

As one of the commentators just pointed out, Hillary Clinton just did something that two men before her refused to do. Those men are Ronald Reagan (against Ford) and Ted Kennedy (against Carter). And though both Ford and Carter would go on to lose the elections in question, neither Kennedy nor Reagan would be demonized for refusing, even at the conventions, to endorse, or to even show grace. One in fact, would go on to become a two-term President.

Hillary Clinton today gave a moving speech, an inspiring speech, and a speech which left no question that she was endorsing Barack Obama and that she believed it was imperative for women to look ahead, not behind, because there is too much at stake.

My prediction; she will still be the Evil Queen Bitch.

and that my friends, is what we call sexism.

Still and all, let us not forget Republicans who unlike many Democratic partisans, will reconize what that speech means for them, and who are right now, crying into their 500 hundred dollar scotch. To them: :readit:

For the rest of us: :clink:
The reasons for my serious dislike of Hillary have nothing to do with her being female of with her staying in the race too long.

It has to do with her.
To do anything less would have been decried as racist.

I think indisputable makes a valid point. I think her speech may have been solely done to preserve her ability to run again or to be a power figure in the Democratic Party.
it is sexist, Darla but it's coming mostly from the kkk wing of the republican party the likes of indispukable.

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H11x6bMu4Y"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]

Father Pfleger is a Republican.

Jusr remember:

It's racist to question Obama.

It's racist to criticize Obama.

It's racist to oppose Obama.

It's racist to vote for anyone but Obama.

It's racist to only vote for Obama once.

Oh, and the only member of Congress to have also served the KKK is a 'Crat.
I wanted more blood & guts. Why did she have to act sensibly?!?

BTW, my lovely state gave Reagan an electoral vote in 1976. Kind of like Scrooge's #1 Dime, it turned into record numbers of E Votes. Like 532 I believe...
She really stepped up. She could have mailed it in, but it was a great speech & a great endorsement, and exactly what was needed to heal some of the divisions.

I was very glad to see it...

SHE STAYS IN THE RACE, AS LONG AS POSSIBLE Trying to damage OBAMA as much as possible in an attempt to BURN THE HOUSE DOWN. Then when she finally bleeds every ounce of blood from the rock she gives ONE speech, says "support obama" and moves on her merry way. YOU GUYS ARE FOOLS.

bargaining chip? she's a psychotic skank who is too deluded by her own grandeur to actually admit defeat.

Her campaign is merely suspended, in frozen animation, to whip back into action at a moment's notice.
I think indisputable makes a valid point. I think her speech may have been solely done to preserve her ability to run again or to be a power figure in the Democratic Party.

Of course you do.

And if she had not withdrawn, and took her fight all the way to the convention, as Ted Kennedy and Ronald Reagan did before her, and as many of us feared, you would have thought...what? That she was a deranged power-hungry bitch who cared more about herself than her party or her country. Unlike Ronald Reagan and Ted Kennedy who must have taken their fights to the convention for the good of their parties and their country.

So at the end of it, what do we have? What could have Hillary Clinton, who came this close to being the first woman president, have done to make people happy? Withdrawing didn't make them happy as we see from some of the deranged comments later in this thread. We know takin it to the convention wouldn't have made people happy.

If she had taken out a gun and shot herself in the head, committing public suicide, as an end to her campaign...then, would people have been satisfied? Would that have been enough?
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Why did she use the word "suspend" in describing the status of her campaign?

So that she can still raise money to pay off her campaign debts, probably.

Why did John Edwards use the word "suspend" rather than ending his campaign?

Why did Mitt Romney use the word "suspend" rather than ending his campaign?

SHE STAYS IN THE RACE, AS LONG AS POSSIBLE Trying to damage OBAMA as much as possible in an attempt to BURN THE HOUSE DOWN. Then when she finally bleeds every ounce of blood from the rock she gives ONE speech, says "support obama" and moves on her merry way. YOU GUYS ARE FOOLS.


Or, she stayed in the race this long in an attempt to become President. I feel she stayed in too long. But then, I am a woman. Ted Kennedy didn't feel he stayed in too long when he took his fight against Carter to the convention, and the dems lost that year. Ronald Reagan didn't feel he stayed in too long when he took his fight against Ford to the convention, and the repubs lost that year.

