What about freedom FROM religion?

Interesting op ed piece about freedom FROM religion in the Washington Post this morning. I recommend it, although it may be behind a paywall.

It is by Kate Cohen and is titled, “Why are we so tolerant of churchy bigotry?”


Here’s a taste of it:

Are we just so accustomed to the anti-LGBTQ stances of conservative religious institutions that they don’t even register? Are we so used to church-sponsored homophobia that we ignore the vast, forbidding landscape of prejudice while celebrating the tiniest signs of change?

It made the news, for example, when Pope Francis told the Associated Press recently that homosexuality should not be criminalized, as it is in 67 countries, and urged bishops around the world to recognize everyone’s dignity. Amen.

He noted, however, that homosexuality is still a sin. The Catholic Church will keep calling it a sin, and urging sinners to repent, and it will keep refusing to recognize same-sex marriage or to condone adoption by same-sex parents, but in a way that also totally recognizes their dignity!

(Not for nothing: Where does the pope think those countries first got the idea that homosexuality should be a crime?)


The Episcopal Church, for example, now officially sanctions same-sex marriage. And the Albany diocese — well, it’s working on it. A statement on the Episcopal Church website notes: “As with all spiritual journeys, everyone walks at their own pace. Some Episcopal congregations are actively involved in LGBTQ ministry and their arms are open wide; others are more reserved, but their doors are still open to all; some are still wrestling with their beliefs and feelings.”


Now, let’s pretend that instead of talking about LGBTQ people, the church was talking about congregations “wrestling with their beliefs and feelings” about Black people. Would our spirit of patient forbearance extend to that?

Not too long ago, many American Christian institutions defended slavery, pointing to Bible verses such as Ephesians 6:5: “Slaves, obey your masters.” They then battled integration and interracial marriage, arguing that God meant for the races to be separated. Bob Jones University, from which the founders of Pensacola Christian College graduated, prohibited interracial dating until 2000.

Homophobic policies are no different — except in that, apparently, people are still more accepting of them.

One day, maybe, the Catholic Church and the Church of England will treat its LGBTQ congregants as equals. Maybe even Pensacola Christian College will evolve. In the meantime, let’s not be fooled by the “religious belief” talk: It’s just old-fashioned bigotry.

No such thing except.
Wtf is that supposed to mean?

Who knows? I doubt he does. Mostly he rages, which is very typical of Trumpers. It's the virtual form of throwing dishes against the wall.


Trump threw lunch against the wall over Barr interview
Wtf is that supposed to mean?

Just what it says. You have no right to be free FROM religion. The constitution says there is a right to the free expression of religion that govt shall not prohibit but leftist cunts have been doing just that for decades. The "separation of church and state" bullshit comes from a letter Jefferson wrote which has somehow become a kind of sacrosanct guiding principle. It's fucking bullshit.
Just what it says. You have no right to be free FROM religion. The constitution says there is a right to the free expression of religion that govt shall not prohibit but leftist cunts have been doing just that for decades. The "separation of church and state" bullshit comes from a letter Jefferson wrote which has somehow become a kind of sacrosanct guiding principle. It's fucking bullshit.

I think you are full of shit about our rights...but we can leave that for now. I just want to know how you suppose we should interpret "no such thing except"...to mean, "you have no right to be free FROM religion"...as you now claim.

I cannot wait to see how you do that.
I understand exactly what you're getting at. You think drugs should be legal for adults. You think the government has no right to prohibit an adult from choosing whatever he wants to do with his body.

You are ignoring the State's right to be free of the plight of mass drug addiction. Any solution has to respect the will of the people and protect the kind of society they want to have.

If it required an Amendment to the Constitution to prohibit alcohol, and another Amendment to repeal that, where does the Constitution give any power to the government/states to prohibit personal use of drugs??????
If it required an Amendment to the Constitution to prohibit alcohol, and another Amendment to repeal that, where does the Constitution give any power to the government/states to prohibit personal use of drugs??????

It doesn't. Sybil is buying into the authoritarian state where Americans are forced to do whatever the Federal government says simply because it says so.
I think you are full of shit about our rights...but we can leave that for now. I just want to know how you suppose we should interpret "no such thing except"...to mean, "you have no right to be free FROM religion"...as you now claim.

I cannot wait to see how you do that.

Well if you can't show how im full of shit about our rights just say so. I didn't make that claim. Go back and try again.
Well if you can't show how im full of shit about our rights just say so. I didn't make that claim. Go back and try again.

So...you dodged the question.

I figured you would.

