WetNoodleFoolte Lets it All Hang Out


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There is an AOL Comment board, headed by a AOL's Kelly girl, where AOL is saying that they brought the Boards Back after they were yanked on March 31, because as Kelly says, they heard our complaints. There are now 5 pages of reader comments, with yours truely leadng the way, what else is new. If anyone wants to see how its done, the link is below, and there are so far 81 comments, with my comments being numbers; 33, 37, 42, 46, 50, 59, 60, 66, 74, 75, and 81. Any suggestions, or let me/US know if you make any comments yourselves, naturally using your old persona...Thanks, PS, I intend to keep making comments until Hell freezes over...

There is an AOL Comment board, headed by a AOL's Kelly girl, where AOL is saying that they brought the Boards Back after they were yanked on March 31, because as Kelly says, they heard our complaints. There are now 5 pages of reader comments, with yours truely leadng the way, what else is new. If anyone wants to see how its done, the link is below, and there are so far 81 comments, with my comments being numbers; 33, 37, 42, 46, 50, 59, 60, 66, 74, 75, and 81. Any suggestions, or let me/US know if you make any comments yourselves, naturally using your old persona...Thanks, PS, I intend to keep making comments until Hell freezes over...


You need to practice acceptance. The WOT and Rate "Anybody" Boards are gone. AOL doesn't give a $hit about their members, and even less about non-paying ones. They haven't for a long time.
"while downplaying the main point of my complaint/comment, that AOL seems to be curtailing our First Amendment Rights, politically "speaking"?"


just.. lol.
". I have just about finished my complaint letter that I will send to the Right people, including Radio and TV talk shows, concerning AOL's obvious violation of our First Amendment Rights by not bringing back any of the former political comment message Boards."


guys you gotta read this shit, it's awesome.
81 comments against a mega multi national corporation concerning bringing back a subforum...lol yeah man you have got a movement going. It wont be long until you are on the o'rielly factor! If only aol (a private business) wouldn't have violated your right to free speech by not allowing a subforum to exist...they could have avoided the massive groundswell you've got going.

do I really have to explain how little you matter and how stupid this is? I hope not.

Why would you ever want to be on a crappy aol messageboard anyway when you got us. Go figure
81 comments against a mega multi national corporation concerning bringing back a subforum...lol yeah man you have got a movement going. It wont be long until you are on the o'rielly factor! If only aol (a private business) wouldn't have violated your right to free speech by not allowing a subforum to exist...they could have avoided the massive groundswell you've got going.

do I really have to explain how little you matter and how stupid this is? I hope not.

Why would you ever want to be on a crappy aol messageboard anyway when you got us. Go figure
I couldn't imagine, I've been to the aol boards, they are not nearly as cool as here...
The WOT board died a slow death and we both know the reason why. This board is better, so far anyway. However, I still refuse to scroll all the way down to post a reply. It's so cumbersome.

You need to practice acceptance. The WOT and Rate "Anybody" Boards are gone. AOL doesn't give a $hit about their members, and even less about non-paying ones. They haven't for a long time.
So why don't you set the thread preference to newest post first? Just go to Quick Links>Edit Options>Thread Display Options>Thread Display Mode.

The WOT board died a slow death and we both know the reason why. This board is better, so far anyway. However, I still refuse to scroll all the way down to post a reply. It's so cumbersome.
The WOT board died a slow death and we both know the reason why. This board is better, so far anyway. However, I still refuse to scroll all the way down to post a reply. It's so cumbersome.
Just hit the "quick" button on the bottom of the post you want to respond to, it takes you down to the quick post window. If you want to quote the post click the checkmark. If you want more than that you can just hit the "quote" button. If you want to go back to top quickly without scrolling, just hit the arrow on the bottom of any post it will take you back to the top.
81 comments against a mega multi national corporation concerning bringing back a subforum...lol yeah man you have got a movement going. It wont be long until you are on the o'rielly factor! If only aol (a private business) wouldn't have violated your right to free speech by not allowing a subforum to exist...they could have avoided the massive groundswell you've got going.

do I really have to explain how little you matter and how stupid this is? I hope not.

Why would you ever want to be on a crappy aol messageboard anyway when you got us. Go figure

I have read some of your inferior stuff, Grind and you act like you are jealous of my writing skills or something, which I am used to by the way. I will agree that these Boards are very cool, but no one/AOL pushes me around and if you knew me, you would know where I am coming from. It is people like you Grinder, who sit back and let yourself be pushed around, ground down to groveling, giving in to mental pressure, so maybe that is why you named yourself Grind, or maybe you should change your persona name to Ground Down? That is also why we cannot get anything done in this Country, there are too many grinders out there whining about everything, but not doing anything except caving in, being ground down, and accepting whatever is handed to them. Tell US how you started acting like a wuss, you were not born that way? Why don't you listen to me, follow my lead and show US that you got a pair? I forgot to ask, are you even of the male gender?
I have read some of your inferior stuff, Grind and you act like you are jealous of my writing skills or something, which I am used to by the way. I will agree that these Boards are very cool, but no one/AOL pushes me around and if you knew me, you would know where I am coming from. It is people like you Grinder, who sit back and let yourself be pushed around, ground down to groveling, giving in to mental pressure, so maybe that is why you named yourself Grind, or maybe you should change your persona name to Ground Down? That is also why we cannot get anything done in this Country, there are too many grinders out there whining about everything, but not doing anything except caving in, being ground down, and accepting whatever is handed to them. Tell US how you started acting like a wuss, you were not born that way? Why don't you listen to me, follow my lead and show US that you got a pair? I forgot to ask, are you even of the male gender?

