Vivek Ramaswamy running for President

We’re lucky to have you on JPP Hawkeye. I’m sure there are national demands for your thoughts and time but being a man of the people you choose to share your wisdom here. Not sure enough folks here appreciate that.

Take what you can use and leave the rest was always the best plan.
We’re lucky to have you on JPP Hawkeye. I’m sure there are national demands for your thoughts and time but being a man of the people you choose to share your wisdom here. Not sure enough folks here appreciate that.

I did not see this till are one of the people that I rarely/never read.....and I dont need any automated ignore function to do it....I learned to do it myself.

Listen: I dont care what you think.
America is in collapse and I get "But Hawkeye, that aint how we do things around here".

Hawkeye: "I think I know what went wrong"
In b4 Democrats cook up some cockamamie false accusation to knock him out of the race. (only will happen if he's seen as a serious threat)
Convert to WOKE or else! they tell us.

They mean it, these are some brutal Mother Fuckers!

Now, you're just being silly again, as usual.

We knew you were a nut when you started playing into the FOX NEWS Anti-Woke Conspiracy.

And now you come here announcing your interest in just another Anti-Woke Conspirator that announced his run for the president on FOX NEWS.

Here is the deal Hawk, Democrats have no real thoughts about Woke or what that even means, as all we really hear is FOX NEWS, Donald Trump, DeSantis, and every Republican Candidate so far, tying everything in the world that they hate to some kind of CATCHPHRASE BOOGYMAN (WOKE) for people to fear, a word that is an Idiom once used by some minority a decade ago, that has been long since forgotten from intelligent minds.

MAGA went over about like a fart in a SPACESUIT, because that was never the intention of TRUMP or his TRUMPTARDS, and basically a FUCKING DOWNRIGHT AND OUT LIE, A FRAUD!!! And so now the new Campaign Slogan for 2024 for TRUMPTARDS is ANTI-WOKE!

Well, that is very stupid and makes FOX NEWS and every Republican Candidate so far that are using it, look like they are chasing their tails, instead of chasing down the things that are important to the Vocal and Voting majority of Americans.

The public is not buying into the ANTI-WOKE fear mongering and already sick of hearing it. Most people are insulted and offended by the incendiary abuse of the word itself. NO SIR! The Vocal and Voting Majority of voters do not want to be associated with either of the terms- WOKE or ANTI-WOKE- because it is not even a real thing.

Let me just say this, the American voters are not going to be voting with you or for your candidates when they are already offended and insulted by the ANTI-WOKE campaign- whatever the FUCKING FUCK WOKE stands for- or regardless to your fucked up sinister interpretation of the word.

Because the nation is so deeply and evenly divided 50/50, whoever wins in 2024 will require just enough voters, that will hold-their noses and vote with the other side, for anyone to be able to win. And this ANTI-WOKE campaign you people are on is going to backfire on you like a WET-FART!

I say this in FAIR WARNING dude!

YOU SEEM TO LOVE FOX NEWS- HERE YOU GO- ALL FOX NEWS- Just look how insane you idiots are!

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