welcome to the madness DAMO

Ah, to be young again. I wish I had all of your angst.


I'm clearly not serious. That post (and the one I deleted) was just meant to be absurd. I'm not angry at the human race. I don't really even hate Trog. It's just that he won't stop following me around and throwing pointless insults at me, so he forced me to turn him on IA.
Thanks for at least changing it Water.

OMG What a slave Darla turned Watermark into!! Too bad she's not still around to control him now, what with all of the insane posts he makes. :whip:

All we have now is a troll called Watersuck, Grind who isn't very helpful, Damo who can be enlightening to him, and the occasional pwnage from Beefy and Epic.