Video: Patriotism Liberal style

So the republicans had no hand in spending any of the money? Bush didn't veto any of the spending and sure spent enough on the war in Iraq.

This is the biggest problem. You had rather see this nation fold up than admit that both sides have had a hand in creating our problems.

It is funny to see libs complain about Bush's spending and yet they are mostly silent on the Dems spending

Obama has spent more in 6 months then Bush spent in 6 years in Iraq, Katrina, and Afghanistan

I do want Obama's policies to fail so America can succeed
It is funny to see libs complain about Bush's spending and yet they are mostly silent on the Dems spending

Obama has spent more in 6 months then Bush spent in 6 years in Iraq, Katrina, and Afghanistan

I do want Obama's policies to fail so America can succeed

You want to group everyone into one convenient enemy. But plenty of us have bitched about BOTH president's spending. You simply choose to ignore part of it.

"I do want Obama's policies to fail so America can succeed". Nice parroting. But if all of Obama's policies fail there may not be an America left to succeed. And that failure will damn sure harm a lot of good american's lives. But apparently that is not nearly as big an issue as defeating Obama and putting a republican back in the White House.
Facts never did mean much to you Conmanfrommaine. Kerry did call them terrorists and uneducated. Murtha rushed to a press conference and called Marines cold blooded killers - yet all of been cleard of charges. Durbin did compare the troops to Pol Pot and Nazis. Reid said the war was lost before the surge was fully implempted

Yep, the left has constantly showed their support for the troops

Kerry did NOT call them terrorists. That IS a fact. Your inability to understand the english language is legendary. I addressed the other issues already.
Kerry did NOT call them terrorists. That IS a fact. Your inability to understand the english language is legendary. I addressed the other issues already.

[ame=""]YouTube - John Kerry calls American troops terrorists[/ame]
That is your version of "John Kerry calls American troops terrorists"? WTF?

He was saying that there is no excuse for the american troops doing what iraqi troops should have been doing. He did not call them terrorists.

You just don't understand.

Probably because you are a liberal.
and you prove your ignorance once again. why am I not surprised?

Whether you want to acknowledge your idiocy or not... there IS a significant difference between the meaning of the word TERRORIZE - a verb... and TERRORIST... a noun. "Terrorize" means to scare people... "Terrorist" refers to a member of a group who uses violence as a means of political coersion..

a rabid dog can terrorize a neighborhood... but that does not mean that the rabid dog is a terrorist. a bully can terrorize a grade school playground... but the bully is not, therefore, a terrorist.

John Kerry did NOT call our troops terrorists. THAT is a fact and your own youtube video prove it.

you are a moron who is too dumb to get out of his own way.
You want to try and argue that America is not stupid??

We have very high gas prices and people are trying to unload their gas guzzling big vehicles as fast as they can. Then gas goes back down, and they can't give tiny cars away to the same people who backordered them 6 months before.

We had a fad of buying Pet Rocks. Pet Rocks for chrissakes.

Marion Barry gets busted on video, does his time and then gets reelected.

George Wallace stands on the steps of the University of Alabama and tries to stop desegregation. He tries to stop blacks from being able to attend a state funded university. And then 4 years later he carries the black vote in the election for governor.

There are thousands of americans who believe the earth is only 6,000 years old. Thousands more believe we never went to the moon.

We have sports stars making millions and teachers qualifying for food stamps.

Our education system is constantly being ranked below most other industrialized nations.

On our best elections we might have half of the eligible voters actually show up to vote.

Are these signs of an intelligent population? I am not saying everyone in the US is stupid. But there are enough that are to make some things difficult to do. And enough fools willing to follow trends to make mass hysteria an art form for the media news outlets.

Quoted for absolute truth. This and more. Americans, at least the majority of them, are absolutely ignorant and stupid.
and you prove your ignorance once again. why am I not surprised?

Whether you want to acknowledge your idiocy or not... there IS a significant difference between the meaning of the word TERRORIZE - a verb... and TERRORIST... a noun. "Terrorize" means to scare people... "Terrorist" refers to a member of a group who uses violence as a means of political coersion..

a rabid dog can terrorize a neighborhood... but that does not mean that the rabid dog is a terrorist. a bully can terrorize a grade school playground... but the bully is not, therefore, a terrorist.

John Kerry did NOT call our troops terrorists. THAT is a fact and your own youtube video prove it.

you are a moron who is too dumb to get out of his own way.

and you continue to show your loyalty to your party over your country. Dems can smear and attack the US militray and you will blindly defend them since you pledge your allegiance to the Democrat party first - country second
and you continue to show your loyalty to your party over your country. Dems can smear and attack the US militray and you will blindly defend them since you pledge your allegiance to the Democrat party first - country second

blah blah blah.

your own video proves you wrong and - surprise surprise - redstatesdrool does not have the stones to admit it.

and like I said earlier.... you are perfectly willing to smear active duty members and veterans and retirees if they don't jump in line and agree to your political philosophy.... AND you were too big a coward to actually have served yourself. Imagine that!:cof1:
Quoted for absolute truth. This and more. Americans, at least the majority of them, are absolutely ignorant and stupid.

