Vivek Ramaswamy running for President

"Corporate & state power" has been "merged" since the 19th Century. Also un-merged. It's more an alliance that has closer and looser connections over time. Your guru is stuck like you and so many on the Right are in his ideology.

I would think lying so much as you would make a miserable life.
I would think lying so much as you would make a miserable life.

Typically, you have only insult to counter with. As for me, at the moment I'm enjoying a 5 a.m. coffee after a restful sleep following a happy backyard Mother's Day party and cookout with my wife, kids and in-laws.
I have been paying close attention to him for about a year. He is a fellow truth teller and also like me he has a very good understanding of what is going on.

The blue Print for America was drawn up by White-Anglo Americans, namely, the Founding Fathers. Right ?

It was a BRILLIANT blue print, but it was only ever intended for a nation that would be populated by White North-Western Europeans. Period.

From 1791 to 1965, while federal legislation was in place that kept the population of the American republic 85% to 90% White NW European (in terms of race/ethnicity) the Founders' blueprint became a catalyst that rapidly triggered the creation of the most powerful, pruductive and culturally advanced nations in human history.

Tragically, from 1965 to the present day, the great American nation has steadily declined in all respects. What was a "Utopic" society is now becoming rapidly "Dystopic" Why? Mass third-world, coloured immigration is why ! Take a peek at what happening on your Southern Border What you're looking at is the guaranteed destruction of America (i.e. the liberal, democratic, constitutional, republic of America that WILL BE REMEMBERED AS HAVING ONCE BEEN THE GREATEST NATION IN ALL HUMAN HISTORY).

Sorry if this is an ugly truth to hear. But it IS the truth nonetheless. (Unless you can point out for me why it is not?)

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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The blue Print for America was drawn up by White-Anglo Americans, namely, the Founding Fathers. Right ?

It was a BRILLIANT blue print, but it was only ever intended for a nation that would be populated by White North-Western Europeans. Period.

From 1791 to 1965, while federal legislation was in place that kept the population of the American republic 85% to 90% White NW European (in terms of race/ethnicity) the Founders' blueprint became a catalyst that rapidly triggered the creation of the most powerful, pruductive and culturally advanced nations in human history.

Tragically, from 1965 to the present day, the great American nation has steadily declined in all respects. What was a "Utopic" society is now becoming rapidly "Dystopic" Why? Mass third-world, coloured immigration is why ! Take a peek at what happening on your Southern Border What you're looking at is the guaranteed destruction of America (i.e. the liberal, democratic, constitutional, republic of America that WILL BE REMEMBERED AS HAVING ONCE BEEN THE GREATEST NATION IN ALL HUMAN HISTORY).

Sorry if this is an ugly truth to hear. But it IS the truth nonetheless. (Unless you can point out for me why it is not?)

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!

Obama agreed with you back in 2005.

I love this guy. He is so smart and quick on his feet. Loved when he offered to hug Christie after he called him Obama. :rofl2: