Washington Redskins Name Offensive?

Yep, I disagree with Mott on this one as much as I disagree with him on "redneck." Hmm...both contain the word "red." Might have something there. ... .... Nope. ;) Anyway, I dislike all the PC stuff anyway. My junior college was called the Trojans...a bunch of decievers or liars if you ask me....or condoms, take your pick. Anyway they changed that to Vikings years after I left. Yep....a bunch of pillagers and rapists.

It's the name of a sports team for goodness sake. I'm just happy they're losing so far this year. :)
Yep, I disagree with Mott on this one as much as I disagree with him on "redneck." Hmm...both contain the word "red." Might have something there. ... .... Nope. ;) Anyway, I dislike all the PC stuff anyway. My junior college was called the Trojans...a bunch of decievers or liars if you ask me....or condoms, take your pick. Anyway they changed that to Vikings years after I left. Yep....a bunch of pillagers and rapists.

It's the name of a sports team for goodness sake. I'm just happy they're losing so far this year. :)
pretty much sums it up for me2
Updating a previous item. Here's Rick Reilly's father-in-law on Rick misquoting him and refusign to correct the record:

So you can imagine my dismay when I saw my name and words used to defend the racist Washington Redskins name. My son-in-law, ESPN’s Rick Reilly, completely misunderstood the conversation we had, quoting me as saying “the whole issue is so silly. The name just doesn't bother me much. It's an issue that shouldn't be an issue, not with all the problems we've got in this country."

But that’s not what I said.

What I actually said is that “it’s silly in this day and age that this should even be a battle -- if the name offends someone, change it.” He failed to include my comments that the term “redskins” demeans Indians, andhistorically is insulting and offensive, and that I firmly believe the Washington Redskins should change their name.

When Rick’s article came out, it upset me to be portrayed as an “Uncle Tom” in support of this racial slur. I asked him to correct the record. He has not, so I must do it myself.

. . .

Let me be clear: The racial slur “redskins” is not okay with me. It’s never going to be okay with me. It’s inappropriate, damaging and racist.

In the memory of our Blackfeet relatives, it’s time to change the name. That would honor us.

So, yeah, Rick Reilly's a douche and a dick (and probably a liar).

Read more at http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwo...ly-misquoted-him-wants-redskins-banned-151696
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care about their team or what it is called. For the sake of discussion though it sounded to me like you were saying the name should be changed because it could be found offensive. That's where I differ.
Well I'm sorry if you differ but facts are facts. The term "Redskins" is a racial pejorative. In general principle I find all racial pejoratives offensive. Don't you?

Now if I would be opposed to someone calling a pro sports team "The New York Niggers" or the "Washington Wetbacks" why shouldn't I be opposed to them naming a pro sports team by any other racist pejorative, say like, The Micks, The Mackeral Snappers, The Chinks, the Nips, The Rag Heads or The Redskins?

My point being is that logically speaking if I'm opposed to any racial pejorative being used, like say "The Niggers" shouldn't I be opposed to any racial pejorative being used?

I mean to me this is like arguing about creationism being science. It's a stupid conversation and I can't believe we would actually have it in this day and age. The term "Redskins" is an offensive racial pejorative. It shouldn't be used. Period.
At the reservation I visit many Native Americans wear the jersey, not because they like the team but because they associate with the word Redskin. I'm not saying that means it is "good" but it is to them, from what they say, about the same as the "Cowboys" are to us.
At the reservation I visit many Native Americans wear the jersey, not because they like the team but because they associate with the word Redskin. I'm not saying that means it is "good" but it is to them, from what they say, about the same as the "Cowboys" are to us.

There are a lot of teams that need to be "altered", due to their subtle references to the tainted past of the US:
Baltimore Ravens - Hanged Blacks used to be left hanging, while ravens would eat the fleshy parts of the face
Cleveland Browns - Obviously a reference to Hispanics
Pittsburgh Steelers - Nothing more then a payoff to now the Unions have unduly influenced this country
Green Bay Packers - a definite probability of a reference to possible homosexual behavior
Minnesota Vikings - promoting a group that raped and pillaged across the known world, during their time
Houston Texans - an obvious slam against Hispanics; ie: Remember the Alamo
Tennessee Titans - worship of a group that the old world saw as gods
New Orleans Saints - possible Christian beliefs
Tampa Bay Buccaneers - a group that were nothing more then pirates and looters of cities
Buffalo Bills - celebration of how the "White Man" decimated the buffalo herds and thereby destroying the Native Americans way of life
Dallas Cowboys - promoting a time in the US, when Americans were trying to settle the west and destroy the Native American tribes
Denver Broncos - just another reference to the American cowboy
Kansas City Chiefs - on par with the Washington Redskins
Oakland Raiders - their logo makes it obvious that they're referring to the age of pirates and freebooters
San Francisco 49ers - glorifying the movement west of thousands of whites, who destroyed the life of the Native Americans along the way

Allowing these names to exist is the start of the famed "slippery slope"
Again, please look at the history of the Washington Redskins football team (I posted the link earlier) and find out why THIS team being named that is particularly offensive. The team owner was massively racist and the name reflects his racism.

Heres what we need to do

We need to form an official race congress, composed of groups made up of various races.

So you'll have the black group, the white group, native american group, asian group, etc etc etc

You can have sub committees break down the races further

so the asian party will have the japanese sub committee, the chinese sub committee, etc

All the races country wide elect representatives just like congress

Maybe once a year all the race representatives meet and vote on what is currently offensive and bad, what euphemisms are out, which ones are in.

Then we can officially find out which words are bad, which words are meh, which words are fine

And if some asian is like "dude... saying 'ching chong ping pong' is ridiculously offensive, knock it off" you can be all like, "sorry bro, your group voted that one down 2-1. Bring it up at next session!"

Would be so boss.
Well I'm sorry if you differ but facts are facts. The term "Redskins" is a racial pejorative. In general principle I find all racial pejoratives offensive. Don't you?

Now if I would be opposed to someone calling a pro sports team "The New York Niggers" or the "Washington Wetbacks" why shouldn't I be opposed to them naming a pro sports team by any other racist pejorative, say like, The Micks, The Mackeral Snappers, The Chinks, the Nips, The Rag Heads or The Redskins?

My point being is that logically speaking if I'm opposed to any racial pejorative being used, like say "The Niggers" shouldn't I be opposed to any racial pejorative being used?

I mean to me this is like arguing about creationism being science. It's a stupid conversation and I can't believe we would actually have it in this day and age. The term "Redskins" is an offensive racial pejorative. It shouldn't be used. Period.

I would root against the Rag Heads.
Heres what we need to do

We need to form an official race congress, composed of groups made up of various races.

So you'll have the black group, the white group, native american group, asian group, etc etc etc

You can have sub committees break down the races further

so the asian party will have the japanese sub committee, the chinese sub committee, etc

All the races country wide elect representatives just like congress

Maybe once a year all the race representatives meet and vote on what is currently offensive and bad, what euphemisms are out, which ones are in.

Then we can officially find out which words are bad, which words are meh, which words are fine

And if some asian is like "dude... saying 'ching chong ping pong' is ridiculously offensive, knock it off" you can be all like, "sorry bro, your group voted that one down 2-1. Bring it up at next session!"

Would be so boss.