As for my wanting freedom from religion...the fact that I am saying that "I want it" indicates that I do not yet have it. I SHOULD HAVE IT. SO SHOULD ANYONE WHO WANTS IT.

There is absolutely no reason for us to have "one nation, under Zeus" as part of our pledge of allegiance to our Republic...nor to have "In Zeus we trust" on our money.
I can't think of anything to add. You pretty much summed it up.

In that wrong is rite Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July "What is 9/11 ?" supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court where 2 Washington, D.C. born USA citizens apparently are Klues Klucks duh Klans Islam for Federal Lynching churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement of Christiananality Mohammed pedophilia from a Bicentennial precedent of SCOTUS & those crooks on Capital Hill granted standing to thieving National Archives US Constitution Bill of Rights - Eisenhower presented old glories to Holocaust survivors - hand scribed old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists as "one nation under God with equal justice under law" .....
So...you dodged the question.

I figured you would.

As for my wanting freedom from religion...the fact that I am saying that "I want it" indicates that I do not yet have it. I SHOULD HAVE IT. SO SHOULD ANYONE WHO WANTS IT.

There is absolutely no reason for us to have "one nation, under Zeus" as part of our pledge of allegiance to our Republic...nor to have "In Zeus we trust" on our money.

There is no such thing as freedom FROM religion you retarded dipshit.

As for what you want nobody gives a fuck. The constitution, unfortunately for you fuck face says there is the right to free expression of religion that cant be prohibited but you fucking nazis dont give a shit about the constitution until it serves your ends. Fuck you and everybody you know
There is no such thing as freedom FROM religion you retarded dipshit.

I know that, you ignorant asshole. I have acknowledged that a couple of times already.

Jeez! You really are too stupid for this kind of thing.

As for what you want nobody gives a fuck.

Oh, an asshole like you thinks you speak for everyone. Okay, well...that's probably because you are an asshole.

The constitution, unfortunately for you fuck face says there is the right to free expression of religion that cant be prohibited but you fucking nazis dont give a shit about the constitution until it serves your ends. Fuck you and everybody you know

What the fuck makes an ignorant asshole like you suppose I have ever said people cannot have a free right to expression of religion?

Can you pretend you are not an asshole long enough to have a meaningful discussion? (I already know you can't, I am just busting your balls here.)
I know that, you ignorant asshole. I have acknowledged that a couple of times already.

Jeez! You really are too stupid for this kind of thing.

Oh, an asshole like you thinks you speak for everyone. Okay, well...that's probably because you are an asshole.

What the fuck makes an ignorant asshole like you suppose I have ever said people cannot have a free right to expression of religion?

Can you pretend you are not an asshole long enough to have a meaningful discussion? (I already know you can't, I am just busting your balls here.)

Can a teacher pray in their classroom you retarded donkey fucker?! You're a used up pussy aren't you? Retard
Can a teacher pray in their classroom you retarded donkey fucker?! You're a used up pussy aren't you? Retard
Yes, dragonboy. If the students are taking a test or otherwise occupied, there's nothing wrong with a teacher closing her/his eyes and praying silently.

Can a teacher leader the class in prayer? No.

Can the teacher throw out a rug and start praying toward Mecca? No.

Should they be allowed to do so, Yak?

Oh, an asshole like you thinks you speak for everyone. Okay, well...that's probably because you are an asshole.
He is not speaking for everyone. He is simply pointing out that no one gives a fuck about you.

He's wrong, of course, because other liberals that are like you and do nothing but throw insults at least agree with your posts because you do the same thing.
There is no such thing as freedom FROM religion you retarded dipshit.
The Constitution guarantees freedom from religion for We the People by the Federal Government by prohibiting any law that respects any religion.

The Constitution reminds We the People that our right to practice any religion precedes the Constitution.
The Constitution guarantees freedom from religion for We the People by the Federal Government by prohibiting any law that respects any religion.

The Constitution reminds We the People that our right to practice any religion precedes the Constitution.

As that We the People rite to practice Christ existed before God even if an Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception takes precedent.....in Christiananality Mohammed pedophilia of the United States of Islamidiotocracy....
The Constitution guarantees freedom from religion for We the People by the Federal Government by prohibiting any law that respects any religion.

The Constitution reminds We the People that our right to practice any religion precedes the Constitution.

Just fantastic even if it is dumb as it gets to continually get confirmation of that SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 national religion of Christiananality pedophilia not passing over US destruction while enduring Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement of their not so master race "man is God" not passing over a Washington, D.C. born USA citizen for an Islamidiotocracy ......