Voltaire and God


Just because you don't understand atheism or when people explain it to you does not make them liars. It simply means you don't understand.

Why is your ego so fragile you can't accept that maybe, just maybe YOU are the one who isn't able to understand?
Yet you can't see that the same thing applies to the invisible demon in the freezer.

That has been answered very decently by Cypress.

Get off it.

Tell me how YOU would improve the take I offered on the question.

So everyone who disagrees with your position is too stupid to understand their own point.

No...not everyone.

Seriously, you had a philosophy class?????
I had what amounted to a major in it.
Just because you don't understand atheism or when people explain it to you does not make them liars. It simply means you don't understand.

Why is your ego so fragile you can't accept that maybe, just maybe YOU are the one who isn't able to understand?
Take a break...and come back.

You are allowing this ass-kicking I am administering to bother you too much.

When you come back...you are still going to have to deal with my request for you to improve my take.
That has been answered very decently by Cypress.

Incorrect. Cypress usually just denigrates those points he doesn't want to engage with. Just calling it a distraction doesn't address the point.

Tell me how YOU would improve the take I offered on the question.

Honestly, Ross, I cannot make the language more simple for you. I lack the ability to "dumb down" my position sufficiently to get it across to you.

I had what amounted to a major in it.

I doubt that very highly. But perhaps you were just really bad at it.
Ross is NOT a troll. Incapable of actually debating, yes, but not a troll.
I am able to debate...and good at it.

But when I get the derailing bullshit from atheists...I just revert to having fun.

And that is what is happening. I am having fun with you guys.
I am able to debate...and good at it.

Let me know where I can see that.

But when I get the derailing bullshit from atheists...I just revert to having fun.

Just because you are too dim to understand the points doesn't mean it is a "derailment".

And that is what is happening. I am having fun with you guys.

You really come across as kind of confused and simple. If this is "fun" for you then I feel kinda sorry for you.
Incorrect. Cypress usually just denigrates those points he doesn't want to engage with. Just calling it a distraction doesn't address the point.

He did an excellent job the moment he called attention to the Santa Claus, invisible giraffes, and tea kettles being usual atheistic bullshit.

If that bothers you...stop using it. It has nothing whatever to do with our discussion.

Honestly, Ross, I cannot make the language more simple for you. I lack the ability to "dumb down" my position sufficiently to get it across to you.

You do not have to dumb down anything for me. And by now, you realize that. Stop with the distractions.

Your argument is nonsense. Get off it...and deal with what matters.

Or continue with them and continue the fun.

I doubt that very highly. But perhaps you were just really bad at it.
Doubt whatever you want.

The total amount of philosoy I (everyone who went there) had to take was daunting.
He did an excellent job the moment he called attention to the Santa Claus, invisible giraffes, and tea kettles being usual atheistic bullshit.\

It's kind of telling that you can't actually address the point.

If that bothers you...stop using it. It has nothing whatever to do with our discussion.

Maybe you could try addressing the point.

You do not have to dumb down anything for me

LOL. There's that ego again.

. And by now, you realize that. Stop with the distractions.

Or maybe you can address the point.

Doubt whatever you want.

Let's just say you've given me enough information to no longer be agnostic about your claims to having a philosophy background.

The total amount of philosoy I (everyone who went there) had to take was daunting.

Maybe for you. But then you don't seem to have paid any attention in class.
It's kind of telling that you can't actually address the point.

I CAN address the point. What you want me to do is drive down the diversionary path you are setting up. And you seem to be upset that I am not doing so. I've been doing this stuff for a very long time. You don't have a chance of diverting me.

Maybe you could try addressing the point.

I AM addressing the point. what you want me to do is to divert.

Ain't gonna happen. You can try a different amateur trick...but that is not going to work either.

LOL. There's that ego again.

If you think that laughing at your "dumbing down" comment is ego...fine with me. I enjoy a good laugh.

Or maybe you can address the point.

I am addressing the point. You want me to engage in your distractions. I am laughing at that. It is cute...but no cigar.

Let's just say you've given me enough information to no longer be agnostic about your claims to having a philosophy background.

C'mon. I don't even know what that means. Do you?

Maybe for you. But then you don't seem to have paid any attention in class.
I paid enough attention. Nice diversionary attempts.

All fall flat.
You enjoy coming across as a semi-literate buffoon? Yikes.
If you think I am coming across as a semi-literate buffoon...you are in even greater trouble than I currently think you are. But I think you realize you are getting your doors blown off...and are just saying that kind of stuff in frustration.

You shoulda taken a break while you were behind.

Now you are just further behind.