We can't stop global warming

Experts have said that the polar ice caps are melting at a much more rapid pace then originally predicted. So, if the polar ice caps totally melt and dissapear, I wonder what some people will blame it on?

That's all I have to say on this subject. :cof1:
Superfreak: “You are an idiot. Or are you trying to imply that temperatures have increased on average over the past decade?”

***UN-World Meteorological Oranization Press Release***

GENEVA, 13 December, 2007 (WMO) – The decade of 1998-2007 is the warmest on record, according to data sources obtained by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Other remarkable global climatic events recorded so far in 2007 include record-low Arctic sea ice extent, which led to first recorded opening of the Canadian Northwest Passage….

It can be the warmest on record without increasing in average temperature. If it begins and ends at the same temperature, shoot even staying the same throughout, and it began at what would be the "hottest 10 year period" if it all stayed at that temp... Well, it would still be the hottest on record even while not increasing at all.
Superfreak: “You are an idiot. Or are you trying to imply that temperatures have increased on average over the past decade?”

***UN-World Meteorological Oranization Press Release***

GENEVA, 13 December, 2007 (WMO) – The decade of 1998-2007 is the warmest on record, according to data sources obtained by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Other remarkable global climatic events recorded so far in 2007 include record-low Arctic sea ice extent, which led to first recorded opening of the Canadian Northwest Passage….


Are you really this ignorant?

How many times do I have to say the following...

1) The global temperatures increases dramatically in the 1990's

2) The globes temperatures have remained at those elevated levels over the past decade.

3) That means that the last decade has seen some of the warmest years on record.

Have you managed to notice that I agree with you on those points?

But all of the above does not change the fact that even though they are the warmest on record.... global temperatures have not INCREASED on average over the past decade.

HENCE 1998=2007. Over the course of the decade the temperatures went up (in 2005 especially) and down.

But let me guess... you will once again ignore all of the above so that you can avoid having to think about this issue. It is far easier to ignore the data and just shout consensus..... isn't it Gumby?
It can be the warmest on record without increasing in average temperature. If it begins and ends at the same temperature, shoot even staying the same throughout, and it began at what would be the "hottest 10 year period" if it all stayed at that temp... Well, it would still be the hottest on record even while not increasing at all.

Um, Damo, would you like to reread your post and reconsider your last sentence? ;) I am preoccupied today to be sure (have to get into surgery in a moment) but I'm still having trouble making sense of that.
Um, Damo, would you like to reread your post and reconsider your last sentence? ;) I am preoccupied today to be sure (have to get into surgery in a moment) but I'm still having trouble making sense of that.
If you begin at the "hottest in record" and remain stable for the time period being covered, it would still be the "hottest in record" even without an increase in temperature.

It is relatively simple.

If I was working with a bowl of water, and for 10 years it was increasing by 1 degree per year at the last year it would be the "hottest of record", the next 10 year period it stayed the exact same it would be the "hottest decade of record" regardless that the temperature never increased.

This is not an argument that global warming isn't happening, it is an argument that both statements can be accurate even if there were no data shifts at all.
Ok, you mean not necessarily a linear or otherwise increase during that period; now I understand.

But as was discussed earlier, or perhaps on another thread, this phenomenon is not linear; there are so many different influences involved.

What's really interesting (and concerning) is the extent of climate change in this country and around the globe. (I check the NOAA weather map daily and really we might be in the safest place in the country right now!)
Ok, you mean not necessarily a linear or otherwise increase during that period; now I understand.

But as was discussed earlier, or perhaps on another thread, this phenomenon is not linear; there are so many different influences involved.

What's really interesting (and concerning) is the extent of climate change in this country and around the globe. (I check the NOAA weather map daily and really we might be in the safest place in the country right now!)
And you'll still have arable land to grow on once it all hits...

well, unless it is the supervolcano thing...
If you begin at the "hottest in record" and remain stable for the time period being covered, it would still be the "hottest in record" even without an increase in temperature.

It is relatively simple.

Damo, you keep peddling false information, even though I’ve corrected you and superfreak previously.

1998 was not the hottest year on record. 2005 was

Source: NASA


Superfreak: “You are an idiot. Or are you trying to imply that temperatures have increased on average over the past decade?”


***UN-World Meteorological Oranization Press Release***

GENEVA, 13 December, 2007 (WMO) – The decade of 1998-2007 is the warmest on record, according to data sources obtained by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Damo, you keep peddling false information, even though I’ve corrected you and superfreak previously.

1998 was not the hottest year on record. 2005 was

Source: NASA


Do you know what "if" means? Or are you really that disingenuous that you can't honestly read what I posted? Seriously dude, I even stated that this was no argument against global warming.

I simply posted that the statement "hottest in record" is not synonymous with "increased". That it is entirely possible, if you start at the "hottest in record" and remain stable to have the "hottest in record" throughout any period of time if it remains stable.

I'm thankful that Thorn can understand simple English without assuming I am arguing any of the data.
Damo, you keep peddling false information, even though I’ve corrected you and superfreak previously.

1998 was not the hottest year on record. 2005 was

Source: NASA



Again Gumby... I agree that the decade was the warmest on record. I agree that 2005 was the warmest year. As I stated, just because the changes in temperatures on average over the decade netted to no change, that does not mean that there weren't times that the temperature increased or decreased.

Why do you insist on creating strawmen?
Cypress... here I will try to make this simple for you.... You and I agree on the following....

1) Global warming has occured over the past 50 years.

2) The period in the 90's saw a dramatic increase to record temperatures.

3) From 1998-2007 we saw the warmest decade on record as those record temperatures were maintained.

4) 2005 was the warmest year on record druing that warmest decade on record.

There... are you still with me? Good.

Where we differ....

1) You fail to comprehend that average temperatures were the same in 2007 as they were in 1998. Which means the NET change was zero. To avoid your confusion on this again.... this does not mean that temperatures did not ever go higher than 1998/2007... they quite obviously did. But the NET change for the decade was zero.

2) Again, this does NOT mean that it wasn't the warmest decade on record. It does not mean global warming didn't occur. It simply means that there was a lull in the increase in temperatures.

What I proposed we discuss is ....what may be causing this?

It could very well be that there was a natural phenomenon over the past decade that negated mans effect. An example.... sunspot activity caused a decrease in temperatures that offset the increase caused by man. NOTE: I am not suggesting this IS what happened... just that it is a possibility. It does not mean that man isn't harming the environment. It means that something is either offsetting mans effect or that mans effect has somehow diminished.
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Damo keeps trying to keep SF from looking too dumb. Damo has his hands full it seems.

You know... it is funny that so many of you continue to call me dumb... yet refuse to answer any of the points. Instead we continue to get the two Gumbys creating strawmen.

Perhaps you will be different US... perhaps you will take a look at my last post and tell me where it is you think I am wrong.

Or perhaps you will be yet another to call me stupid because it is too painful for you to admit that you are wrong.
I just go with what the majority of the actual scientists say SF.
guess I am just democratic in that regard.
I just go with what the majority of the actual scientists say SF.
guess I am just democratic in that regard.

Great.... show me any one scientist that would dispute anything I have stated....

1) Global warming has occured over the past 50 years.

2) The period in the 90's saw a dramatic increase to record temperatures.

3) From 1998-2007 we saw the warmest decade on record as those record temperatures were maintained.

4) 2005 was the warmest year on record druing that warmest decade on record.

There... are you still with me? Good.

Now.... find one that will disagree that average global temperatures in 1998 and 2007 were the same.

Nope... can't do that either can you?
Get a scientific degree and work in climate study for 20 years SF and I might pay some attention to ya on the subject.