Welcome To The Black Market.

it will always have value to some,,, and more so to those that are thinking well into the future,,,

Only as far into the future until fusion is perfected. When that happens, people will be gold-plating their lawn furniture to prevent corrosion and power lines will be mostly gold for greater conductivity. You'll be left with....wait for it....expensive fishing weights and lawn ornaments. :)
Only as far into the future until fusion is perfected. When that happens, people will be gold-plating their lawn furniture to prevent corrosion and power lines will be mostly gold for greater conductivity. You'll be left with....wait for it....expensive fishing weights and lawn ornaments. :)

thanks for your opinion,,,
thanks for your opinion,,,

No worries. I went through the precious metals thing back in the 80s. I still have a little bit, mostly in US mint coins, but in the event of a real national collapse, it won't be worth anything. Guns, ammo and food....along with toilet paper, will have more value. I live out in the country with a well, septic tank and solar power (although still hooked up to the grid). I have a generator powerful enough to run my garage chest freezer and most house lights. We also have a tornado shelter big enough for six, or two to sleep in, in the garage. Those things, IMO, are better investments than a sock drawer full of gold bullion. Each to their own.
No worries. I went through the precious metals thing back in the 80s. I still have a little bit, mostly in US mint coins, but in the event of a real national collapse, it won't be worth anything. Guns, ammo and food....along with toilet paper, will have more value. I live out in the country with a well, septic tank and solar power (although still hooked up to the grid). I have a generator powerful enough to run my garage chest freezer and most house lights. We also have a tornado shelter big enough for six, or two to sleep in, in the garage. Those things, IMO, are better investments than a sock drawer full of gold bullion. Each to their own.

who says that gold and silver cant be one additional resource???
who says that gold and silver cant be one additional resource???

No one, but unless you are rich, and I'm not, it becomes a matter of prioritizing assets in preparation for a disaster.

FWIW, a Doomsday Scenario is highly unlikely. IF it does happen, gold and silver coins will be most useful in a slingshot, not as wealth.

What is more likely to happen is a natural disaster such as Hurricanes Andrew, Katrina or Harvey, a massive earthquake or a foreign cyber-attack which takes down the power grid for a week or two. All are temporary and survivable but can bring about great misery for those unprepared for such an event.
No one, but unless you are rich, and I'm not, it becomes a matter of prioritizing assets in preparation for a disaster.

FWIW, a Doomsday Scenario is highly unlikely. IF it does happen, gold and silver coins will be most useful in a slingshot, not as wealth.

What is more likely to happen is a natural disaster such as Hurricanes Andrew, Katrina or Harvey, a massive earthquake or a foreign cyber-attack which takes down the power grid for a week or two. All are temporary and survivable but can bring about great misery for those unprepared for such an event.

how can you say "NO ONE" and then go on to say rich people can???

rich people are someone too,,

you left out economic collapse from your list,,,thats when gold and silver have the best use,,,