What an economic idiot Walz is

Prove you have any financial security- Prove you own a business-

Who believes anything you say BIG TALKER? You lie constantly here!
I haven't told a single lie here and I don't need to prove anything to a broken cunt mouth like you so piss off.

But I'll tell you what. If you and a couple other anonymous shit talkers here (nomad, jared) will dox yourself and reveal your true identities for scrutiny I'll do it.

Then once we know who each other is in real life I'll make a friendly wager of say $1,000 that I've done better than you. I'm in the top 10% of Americans in net worth. Are you?
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Trump increased the debt more than any other president ever and did it in 4 years. The Repubs are the spend party. They are only fiscally conservative when the Dems are in office.
They are all complicit. The only difference is the Repubs pretend they care about it.
All the name calling here is fun but the plain facts are:

With an entirely democrat controlled legislature,
Walz signed off on,

$150 million Somali run daycare for children fraud

$250 MILLION Somali run Feering our Future scam

$434 Million in fraudulent unemployment benefits

Two meals per day for ALL children in MN where the budget so far has only doubled before the program ever started this year.

A light rail to nowhere plan that is years behind in construction and the cost for that line has so far, doubled by over a billion dollars.

Best of all, in one year, Minnesota had a SURPLUS of $18 Billion dollars which the democrat controlled spent the entire amount and then had the gall to still increase taxes on the middle class through income taxes, increased property taxes, and higher sales tax rates. A nice triple fuck thank you very much.

Tampon Tim signed off on every single cent of spending and increased taxation, but at least now there are tampoon dispensers in every boy's bathroom and lockerroom in the State.

This might explain why the IRS reported income from MN was down $217 million in 2017. Those numbers from 2020 are $216 BILLION.
Money in Minnesota is moving out at a rate percentage-wise, equal to California.
I'm sure plenty of us on both sides of the aisle have said at one point that politicians shouldn't be allowed to trade stocks, and here we have a guy with 0 stocks and suddenly it's a problem. Get the fuck out of here.
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I haven't told a single lie here and I don't need to prove anything to a broken cunt mouth like you so piss off.

But I'll tell you what. If you and a couple other anonymous shit talkers here (nomad, jared) will dox yourself and reveal your true identities for scrutiny I'll do it.

Then once we know who each other is in real life I'll make a friendly wager of say $1,000 that I've done better than you. I'm in the top 10% of Americans in net worth. Are you?
I really couldn't give a squirt of runny shit to know anything more about you, other than what you have revealed that we all already know about you, through your uncivilized unknowing comments and obtuse behaviors here.

I despise liars, braggarts, and insecure losers like you that have so many personal complexes and personality disorders, they feel they have to lie, boast, or exaggerate to gain others acceptance, or to feed their illusion, ego, and false security, that they are superior to other people.


You Trumptards and Trump are all the same- and there is no wonder why you all need each other- Because you all have similar Mental Disorders and you all relate to each other's hatred, cynicism, racism, and mental illnesses.

You are all one and the same!

Get yourself some help- AND GOOD LUCK!
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I'm sure plenty of us on both sides of the aisle have said at one point that politicians shouldn't be allowed to trade stocks, and here we have a guy with 0 stocks and suddenly it's a problem. Get the fuck out of here.
So you support a guy who has done no investing in stocks and bonds and does not own a home is your choice because he has no skin in the game?
You are probably correct because his three or four publically funded pensions will take care of him.
I really couldn't give a squirt of runny shit to know anything more about you, other than what you have revealed that we all already know about you, through your uncivilized unknowing comments and obtuse behaviors here.

I despise liars, braggarts, and insecure losers like you that have so many personal complexes and personality disorders, they feel they have to lie, boast, or exaggerate to gain others acceptance, or to feed their illusion, ego, and false security, that they are superior to other people.


You Trumptards and Trump are all the same- and there is no wonder why you all need each other- Because you all have similar Mental Disorders and you all relate to each other's hatred, cynicism, racism, and mental illnesses.

You are all one and the same!

Get yourself some help- AND GOOD LUCK!
Is that a maybe?:ROFLMAO:

What a putz you are.
Is that a maybe?:ROFLMAO:

What a putz you are.
You'd do best to just pretend I am not even here, and stop responding to my comments.

This is a forum where we share our opinions and ideas.

When you do not agree with someone's comments, all you really need to do, is just state your OPINION ON THAT GIVEN SUBJECT!

There is no need for personal attacks and going POSTAL, and slinging your Shit at others- Because that same shit will be coming right back and hitting you in the face!!

So, if you cannot restrain yourself from being a TROLLING BELLIGERENT ASSHOLE, PLEASE JUST IGNORE ME.

Thanks in advance!
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You'd do best to just pretend I am not even here, and stop responding to my comments.

This is a forum where we share our opinions and ideas.

When you do not agree with someone's comments, all you really need to do, is just state your comments.

There is no need for personal attacks.

So, if you cannot restrain yourself from being a TROLLING BELLIGERENT ASSHOLE, PLEASE JUST IGNORE ME.

Thanks in advance!
Nothing like a self righteous onion skinned hypocrite.

I promise I won't personally attack anyone who plays the same. You are not one of those people.

It's a forum and I will post as I see fit within the rules.

But thank you for your genuine concern.
You'd think that a guy in Walz's position would have the basics going into his golden years. You know, a 401K, an IRA, some investments, a home, maybe some land or something. The stuff you accumulate so you can retire comfortably. It doesn't have to be extravagant, but enough to ensure you are provided for.

Well Walz has none of that. He's an idiot who hasn't planned out any sort of security and future for himself.

The MSM says this gives him a "blue collar pedigree." I disagree. This gives him


He is an economic idiot in every sense of those words. Who the fuck would want such an economic illiterate making decisions for the nation?
No.... he'll be supported by the State government and military pensions. He'll augment that with speaking tours and book writing. He doesn't need investments. He's not a commoner.