Now see, this is why I have a great deal of respect for you and your brand of conservatism. You worry about issues. You worry about results.

You do not spend time trying to slam the other side just because they are the other side.
blah blah blah.

your own video proves you wrong and - surprise surprise - redstatesdrool does not have the stones to admit it.

and like I said earlier.... you are perfectly willing to smear active duty members and veterans and retirees if they don't jump in line and agree to your political philosophy.... AND you were too big a coward to actually have served yourself. Imagine that!:cof1:

I am not the one who wishes death others, post about gang raping their kids, calling female posters the "C" word, or caliing them crack whores - yet you have

I doubt if you ever served - if you did - I am glad you are not now. The military has enough to worry about
I am not the one who wishes death others, post about gang raping their kids, calling female posters the "C" word, or caliing them crack whores - yet you have

I doubt if you ever served - if you did - I am glad you are not now. The military has enough to worry about
I never posted anything about gang raping anyone's children... that is simply not true...

and interesting enough, you seem to feel that every insult from me came from out of the blue and had NO justification or provocation.

And I don't really care what you DOUBT. I know I served, and I know that I deserve my retirement check that your tax dollars help pay for. :clink:

and you STILL will not admit that your own youtube video proves my point and disproves yours!:pke:
I never posted anything about gang raping anyone's children... that is simply not true...

and interesting enough, you seem to feel that every insult from me came from out of the blue and had NO justification or provocation.

And I don't really care what you DOUBT. I know I served, and I know that I deserve my retirement check that your tax dollars help pay for. :clink:

and you STILL will not admit that your own youtube video proves my point and disproves yours!:pke:

The facts tell a much different story Conman. Your past is slowly catching up to you, and the last thing you want is to have the light of truth find its way to your face

Your service is a huge question mark. You have tossed so many lies one never knows when you are telling the truth - even you get caught up in your web

Kerry's own words tell the facts about his smear - and it is another reason he is not Predient
The facts tell a much different story Conman. Your past is slowly catching up to you, and the last thing you want is to have the light of truth find its way to your face

Your service is a huge question mark. You have tossed so many lies one never knows when you are telling the truth - even you get caught up in your web

Kerry's own words tell the facts about his smear - and it is another reason he is not Predient

Like I said... I have never written about the gang rape of anyone's child... and none of my other insults were written in a vacuum... all of them were part of a dialog with people - like you - who were perfectly willing to insult as well. Your refusal to accept your role in all of that is quite cowardly, actually...

And AGAIN... I don't really care about your opinion of my service. I graduated from the Naval Academy in 1972 and served my country until September of '93, retiring as a commander. I have never tried to suggest anything other than that simple record of service.

and trust me... my paycheck from Uncle Sam (and from YOU) spends just as well whether you believe me or not!:cof1:

and Kerry did NOT call our troops terrorists. that is a fact and that fact makes you a liar.
Like I said... I have never written about the gang rape of anyone's child... and none of my other insults were written in a vacuum... all of them were part of a dialog with people - like you - who were perfectly willing to insult as well. Your refusal to accept your role in all of that is quite cowardly, actually...

And AGAIN... I don't really care about your opinion of my service. I graduated from the Naval Academy in 1972 and served my country until September of '93, retiring as a commander. I have never tried to suggest anything other than that simple record of service.

and trust me... my paycheck from Uncle Sam (and from YOU) spends just as well whether you believe me or not!:cof1:

and as usal you are a bold faced LIAR about your posts

As far as your "service" if you did, I am glad you are out now. I doubt if such an arrogrant liar like you could become an officer and held up as a leader of men and women. More likey you nothing more then an E-4 and was tossed out for the good of the service
and as usal you are a bold faced LIAR about your posts

As far as your "service" if you did, I am glad you are out now. I doubt if such an arrogrant liar like you could become an officer and held up as a leader of men and women. More likey you nothing more then an E-4 and was tossed out for the good of the service

gratuitous insults from a guy who has been PROVEN to be a liar:pke:

Like I O-5 paycheck spends just as nicely whether you believe it or not. :cof1:
gratuitous insults from a guy who has been PROVEN to be a liar:pke:

Like I O-5 paycheck spends just as nicely whether you believe it or not. :cof1:

If insults are facts -you would be the King here. Is that why you got a lifetime ban from DP because you were to hard to keep up with :)

If you make so much in retirement pay then why do you live in such a flea trap? At least fix the place up a little and stop causing people to think they are at the local animal shelter and not your "Federalist style" home