue to make nice with one another when Americans are not acting as referees. the jury is still out as to who will be Iraq's better friend and ally once our troops leave: the US or Iran. And from MY perspective, an Iraq aligned with a nuclear Iran is NOT the sort of culmination of the PNAC dream that Bush and company said would come to pass.

Facts never did mean much to you Conmanfrommaine. Kerry did call them terrorists and uneducated. Murtha rushed to a press conference and called Marines cold blooded killers - yet all of been cleard of charges. Durbin did compare the troops to Pol Pot and Nazis. Reid said the war was lost before the surge was fully implempted

Yep, the left has constantly showed their support for the troops