Vivek Ramaswamy running for President

Not at all.
I respect good education.
Thinking he has a chance to be president, on the other hand, doesn't make him sound like somewhat smart enough to have degrees from Harvard and Yale.

Also, he's not liberal. He's a republican.

I don't personally think going to this school or that school necessarily makes someone "smart" (a subjective term in it's own right), or a good leader. Most of the time going to a prestigious school and having lots of money are more about who your parents were than who you are. I don't know anything about this guy, I'm just tired of pretending rich people are smart, or at the very least that they have the best interests of 99% of the country in mind.
I don't personally think going to this school or that school necessarily makes someone "smart" (a subjective term in it's own right), or a good leader. Most of the time going to a prestigious school and having lots of money are more about who your parents were than who you are. I don't know anything about this guy, I'm just tired of pretending rich people are smart, or at the very least that they have the best interests of 99% of the country in mind.

You have an interesting perspective. We have to go back to what is driving so much of this and that is Trump won more of the working class vote than most Republican candidates do and then made his comment about loving the undereducated in Nevada and that was a game changer. Additionally, Democrats won more of the college educated vote than they traditionally had. So a slight changing of the guards if you will (at least at the moment). So from that perspective the idea is more people need to go to college so they aren't stupid and vote for Trump (or someone like him).

But then there is the perspective you offer that those who go to (elite) college(s) aren't necessarily smarter than others. There are people who have never stepped foot on a college campus but have travelled the world and smart in their own right. Some book worm who spends 8 hours a day in a library at M.I.T. but has zero street smarts isn't the only type of smart person.

Part of the argument for going to college, other than you are less likely to vote for Trump, is college grads make more money. This is where the dichotomy comes in. We then get upset at those who go to school and excel making a lot of money. We like it up to a point and then we don't like it.
I just have one quick question.... just one... It would help me if you could just tell me this...

The Republican Party needs to focus less on the “who” - and more on the “what” and “why.” We need to answer what it means to be American and how we can revive our national identity, and that’s why I’ve laid out my policy vision in

Republicans already laid out their vision on 1/6/21, so Vivek here is just wasting everyone's time.
America’s strength is not our diversity but the ideals that unify us across our differences. Merit. Free speech. Truth. Accountability. I believe deep in my bones these ideals still exist, and I am running for President to revive them.

OK, so then I guess this means that Donald Trump failed to revive them himself...and where does Vivek think he can succeed where Trump failed?
Why is it that Republicans constantly put up the stupidest people in the world to run for President? Because the GOP is the Stupid Party.

This guy Vivek is a fucking idiot too, just like all the other Conservative dingbats who all recognize their dissonance, they're just too fucking scared to confront it.
Vivek Ramaswamy Joins 2024 Race As Yet Another Anti-Woke Crusader

At just 37, Vivek Ramaswamy has already made a lot of money as a biotechnology entrepreneur and a hedge-fund partner. Now he’s also the third Republican to announce they’re running for president in 2024, after Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. Ramaswamy has no experience in politics, but he apparently feels qualified to be president because he wrote Woke, Inc., a Zeitgeist-surfing 2021 book attacking corporate social-justice and diversity measures (the Ohioan is the son of immigrants from India). This led to The New Yorker dubbing Ramaswamy the “C.E.O. of Anti-Woke, Inc.” and landed him regular guest spots on Tucker Carlson’s show, where he served as a witness to the evils of “woke capitalism” and affirmative action. He’s already made proto-campaign forays into Iowa, where there was reportedly some mutual incomprehension between Ramaswamy and the politicians he encountered. But he did receive respectful attention from Iowa Republicans. Money and ideological media exposure will do that for you.

Ramaswamy is hardly the only GOP presidential candidate trying to exploit resentment of what used to be called “political correctness.” This is Trump’s wheelhouse, most obviously, and it’s also what has made Ron DeSantis the former president’s most popular (if unannounced) challenger. But Ramaswamy does have a positive unifying concept to balance out all the carping: merit. His Wall Street Journal op-ed announcing his candidacy was quite clear on that score: “It may seem presumptuous for a 37-year-old political outsider to pursue the highest office in the land, but I am running on a vision for our nation — one that revives merit in every sphere of American life.
DNC Chair Jaime Harrison issued the following statement in response to Vivek Ramaswamy announcing his entrance into the 2024 Republican primary:

“As Vivek Ramaswamy uses Tucker Carlson’s show to announce his campaign for president, one thing is clear: The race for the MAGA base is getting messier and more crowded by the day. Over the next few months, Republicans are guaranteed to take exceedingly extreme positions on everything from banning abortion to cutting Social Security and Medicare and we look forward to continuing to ensure every American knows just how extreme the MAGA agenda is.
Take note.....Being an Old America American is now considered by the Regime to make an extremist, next to be called a terrorist.

Buckle Up....This is going to hurt like a MotherFucker.
I have been paying close attention to him for about a year. He is a fellow truth teller and also like me he has a very good understanding of what is going on.

In short, you agree with what he says. He is on Fox a lot, that is why you know him and real truth-tellers do not,