was I antiwar on Iraq or prowar?

I was around on politics.com with Desh, I was also anti-war at the time and remember her being against it. However, she defended the Democrats back then that voted for giving Bush the power to take us there, saying we were lied to. I remember arguing with her about this, saying they gave up on their duty to be the checks and balance on the President. She was...
I was around on politics.com with Desh, I was also anti-war at the time and remember her being against it. However, she defended the Democrats back then that voted for giving Bush the power to take us there, saying we were lied to. I remember arguing with her about this, saying they gave up on their duty to be the checks and balance on the President. She was...

post 4
then why in the fuck don't you go get them like I have been asking you supid fuck

They were on the thread where we were discussing it originally. You skipped right over them. When I brought them up a few times, you dismissed them, and said I needed to find a post from 2003.

Let's set some parameters here: I will get the link. But when I do, you have to admit that you pathologically lied about my war position, and apologize.

Do we have an accord?
I had 3 - leaningright, cawacko & Rune. You ignored that, and said I needed a post from 2003.

So, where is your post from 2003?

That's a bit unfair, considering the site we all were on at the time is no longer in commission. This site didn't start until 2006. Coming up on the 10 year Damo!
They were on the thread where we were discussing it originally. You skipped right over them. When I brought them up a few times, you dismissed them, and said I needed to find a post from 2003.

Let's set some parameters here: I will get the link. But when I do, you have to admit that you pathologically lied about my war position, and apologize.

Do we have an accord?

then go get them
who was thing

I don't even remember him being on that site

Thing1 was previously Oncelor and Lorax. What book are those names from? It tells you something about him. And he was most definitely anti war....especially Iraq. He and I discussed it at length as I was on the fence.
OK now I believe him.

I kinda remember lorax.

he did flat out lie when he claimed I was pro war don't you think?
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OK know I believe him.

I kinda remember lorax.

he did flat out lie when he claimed I was pro war don't you think?

I really don't think he ever lied. He's proven himself to be an upright fellow, though we do disagree politically quite a bit. I think it is a reference to supporting Hillary when she voted to go to Iraq...though I must admit I haven't read all of the conversations. For the record I remember that you were anti going to Iraq as well. I can't remember whether you were pro Afghanistan or not.
he claimed he knew I was antiwar.

that is a fucking lie

No one would even think I would have been pro Iraq war

thing is a fucking liar