We're Not Killing Iraqis

Darla is a commie sack of shit the same as Desh.

There are many smart, strong, respectable women that are politically aware and active-- none of them are on this forum.
So your whole argument is based on, well in air wars people die?

Give me a break. In the intial months of the war, yes, without question civilians died in the bombings. But now we control the ground. We can inform the civilians, hey we are going to bomb this farm and we (along with the Iraqi army) can move anyone in harms way. This is not like warfare where our guys are under fire and we bomb the next street to try to protect them and in the process civilians are killed.

You are trying to equate to very different things. Then you act like if we drop bombs it must mean we are whitewashing the event.

and enough of your fucking monkey comments Darla. Obviously the only monkey performing here is you. You have been brainwashed by your moveon.org buddies and code pink buddies into believing the worst about our military. Good monkey Darla. You have spouted off their crap verbatim. They will be proud of your parroting abilities.

Enough as well of your high horse bullshit.

No, I've seen it. Nobody told me anyting. Maybe someday you will open your eyes, and go look too.

I don't know why people take what I say as my claiming I am morally superior...but I am starting to think it's a guilty conscience causing this.

Have a nice day SF.
What can you say to someone who could write that? You're stupid SF. Just stop. How long do you want to go on with this? I'm done with you on this.

You're stupid. Even people on the right like RS have told you so. But you keep it up because yo uwant someone to tell you it's ok. It's not ok. now give it up.

I don't think I will "give it up" because you say so Darla. Not once have I stated that civilians aren't dying. But yes, I do like to actually have some sort of evidence to that effect. Not just some idiot making conjecture, trying to compare WWII to now. The circumstances are different. You wish to assume that the US soldiers are bombing civilians and then covering it all up because they really really like killing those Iraqi kids. You are full of shit.

Yes, people die when bombs go off. But if you believe that we would drop 100k pounds of bombs on civilian areas without trying to protect the civilians then you are nothing more than a party hack. You are full of shit.

If you want to cry yourself to sleep over all the imaginary atrocities our troops are committing.... go for it. I don't care. Because I think you are playing the part of the fool.

You can quit trying to defend your pathetic position if you wish. That is your choice. You may also quit acting like I do not care about civilian deaths and you can quit acting like I have ever stated that they aren't dying. I am just not the hysterical child you are.
USC, well done on not using the quote function.

I don't care if dead iraqis are children, women, civilians, insurgents, police, or solidiers. They're all human beings. And if they are not threatening my country, and did not constitute a threat, I don't believe we should be killing any of them. We should be apologizing to the nation of iraq, and pulling out.
USC, well done on not using the quote function.

I don't care if dead iraqis are children, women, civilians, insurgents, police, or solidiers. They're all human beings. And if they are not threatening my country, and did not constitute a threat, I don't believe we should be killing any of them. We should be apologizing to the nation of iraq, and pulling out.

They aren't Americans...fuck human beings. I don't care what happens to humanity, I care what happens to my country and my countrymen.

By the way, you can not use the quote function all you want-- Darla is not going to suck your cock either way.
No, I've seen it. Nobody told me anyting. Maybe someday you will open your eyes, and go look too.

I don't know why people take what I say as my claiming I am morally superior...but I am starting to think it's a guilty conscience causing this.

Have a nice day SF.

You've SEEN it? You've been to Iraq and SEEN it? Or you saw someones "documentary" and they convinced you that our soldiers were killing civilians and that the media was covering it up for them?

People take it as you acting superior because you continue to say ignorant comments like.... "maybe one day youwill open your eyes and look too" as if we are just blindly going along with no clue as to what is happening.
You know what I’m tired of SF? I’m tired of trying to be friendly with you. It’s really hard because, though you might take this as “moral superiority” I spend so much of my free time, doing things that I hope will help, whether it be writing about the upcoming winter soldier II, or fundraising for “No more victims”, or organizing demonstrations.
And I can’t say on there that I feel those deaths of those children there, because somehow that makes me a crybaby or morally superior. Well fuck you SF and fuck gonzo. That’s my fucking work. That’s what I do. And it means a lot to me.

And I despise war supporters. And it’s too hard to keep up anything else, just because in some ways some of you are nice people.

Now fuck off and leave me the fuck alone and stop following me around the fucking board with your fucking whining about how murdering children is fucking necessary and john mccain isn’t a fucking war monger.
The only one desperate here is YOU. You have this desperate need to believe the US is bombing civilians and killing them by the thousands. So you pull some vague reference to a lot of bombs being used and try to equate that to unreported civilian deaths.

You have NO evidence to support that. None.

I understand fully that civilians die in war. But I don't have the obsessive desire to run around and act like they are being killed any time a bomb drops. Even in the situation of dropping 100k pounds of bombs. Again, it was over a week. It was on farmland. They were trying to blow up weapons caches and buried bombs. Do you really think they did this without attempting to clear the population that may be effected?

You think our military has a complete lack of regard for the safety of civilians. I 100% disagree with you.

You using the faux "we're not as bad as Saddam" argument.

Will the US military indiscriminantly firebomb, a la Dresden, a civilian area with no tactical military objective? No. Not that I've seen. I don't think they sit up at night devising way to kill civilians in the absense of a tactical military objective.

But, if there IS a tactical objective, the US miliary's doctrine is to ascertain and execute an attack with an acceptable amount of civilian casualities. That's not me saying it. That's military doctrine.

Given the context of this war - a war with no just cause in morality or national security - I have no idea how you can downplay the horrors of our military actions in iraq.
You using the faux "we're not as bad as Saddam" argument.

Will the US military indiscriminantly firebomb, a la Dresden, a civilian area with no tactical military objective? No. Not that I've seen. I don't think they sit up at night devising way to kill civilians in the absense of a tactical military objective.
WWII was over as quickly as possible because of that sort of strategy, so careful there.

But, if there IS a tactical objective, the US miliary's doctrine is to ascertain and execute an attack with an acceptable amount of civilian casualities. That's not me saying it. That's military doctrine.
And? What is wrong with that? The military doesn't share the naivete of the leftists.

Given the context of this war - a war with no just cause in morality or national security - I have no idea how you can downplay the horrors of our military actions in iraq.

What horrors? People dying as a result of bombs? That's not exactly genocide, buddy.
Sadly it seems we have learned nothing since WW2.

What exactly should we have learned?

We should have learned that indiscriminate bombing combined with no-nonsense peacekeeping actually wins a war and cuts down on insurgents.

Instead these flower-holding hippie bastards keep trying to make war as nice as possible-- war is ugly, and until we act accordingly we are going to keep ending up in these messes.

She starts a anti-war thread..then accuses those who disagree with her rantings as being 'Stalkers'...following her around the board...what a 'Bimbo':rolleyes:
What exactly should we have learned?

We should have learned that indiscriminate bombing combined with no-nonsense peacekeeping actually wins a war and cuts down on insurgents.

Instead these flower-holding hippie bastards keep trying to make war as nice as possible-- war is ugly, and until we act accordingly we are going to keep ending up in these messes.

I really did not need your help in making my point, but thanks anyway.