So maybe my own view, is colored by being a woman. Or maybe it's just colored by the strong desire to make sure John McCain doesn't become president. It is really hard to say.

But when I was watching her yesterday, I knew I was watching history, and that they would teach about that speech, this election, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, in school books, a hundred years from now, long, long, after I am dead. And I felt very lucky to be alive, to be a witness to history. And the one thing that consistenly amazes me, is that in this historic election, as we watch history being made, and as some of us participate in it, anyone would choose to sit it out, by saying; i'm voting for mccain.

What a bunch of dried up losers. I am so glad that's not me. And I'm so glad that I can see Hillary Clinton without having to see her through the veil of misogyny, and so happy that I can see Barack Obama without having to see him through the veil of race hatred.

It is an exciting time. Especially when one can see clearly.
it is sexist, Darla but it's coming mostly from the kkk wing of the republican party the likes of indispukable.

pukable is right. He must be pissing his pants now though.

Without the democratic party split...yesterday wasn't a good day for pukes like indispukable.
The reasons for my serious dislike of Hillary have nothing to do with her being female of with her staying in the race too long.

It has to do with her.

I actually met Hilliary Clinton before Bill was elected President and was still the Governor of Arkansas. She's a bright and articulate woman and the perfect match for someone like Bill who is half brilliant politician half Arkansas hillbilly. If you knew some of the stories I heard about her and actually sat across a table from her and talked about things other than politics, you're views on her would soften.

I met her at a small but ecclectic book store in, of all places, Blytheville, Arkansas where I was working at a steel plant (this was in 1991). This book store was an intellectual oasis in a redneck dessert. Two famous individuals would come to that book store annually for signings or readings as one had been an up and coming author who they had supported when he was an unknown and the other just liked to come once a year and talk about books and reading. The first was John Grishom, who wrote a novel about nearby Black Oak, Arkansas (Yep, the one of Jim Dandy fame) and the other was Hilliary Clinton. I met Mrs. Clinton at a book reading there and after the reading there was a group discussion on literature namely about southern writers. One of her favorite authors, she discussed, was probably the south's greatest novelist William Faulkner. She agreed with me when I mentioned that I thought Anne Rice was one of the best writers of erotica ever. Another interesting thing was that she was not the only Ivy league graduate at the reading as a colleague of mine was at the reading and he graduated from Princeton with an engineering degree. Two Ivy leaguers is not something you would expect to find in Blytheville.

One thing is for certain, she is one hell of a formidable woman and lets be honest, most men resent the hell out of woman like that.

SHE STAYS IN THE RACE, AS LONG AS POSSIBLE Trying to damage OBAMA as much as possible in an attempt to BURN THE HOUSE DOWN. Then when she finally bleeds every ounce of blood from the rock she gives ONE speech, says "support obama" and moves on her merry way. YOU GUYS ARE FOOLS.


Naaa nothing nefarious going on here. Clinton had to stay in till the bitter in. Her and Bill spent about $40 million of their own money and Obama will have to pay dearly for that endorsement. I have a sneaky feeling that Obama's campaign is going to offer a lot of financial relief to the Clintons for her endorsement.
Grind, I'm not sure why I expect you to be more insightful than most of the buffoons who lean right on here, like meme, Dixie & indisputable.

I always forget that you're just as brain-dead as they are....
It was a gracious and eloquent speech. Right on. I always kinda knew Clinton would do the right thing, and fully support Obama. Even though the campaign was nasty and dirty at times, I never really thought her goal was to burn the party to the ground. I think you're going to see Clinton give Obama the kind of support that Ronald Reagan never gave Gerald Ford in 1976, when Reagan basically shunned Ford. I think she's going to work her ass off for him.

I sure hope the party can unify and get past the "evil bitch" crap. And I hope that Clinton supporters chill out with the "we was robbed" crap. I'm not happy about some of the things that have happened, but I've always been certain that Clinton is not quite as evil as she has been portrayed. And I've always defended Obama against the racist crap that has been thrown at him.

And, I've always actually thought that in the long run, a competitive and strongly contested campaign would make Obama a stronger candidate, on balance. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but I see Obama being a WAY better campaigner now, and I see that he has been forced to build up huge and dynamic grass roots operations in all 50 states. That can only help him for the general election.