What a sad state of affairs we have in the United States

It seems that the democrats forget that the purse strings are controlled by Congress, can you tell me who was in control of Congress when the debt crisis hit the fan?

Yes, they did concede to all of Bush's wishes. Two wars, many new departments with big budgets. They are all to blame ad we allow them to have their system and we are all relegated to the peanut gallery.

We turn against each other and they get away with running our asses into the ground and making us pay for it.
It seems that the democrats forget that the purse strings are controlled by Congress, can you tell me who was in control of Congress when the debt crisis hit the fan?

Define hitting the fan please.
To me it was during the 80's when we topped out 1 trillion and went to a debtor nation status.
And yes Dems have been in control of congress for much of the time. I am not partisan about this and KNOW that both sides are to blame.
However the left never claimed to be fiscally responsible and the right did. Makes them stink a bit more.
Yes, they did concede to all of Bush's wishes. Two wars, many new departments with big budgets. They are all to blame ad we allow them to have their system and we are all relegated to the peanut gallery.

We turn against each other and they get away with running our asses into the ground and making us pay for it.

Bingo. Partisanship is our worst enemy.

WE are our worst enemy.
Umm there is the little matter of the recession which started under Boosh!

Funny how this entire recession is now Obama's fault.
Well I predicted that would be the case to many if he won.
You mean to the ones who didn't vote for him in the first place. You're right. It's called rationalizing.

I think Obama has done well. He staved off complete collapse of the economy and has implemented a good part of the agenda he campaigned on. He set a precedence for health care reform that finally has that going. He's wound down two wars his bumbling predecessor screwed up and he caught and killed Bin Ladin. On that last point, he's got my vote. Mitt is by far and away the best Presidential candidate the Republicans have fielded since Reagan but I made a promise to vote for whomever was succesfull in organizing the death or capture of Bin Ladin and I'll keep that promise.
It seems that the democrats forget that the purse strings are controlled by Congress, can you tell me who was in control of Congress when the debt crisis hit the fan?

Gee.....could that be the same guys in charge of Congress and the Presidency (with a super majority vote)when it was time to use government to get the economy growing and people back to work ?
It seems that the democrats forget that the purse strings are controlled by Congress, can you tell me who was in control of Congress when the debt crisis hit the fan?
That's an utter strawman. The whole fiasco had nothing to do with who had control of the purse strings and had everything to do with the executive branch being asleep at the wheel and not enforcing the laws and regulations all ready on the book. This recession is Bush's recession. Obama owns it now and deserves just criticism for not doint more faster but it sure as hell wasn't his fault and it wasn't congresses fault. This was the fault of an inept and incompetent executive, George W. Bush, and his mismanagement of that branch of our government. PERIOD.
Yes, they did concede to all of Bush's wishes. Two wars, many new departments with big budgets. They are all to blame ad we allow them to have their system and we are all relegated to the peanut gallery.

We turn against each other and they get away with running our asses into the ground and making us pay for it.

wow,...........seems like you had the cataract removed from at least one eye.......your vision is getting better.....
Define hitting the fan please.
To me it was during the 80's when we topped out 1 trillion and went to a debtor nation status.
And yes Dems have been in control of congress for much of the time. I am not partisan about this and KNOW that both sides are to blame.
However the left never claimed to be fiscally responsible and the right did. Makes them stink a bit more.

Its not possible to be 'fiscally responsible' when social programs passed by ignorant and irresponsible socialists are cleaning out the treasury .....
the guy that created a big piece of the mess is currently campaigning for Obama.

A guy that was directly involved in dismantling the manufacturing infrastructure of this country and offshoring hundreds of thousands of jobs to China
is running against Obama.
Its not possible to be 'fiscally responsible' when social programs passed by ignorant and irresponsible socialists are cleaning out the treasury .....

You mean like Medicare part- C Medicare Advantage which is privatized Medicare, that costs taxpayers 14% more than traditional medicare?

Or medicare Part D which does not allow for any price bargaining on prescription medicine?
Its not possible to be 'fiscally responsible' when social programs passed by ignorant and irresponsible socialists are cleaning out the treasury .....

Two wars and giant tax cuts cleaned out our treasury.

Poor Blabo.
Fucking hillareous. It will be a cold day in hell before Repelicans will ever admit they fucking tanked out economy. You hyopcrits wanted lassiez-fair capitalism and you got what you wanted. Now we have to clean up your mess and listen to you constantly bitch about the mess you left behind for others to clean up.

Yeah, all those bailouts, tax breaks, NAFTA, and on and on, were real Laissez Faire. No picking favorites or intervention there at all.
somebody better warn Obama he isn't running against Bush......
Someboday had better warn Mitt that his is running against Bush. Thanks to Bush Repelicans have become synonymous with incompetent governance and unless Mitt can distance himself from the wingnut faction of the party he's doomed to fail.
You mean to the ones who didn't vote for him in the first place. You're right. It's called rationalizing.

I think Obama has done well. He staved off complete collapse of the economy and has implemented a good part of the agenda he campaigned on. He set a precedence for health care reform that finally has that going. He's wound down two wars his bumbling predecessor screwed up and he caught and killed Bin Ladin. On that last point, he's got my vote. Mitt is by far and away the best Presidential candidate the Republicans have fielded since Reagan but I made a promise to vote for whomever was succesfull in organizing the death or capture of Bin Ladin and I'll keep that promise.

He wound down two wars? Hmm... seems like he wound one down while escalating the other. But I know, to Dems going from under 40k troops to well over 100k in Afghanistan is a draw down.
Someboday had better warn Mitt that his is running against Bush. Thanks to Bush Repelicans have become synonymous with incompetent governance and unless Mitt can distance himself from the wingnut faction of the party he's doomed to fail.

lol....I'm sure the left would rather see him run against Bush instead of against Obama......but that just isn't going to happen.....it's Obama's record that is on the line this time....
Bush was a Godly, prayerful man, and Barack Huseein Obama is a closet Muslim. No wonder things are going badly now.