Vivek Ramaswamy running for President

When I put my sig up (two days ago?) there were rumors that he was going to do it.
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I lot of guys in my circle lately have spent a lot of time whining about there being a supposed lack of positive and inspiring vision.

Here is a guy with positive and inspiring vision up the Wazoo.

Maybe U should support him.

Its now or never.

Born in August 1985 in Ohio’s Cincinnati, Ramaswamy is the son of Indian immigrants who moved to the US from Kerala. While his father worked at the General Electric Plant in Evendale, Ohio, his mother was a geriatric psychiatrist in Cincinnati.

Ramaswamy finished his undergraduate studies, majoring in Biology from Harvard College in 2007, and later went to Yale Law School to pursue a Doctor of Jurisprudence. According to his New Yorker profile, published in December 2022, he was the president of the Harvard Political Union while studying at the college and used to perform “Eminem covers and original free-market-themed rap songs as a kind of alter ego called Da Vek.”

The profile also said that Ramaswamy went to Kerala frequently while growing up to spend summers with his family.
His rise as a tech entrepreneur

After starting and then selling his technology company in his early 20s, joining a hedge fund based in New York and taking a standup-comedy class, Ramaswamy in 2014 established Roivant — his pharmaceutical venture that focuses on applying technology to drug development. The entrepreneur quickly gained popularity for his work in the field and in 2015 was featured on the cover of Fobes magazine, which called him “The 30-Year-Old CEO Conjuring Drug Companies from Thin Air.”[

After stepping down as the chief executive officer (CEO) of Roivant Sciences in 2021, Ramaswamy co-founded Strive Asset Management, an Ohio-based asset management firm that was backed financially by billionaire entrepreneur Peter Thiel and his law school friend, JD Vance, who is a venture capitalist. According to the New Yorker, Ramaswamy considers Strive as an “anti-woke” asset-management firm, which doesn’t ask the companies it invested in to “push political agendas.”
We’re lucky to have you on JPP Hawkeye. I’m sure there are national demands for your thoughts and time but being a man of the people you choose to share your wisdom here. Not sure enough folks here appreciate that.

I loathe patronizers.
Degrees from both Harvard and Yale--everything about the buttonhead suggests that he's smart,
but then he announces that he's running for president.

You mentioned wanting elites running things well like you said this dude went Harvard then Yale and at age 37 is worth half a billion. That qualifies as elite in many books.
You mentioned wanting elites running things well like you said this dude went Harvard then Yale and at age 37 is worth half a billion. That qualifies as elite in many books.

I suppose. For the time being, however, I don't see him as a threat. We'll see.
Degrees from both Harvard and Yale--everything about the buttonhead suggests that he's smart,
but then he announces that he's running for president.

So what you're saying is, he's an educated liberal elite. The women's studies blue hairs probably infected him with preposterous ideas like "equality" and being "anti-facist".

So what you're saying is, he's an educated liberal elite. The women's studies blue hairs probably infected him with preposterous ideas like "equality" and being "anti-facist".


Not at all.
I respect good education.
Thinking he has a chance to be president, on the other hand, doesn't make him sound like somewhat smart enough to have degrees from Harvard and Yale.

Also, he's not liberal. He's a republican.
Not at all.
I respect good education.
Thinking he has a chance to be president, on the other hand, doesn't make him sound like somewhat smart enough to have degrees from Harvard and Yale.

Also, he's not liberal. He's a republican.

You bring up an interesting perspective of the mindset one must have to think they are the best or most qualified person to be the 'leader of the free world'. That definitely takes hubris. And it is an extremely valid position to question why one would want to submit themselves and their family to all that it entails. But I guess they must think to themselves "someone's gotta do it right?"