That's right. Don't let people make up their mind about you, come right out from the start and say you are a friggin' prat.
As usual, idiot child, don't bother to reply I don't think I could put up with any more of your immaturity. AOL is looking nice at this time of the year.
Low IQ lives up to his persona name

I see Low IQ, that you are following me around again like you did at AOL, most of all those 5 years. Also, I noticed that you have been posting here since 2007? Do these posters know about your lacking the basic neccesities? I think that you may be this Grind dude or dudette, one of your well acknowledged many posting personas. In my case, my only other persona name is Wet Noodle, which I named after your buddy Prakosh, AKA Michaei Foote, who ran away from me, because I also dominated him, like I have you. Everyone knows the truth, so please try to tell the truth, this time around....
Best watch your back Grind.

You could soon replace AOL as the focus of their ire.

I know you have a stout constitution but could you withstand the constant barrage of up to 84 scathing posts aimed straight for your heart?

Imagine sitting down to read post #68 from the acid tongued "brittney.jkson" who says
"Hello everyone,
i want to tell You about one of the best anti wrinkle cream site.
to know more about it piz visit :- www.somepointlesssite.com

Could you take the pressure, Grind?

AOL couldn't.
I have read some of your inferior stuff, Grind and you act like you are jealous of my writing skills or something, which I am used to by the way. I will agree that these Boards are very cool, but no one/AOL pushes me around and if you knew me, you would know where I am coming from. It is people like you Grinder, who sit back and let yourself be pushed around, ground down to groveling, giving in to mental pressure, so maybe that is why you named yourself Grind, or maybe you should change your persona name to Ground Down? That is also why we cannot get anything done in this Country, there are too many grinders out there whining about everything, but not doing anything except caving in, being ground down, and accepting whatever is handed to them. Tell US how you started acting like a wuss, you were not born that way? Why don't you listen to me, follow my lead and show US that you got a pair? I forgot to ask, are you even of the male gender?
LOL. He doesn't know Grind very well. :D
Dam your good

Hi Dam, you do have a cool Board here, and I fully intend to keep posting here, if the powers to be do not censor me like AOL/Netscape did, under the tutelage of some key Liberal posters from the old AOL Boards. Of course they, the Cabalistas as I refer to many Liberals, denied having my famous SJJRSJJS bumped off, but it was obvious what happened, I mentally dominated the Libs and they did not like it. None of my posts were anything other than respectfully written, I used no profanity like some Liberals did, no "F" or ":N: words, while at the same time, I was critical of the Cut & Run Liberals running away in droves. Libs seemed to control everything on the old boards, including who stays on and who gets the boot. One of my admitted weaknesses was dominating Liberals and I do admit to that, but I do it without resorting to the tactics that many Liberals use, including their fowl mouths, like that well known Liberal named Cloud, who spewed the worse language imaginable, but of course the Liberal Cabalistas never chided him. Cloud tried to do exactly as Low IQ did here, of course using the cuss words, but like Low IQ. never really succeeding. Now this Grind dude or dudette seems to fit my profile of a bleeding heart Liberal who needs some retraining, and I am the one to administer the retraining, I used to jokingly call it performing a cyber lobotomy. Does everyone notice how Low IQ had to rescue Grinder, come to his aid, why, think about it? When Low IQ tried to make his comment to me, and then ty to diss me by not requesting a reply, there was this obvious elitist snobby attitude, and Low does appear to lack some of the necessities, and I will leave it at that. It is obvious that LOw IQ does still cyber stalk me like he and Zappa did at AOL, and this proves it.
OMG! Now I know who she was spoofing...

Awesome... she had some talent.

Welcome to the board, SJJRSJJS, have fun.
We eat liberals for breakfast. Neocons too. All are turned into mulch by the dominant populist force of the board, me. Welcome to my kingdom. Damo is just a figurehead for my iron-fisted intellectual rule.
We eat liberals for breakfast. Neocons too. All are turned into mulch by the dominant populist force of the board, me. Welcome to my kingdom. Damo is just a figurehead for my iron-fisted intellectual rule.

It is nice to see that I MAY have some competition here, because Low IQ is certainly no challenge to yours truely, just like Zappa, Prakosh and Cloud were useless as teets on a Boar to the Libs. I routinely cyber chewed them up and spat them out, until they all cut & ran, what else is new. I thrive on cyber skewering Libs, do you also love the action like I do, it keeps me motivated to come online, no pun intended?
It is nice to see that I MAY have some competition here, because Low IQ is certainly no challenge to yours truely, just like Zappa, Prakosh and Cloud were useless as teets on a Boar to the Libs. I routinely cyber chewed them up and spat them out, until they all cut & ran, what else is new. I thrive on cyber skewering Libs, do you also love the action like I do, it keeps me motivated to come online, no pun intended?

Yeah. I already humiliated them into intellectual nonexistance.

I am awesome. Are you awesome?