Weird, just flat out weird

Humorous, all MAGA has to respond to the effectiveness of “weird” is copy and paste pictures of nobody weird people like that counters the actual weirdness of Trump and Vance, no wonder the catchphrase is catching
Humorous, all MAGA has to respond to the effectiveness of “weird” is copy and paste pictures of nobody weird people like that counters the actual weirdness of Trump and Vance, no wonder the catchphrase is catching
bwahahaha. in what echo chamber is this catching on and not being lampooned?
democrats in their echo chamber are fucking delusional. They have a San Fran liberal on top of the ticket - and want a national discussion on what is weird?

for starters, I find it weird that they can't define what a women is.
Poor crouching cracka , barking goyim
Oh, our vote will matter.

Get used to the term, Madam President.
is this her?......
This frenzy of denial is a pleasure. Not just here but all over the media Trumpers are having a fit over the word. It’s struck a nerve. And please tell me, what is not weird about a Presidential candidate telling supporters to elect him and they will never have to vote again.
The statement is weird and the weirdness is typical of what the country hears from Trump every day.